Last action: Vetoed by the Governor
Author: Craig Eiland
Joint Author: Kyle Janek | Glenn Lewis | Elizabeth Jones | John Smithee
Coauthor: Clyde Alexander | Kip Averitt | Dennis Bonnen | Fred Brown | Lon Burnam | Jaime Capelo | John Davis | Dianne Delisi | Harryette Ehrhardt | Dan Ellis | David Farabee | Jessica Farrar | Kino Flores | Charlie Geren | Bob Glaze | Patricia Gray | Roberto Gutierrez | Pat Haggerty | Peggy Hamric | Judy Hawley | Harvey Hilderbran | Juan Hinojosa | Scott Hochberg | Mark Homer | Ruben Hope | Chuck Hopson | Suzanna Hupp | Carl Isett | Jesse Jones | Terry Keel | Phil King | Ann Kitchen | Vilma Luna | Trey Martinez Fischer | Glen Maxey | Jose Menendez | Joe Moreno | Rick Noriega | Rene Oliveira | Dora Olivo | Joseph Pickett | Jim Pitts | Richard Raymond | Paul Sadler | Ignacio Salinas Jr. | Todd Smith | Jim Solis | Burt Solomons | David Swinford | Dale Tillery | Vicki Truitt | Carlos Uresti | Miguel Wise | Beverly Woolley | Zeb Zbranek | Arlene Wohlgemuth | Wayne Christian | Gene Seaman
Sponsor: Leticia Van de Putte
Bill Analyses:
Committee Report (House Research Organization)
Enrolled (Senate Research Center)
Engrossed (Senate Research Center)
Committee Report (Senate Research Center)
Enrolled (Office of House Bill Analysis)
Introduced (Office of House Bill Analysis)
Committee Report (Office of House Bill Analysis)
Conference Committee:
Senate Members: (appointed 05/25/2001) Leticia Van de Putte (Chair) | John Carona | Troy Fraser | Chris Harris | Eddie Lucio, Jr. |
Vetoed by Governor Rick Perry
Health Care Providers
Insurance--Health & Accident
House Committee: Insurance (John Smithee, Kip Averitt, Lon Burnam, Craig Eiland, Holt Getterman, Glenn Lewis, Joe Moreno, Dora Olivo, Gene Seaman, Senfronia Thompson)
Senate Committee: Business & Commerce (John Carona, Troy Fraser, Mike Jackson, Eddie Lucio, Jr., Frank Madla, Eliot Shapleigh, David Sibley, Leticia Van de Putte)
May 3 2001 | May 10 2001
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