Walace E. Hawkins

Full Name: Walace E. Hawkins
Other surnames: Wallace
Date of birth: July 24, 1895
Date of death: August 5, 1951

Terms of Service top

Chamber District Dates of Service Legislatures Party City/County Note Counties in District
H 111 Jan 9, 1917 - Aug 30, 1917 35th (1) (2) (3)   Democrat Winters / Runnels   Coke, Runnels

(1) Resolution granting leaves of absence to members who enlisted for military service, pp. 155-156. House Journal.
(2) C.R. Stephens, in special election 2/15/1918, sworn 2/26/1918, succeeded Walace E. Hawkins, absent from 3rd Called Session. Members of the Texas Congress 1836-1845; Members of the Texas Legislature 1846-2004, 2005.
(3) "Trench Fights Rage Daily at Camp Funston," 8/1/1917, "Legislators Leave Camp." Myron G. Blalock, E.R. Spencer, Wallace Hawkins, George Peddy, and Harry Fisher, all in military training at Camp Funston, left the camp on Tuesday, 7/31/1917 to attend impeachment proceedings against Governor Ferguson. Another member, Woodall Rogers, also at the Camp, "has been transferred to Fortress Monroe and in all probability cannot attend the session." San Antonio Light.

Terms of Service top

House District 111
Jan 9, 1917 - Aug 30, 1917
Legislatures: 35th (1) (2) (3)  
Party: Democrat
Home City/County: Winters / Runnels
Counties in district: Coke, Runnels

(1) Resolution granting leaves of absence to members who enlisted for military service, pp. 155-156. House Journal.
(2) C.R. Stephens, in special election 2/15/1918, sworn 2/26/1918, succeeded Walace E. Hawkins, absent from 3rd Called Session. Members of the Texas Congress 1836-1845; Members of the Texas Legislature 1846-2004, 2005.
(3) "Trench Fights Rage Daily at Camp Funston," 8/1/1917, "Legislators Leave Camp." Myron G. Blalock, E.R. Spencer, Wallace Hawkins, George Peddy, and Harry Fisher, all in military training at Camp Funston, left the camp on Tuesday, 7/31/1917 to attend impeachment proceedings against Governor Ferguson. Another member, Woodall Rogers, also at the Camp, "has been transferred to Fortress Monroe and in all probability cannot attend the session." San Antonio Light.

Biographical Information top

Biographical Sketches

Other Resources

  • Wallace Hawkins, mentioned in biographical sketch of brother D.E. Hawkins, Volume 1, p. 637. "Wallace Hawkins of Dallas...occupied the position as assistant attorney general of Texas, and was a member of the Thirty-fifth Texas Legislature, resigning to enter the United States Army in 1917. He was commissioned second lieutenant at the First Officers Training Camp at Leon Springs, and served in various camps during the war, receiving his discharge with the rank of captain in December, 1918." The New Encyclopedia of Texas, 1926.


Composite Photographs on Display in the Capitol

Committee Information top

35th R.S. - 1917
Commerce and Manufactures  
Examination of Comptroller's and Treasurer's Accounts (Chair) 
Revenue and Taxation  
Senatorial Districts  
State Affairs (Vice Chair) 

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