Last action: Signed by the Governor
Author: Sam Johnson
Coauthor: Harvey Hilderbran | Phyllis Robinson | Talmadge Heflin | Charles Finnell | Bill Thomas | Curtis Soileau | Warren Chisum | Jeff Wentworth | A.R. Ovard | Bob Hunter | Hugh Shine | Anthony Polumbo | Richard Waterfield | Tom Craddick | Dudley Harrison | Gibson Lewis | Bill Hollowell | Dick Swift | L.B. Kubiak | Ken VanderVoort | Henry Cuellar | Lena Guerrero | Doyle Willis | Mike Jackson | John Culberson | Bill Arnold | Gerald Yost | Fred Hill | Pat Haggerty | Ashley Smith | Ron Lewis | Pete Patterson | Ernestine Glossbrenner | M.A. Taylor | Gwyn Shea | Glenn Repp | Kim Brimer | D.R. Uher | Frank Madla | Nancy McDonald | Ben Campbell | Barry Telford | Erwin Barton | Libby Linebarger | Steve Holzheauser | Eddie Lucio | David Counts | Keith Oakley | Gregory Luna | Delwin Jones | Jim McWilliams | Charles Hartland
Sponsor: J.E. Brown
CoSponsor: Bob McFarland | H. Santiesteban | Kenneth Armbrister | Bill Sims | Bill Ratliff | Chet Edwards | John Montford | Bill Haley | John Leedom | Don Henderson | Teel Bivins | Gene Green
Session Law Chapter: Acts 1989, 71st 1st C.S., HCR 18
Resolutions--Memorializing Congress
Resolutions--United States Constitution
Senate Committee: State Affairs (Bob Glasgow, Kenneth Armbrister, Kent Caperton, Chet Edwards, Rodney Ellis, Gene Green, O.H. Harris, Don Henderson, John Leedom, Ted Lyon, Bob McFarland, John Montford, Hugh Parmer)
June 28 1989 | July 5 1989
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