William B. Moores

Full Name: William B. Moores
Date of birth: 1806
Date of death: March 1868

Terms of Service top

Chamber District Dates of Service Legislatures Party City/County Note Counties in District
H 40 Nov 2, 1863 - Aug 6, 1866 10th     Fairfield / Freestone   Falls, Freestone, Limestone
H 40 Feb 2, 1863 - Nov 2, 1863 9th (1)     Fairfield / Freestone   Falls, Freestone, Limestone

(1) Moores succeeded Dunbar Bragg, resigned 1/5/1863. Members of the Texas Congress 1836-1845; Members of the Texas Legislature 1846-2004, 2005.

Terms of Service top

House District 40
Nov 2, 1863 - Aug 6, 1866
Legislatures: 10th  
Home City/County: Fairfield / Freestone
Counties in district: Falls, Freestone, Limestone
House District 40
Feb 2, 1863 - Nov 2, 1863
Legislatures: 9th (1)  
Home City/County: Fairfield / Freestone
Counties in district: Falls, Freestone, Limestone

(1) Moores succeeded Dunbar Bragg, resigned 1/5/1863. Members of the Texas Congress 1836-1845; Members of the Texas Legislature 1846-2004, 2005.

Biographical Information top

Biographical Sketches

  • Dr. William B. Moores, born 1806 in Smith County, Tennessee; settled in Freestone County, Texas in 1853; wife Nancy (Gordon) Moores. "Fairfield was the trading point and there Doctor Moores located. He purchased land in the vicinity of Fairfield and engaged in farming instead of resuming the practice of medicine which had formerly occupied him while living in Tennessee. After he had moved to Alabama he was a farmer and was closely identified with the political life of that state, spending ten years in the Alabama Legislature. After coming to Texas he continued his political activities and was a member of the Texas Legislature for many years prior to the war between the North and the South, representing the whig party in that body . . . When that party went out of existence he became a democrat and continued to represent his district in the State Assembly." Died in 1868 and buried at Fairfield. Included in biographical sketch of son William Watkins Moores, Volume IV, pp. 708-710. History of Texas; Fort Worth and the Texas Northwest Edition, 1922.

Other Resources

  • W.B. Moores, tax assessments in Freestone County, Texas, beginning in 1854.
    Census of 1860 - W.B. Moores, Fairfield, Freestone County, age 54, born circa 1806 in Tennessee, farmer, living in household with Nancy Moores. FamilySearch. Census of 1860 Texas, County Tax Rolls, 1837-1910
  • Death notice, Dr. Wm. B. Moores, from Paducah (Kentucky) Herald, "announcing the death of a late honored and respected citizen of Freestone county in this state," 3/21/1868, p. 2. Galveston Daily News.

Committee Information top

10th R.S. - 1863
Agricultural Affairs  
Stores and Storing  

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