HB 3864, 81st R.S. history

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HB 3864, 81st R.S.
Relating to the acceptance of certain donated building projects by the Parks and Wildlife Department.

Last action: Effective immediately

Author: John Smithee
Sponsor: Kel Seliger

Session Law Chapter:
Acts 2009, 81st R.S.,ch. 1193, General and Special Laws of Texas

Bill Analyses:
Committee Report (House Research Organization)
Engrossed (Senate Research Center)

Conference Committee:

Conference Committee Report 
House Members: (appointed 05/29/2009) John Smithee (Chair) | Joe Heflin | Mark Homer | Brian McCall | David Swinford |

Senate Members: (appointed 05/30/2009) Kel Seliger (Chair) | Bob Deuell | Kevin Eltife | Juan Hinojosa | Eliot Shapleigh |

Parks & Wildlife--General
Public Lands, Buildings & Resources

House Committee: Culture, Recreation & Tourism (Mark Homer, Dawnna Dukes, Donna Howard, Tracy King, Tim Kleinschmidt, Edmund Kuempel, Brian McCall, Larry Phillips, Van Taylor, Kristi Thibaut)
Minutes: April 21 2009 | April 23 2009
Senate Committee: Natural Resources (Kip Averitt, Troy Fraser, Bob Deuell, Robert Duncan, Kevin Eltife, Craig Estes, Glenn Hegar, Juan Hinojosa, Mike Jackson, Robert Nichols, Kel Seliger, Carlos Uresti)
Minutes: May 21 2009 | May 23 2009

Texas Legislature Online

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