Last action: Vetoed by the Governor
Author: Norma Chavez
Joint Author: Ruth McClendon | Ryan Guillen | Joaquin Castro | Aaron Peña
Sponsor: Judith Zaffirini
Bill Analyses:
Committee Report (House Research Organization)
Engrossed (Senate Research Center)
Vetoed by Governor Rick Perry
Business & Commerce--Enterprise Zones
Labor--Workforce Development
Labor--Workforce Development--Rural
House Committee: Economic Development (Joe Deshotel, Jim Dunnam, Lois Kolkhorst, Geanie Morrison, Solomon Ortiz, Jr., Joe Straus, Marc Veasey)
February 21 2007 | March 7 2007
Senate Committee: Finance (Steve Ogden, Kip Averitt, Bob Deuell, Robert Duncan, Kevin Eltife, Troy Fraser, Chris Harris, Juan Hinojosa, Kyle Janek, Eddie Lucio, Jr., Jane Nelson, Florence Shapiro, Royce West, John Whitmire, Tommy Williams, Judith Zaffirini)
May 16 2007
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