Last action: Left pending in committee
Author: Suzanna Hupp
Joint Author: Rick Green | Bob Turner | Rick Hardcastle | George West
Coauthor: Betty Brown | Bill Carter | Dianne Delisi | Elizabeth Jones | Jerry Madden | Ray Allen | Kevin Bailey | Leo Berman | Dennis Bonnen | Kim Brimer | Fred Brown | Lon Burnam | Bill Callegari | Norma Chavez | Wayne Christian | Ron Clark | Garnet Coleman | Lois Kolkhorst | Dora Olivo | Robert Cook | Frank Corte | David Counts | Joe Crabb | Tom Craddick | John Davis | Mary Denny | Joe Deshotel | Joe Driver | Dawnna Dukes | Harryette Ehrhardt | Craig Eiland | Gary Elkins | Dan Ellis | Domingo Garcia | Charlie Geren | Bob Glaze | Toby Goodman | Kent Grusendorf | Pat Haggerty | Peggy Hamric | Judy Hawley | Talmadge Heflin | Harvey Hilderbran | Fred Hill | Scott Hochberg | Bob Hunter | Carl Isett | Kyle Janek | Jesse Jones | Robert Junell | Terry Keel | Jim Keffer | Phil King | Tracy King | Ann Kitchen | Mike Krusee | Edmund Kuempel | Glenn Lewis | John Longoria | Kenny Marchant | Trey Martinez Fischer | Glen Maxey | Brian McCall | Ruth McClendon | Jose Menendez | Tommy Merritt | Sid Miller | Joe Moreno | Geanie Morrison | Anna Mowery | Elliott Naishtat | Manny Najera | Joe Nixon | Rick Noriega | Joseph Pickett | Jim Pitts | Robert Puente | Tom Ramsay | Arthur Reyna | Ignacio Salinas Jr. | Todd Smith | John Smithee | Burt Solomons | Robert Talton | Dale Tillery | Vicki Truitt | D.R. Uher | Mike Villarreal | Gary Walker | Ron Wilson | Miguel Wise | Arlene Wohlgemuth | Beverly Woolley | Ken Yarbrough
Bill Analyses:
Introduced (Office of House Bill Analysis)
House Committee: State Affairs (Steven Wolens, Kevin Bailey, Kim Brimer, David Counts, Tom Craddick, Debra Danburg, Paul Hilbert, Bob Hunter, Delwin Jones, John Longoria, Kenny Marchant, Brian McCall, Ruth McClendon, Tommy Merritt, Debbie Riddle, Sylvester Turner)
April 23 2001
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