HB 3, 86th R.S. articles

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Total maintenance and operations revenue comparison for school districts between current law and HB 3 conference committee report.for fiscal year 2020.
See: /scanned/86ccrs/FY20 HB 3 CCR District Runs.pdf
By Legislative Budget Board
Publication Date: May 24, 2019
Total maintenance and operations revenue comparison for school districts between current law and HB 3 conference committee report.for fiscal year 2021.
See: /scanned/86ccrs/FY21 HB 3 CCR District Runs.pdf
By Legislative Budget Board
Publication Date: May 24, 2019
States' progress uneven in K-12 funding battles.
In Education Week
Publication Date: April 17, 2019
Library Location: Periodicals
Current proposals for Texas' investment in English learners still not enough.
See: https://www.idra.org/resource-center/current-proposals-for-texas-investment-in-english-learners-still-not-enough/
In IDRA Newsletter (Intercultural Development Research Association)
Publication Date: April 2019
Library Location: Periodicals
State legislators revamp funding in Texas, Nevada.
In Education Week
Publication Date: June 19, 2019
Library Location: Periodicals
Just business: Few fireworks during session as lawmakers make deals on top priorities.
In Classroom Teacher (Texas Classroom Teachers Association)
Publication Date: Spring 2019
Library Location: Periodicals
A significant session.
In Texas Lone Star (Texas Association of School Boards)
Publication Date: August 2019
Library Location: Periodicals
Texas Legislature concentrates on school funding.
See: https://www.idra.org/resource-center/texas-legislature-concentrates-on-school-funding/
In IDRA Newsletter (Intercultural Development Research Association)
Publication Date: June-July 2019
Library Location: Periodicals
Accountability measures set to respond to public pressure.
See: https://www.idra.org/resource-center/accountability-measures-set-to-respond-to-public-pressure/
In IDRA Newsletter (Intercultural Development Research Association)
Publication Date: June-July 2019
Library Location: Periodicals
Fiscal highlights from the 86th Legislature: Legislative session tackled public education, property taxes.
See: https://www.comptroller.texas.gov/economy/fiscal-notes/2019/sep/highlights.php
In Fiscal Notes
Publication Date: September 2019
Library Location: Periodicals
Texas K-12 education spending set to rise, but who will pay?
See: https://www.dallasfed.org/~/media/documents/research/swe/2019/swe1903d.pdf
In Southwest Economy (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas)
Publication Date: Third Quarter 2019
Library Location: Periodicals
Inside the 86th legislative session.
See: https://www.texasbuilders.org/site/publisher/files/TXBuilder_SeptOct19_FINAL.pdf#page=28
In Texas Builder
Publication Date: September/October 2019
Library Location: Periodicals
HB 3 and assessment: Comprehensive bill bringing changes to classrooms across Texas.
See: https://tcta.org/node/15313-hb_3_and_assessment_comprehensive_bill_bringing_changes_to_classrooms_across_texas
In Classroom Teacher (Texas Classroom Teachers Association)
Publication Date: Fall 2019
Library Location: Periodicals
New funding for early education: New law increases funding for Texas' youngest students.
See: https://comptroller.texas.gov/economy/fiscal-notes/2020/feb/education.php
In Fiscal Notes
Publication Date: February 2020
Library Location: Periodicals
Skin in the game: the 86th Texas legislative session and the impact of advocate diversity.
See: https://repositories.lib.utexas.edu/bitstream/handle/2152/80024/7-CravenSkin-in-theGame2019.pdf?sequence=2&isAllowed=y
In Texas Education Review
Publication Date: February 2020
Library Location: Periodicals
School district tax rate compression and tax ratification elections.
See: https://ttara.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/TTARAResearchBrief_SchoolDistrictTaxRateCompression_4_20.pdf
In Texas Taxpayers and Research Association
Publication Date: April 2020
Library Location: Periodicals
Charters’ costly failure to launch.
In Advocate (Texas State Teachers Association)
Publication Date: Spring 2020
Library Location: Periodicals
Can the 'Texas Miracle' survive?
See: https://www.texasmonthly.com/politics/can-texas-miracle-survive/
In Texas Monthly
Publication Date: June 2020
Library Location: Periodicals
Where literacy rates go, success follows.
See: https://atpe.org/About-ATPE/News-Media/Magazine/ATPE-News-Fall-2021/Where-Literacy-Rates-Go,-Success-Follows
In ATPE News (Association of Texas Professional Educators)
Publication Date: Fall 2021
Library Location: Periodicals
Relief from rising values: 2019 property tax reforms cutting tax rates at a record pace.
See: https://ttara.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/TTARAResearchReport_ReliefFromRisingValues_4_22.pdf
In Research Report (Texas Taxpayers and Research Association)
Publication Date: April 2022
Library Location: Periodicals
Rising appraisals = Falling tax rates.
See: https://ttara.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/TTARAResearchBrief_RisingAppraisals_5_9_23.pdf
In Texas Taxpayers and Research Association
Publication Date: May 2023
Library Location: Periodicals
Going for broke.
See: https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=164787543&site=ehost-live
In Texas Monthly
Publication Date: August 2023
Library Location: Periodicals
What Texas' tumultuous history with literacy means for its children's future.
See: https://www.the74million.org/article/what-texas-tumultuous-history-with-literacy-means-for-its-childrens-future/
In The 74
Publication Date: December 14, 2023
Library Location: Periodicals
The best way to teach reading is proven — what Mississippi, Colorado get right.
See: https://www.the74million.org/article/the-best-way-to-teach-reading-is-proven-what-mississippi-colorado-get-right/
In The 74
Publication Date: December 19, 2023
Library Location: Periodicals
Feast and famine: Inequity in the Texas school finance system.
In Journal of Education Finance
Publication Date: Fall 2023
Library Location: Periodicals
Voter-Approval Tax Rate Election (VATRE).
See: https://ttara.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/TTARA_VATRE_ResearchBrief_071824.pdf
In Texas Taxpayers and Research Association
Publication Date: July 2024
Library Location: Periodicals
An introduction to school finance in Texas, fifth edition (incorporates changes made by HB 3, 86th Legislature and HB 1525, 87th Legislature).
See: https://ttara.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/IntroToSchoolFinance_Fifth_Edition_2022.pdf
Publication Date: March 2022
Texas commission on special education funding report to the 88th Texas Legislature.
See: https://tea.texas.gov/about-tea/government-relations-and-legal/government-relations/texas-commission-on-speciale-ducation-funding.pdf
Publication Date: December 2022
Financial aid application requirement advisory committee recommendations.
See: https://tea.texas.gov/about-tea/government-relations-and-legal/government-relations/hb3-financial-aid-grad-legislative-report-january2021.pdf
Publication Date: January 2021
House Bill 3 Student to Teacher Ratio Report
See: https://tea.texas.gov/about-tea/government-relations-and-legal/government-relations/hb3-student-teacherratioreport.pdf
Publication Date: January 2021
A study on geographic education cost variations and school district transportation costs.
See: https://tea.texas.gov/about-tea/government-relations-and-legal/government-relations/hb3-transportation-report.pdf
Publication Date: January 2021
Alternative career readiness measures for small and rural districts in Texas.
See: https://tea.texas.gov/about-tea/government-relations-and-legal/government-relations/hb3-altcareer.pdf
Publication Date: January 2021

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