Last action: Left pending in committee
Author: Lois Kolkhorst
Joint Author: Yvonne Gonzalez Toureilles
Law Enforcement
Salaries & Expenses
State Employees
House Committee: Appropriations (Warren Chisum, Alma Allen, Dan Branch, Betty Brown, Fred Brown, Norma Chavez, Myra Crownover, Drew Darby, John Davis, Dawnna Dukes, Kirk England, Dan Gattis, Ryan Guillen, Linda Harper-Brown, Chuck Hopson, Carl Isett, Jim Jackson, Lois Kolkhorst, Eddie Lucio III, Ruth McClendon, Jim McReynolds, Jose Menendez, Rick Noriega, John Otto, Debbie Riddle, Larry Taylor, Sylvester Turner, Corbin Van Arsdale, John Zerwas)
April 10 2007
House Committee: Appropriations-S/C on Criminal Justice (Sylvester Turner, Alma Allen, Kirk England, Jim McReynolds, Debbie Riddle, Corbin Van Arsdale)
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