Last action: Left pending in committee
Author: Brandon Creighton
Joint Author: Larry Taylor
Coauthor: Jose Aliseda | Dwayne Bohac | Dennis Bonnen | Fred Brown | Byron Cook | Drew Darby | John Davis | Joe Driver | Rob Eissler | Gary Elkins | Allen Fletcher | John Garza | Mike Hamilton | Kelly Hancock | Rick Hardcastle | Chuck Hopson | Dan Huberty | Jason Isaac | Jim Jackson | Tim Kleinschmidt | George Lavender | Ken Legler | Tryon Lewis | Jerry Madden | Sid Miller | Jim Murphy | Diane Patrick | Larry Phillips | Jim Pitts | Walter "Four" Price | Allan Ritter | Connie Scott | Ralph Sheffield | Mark Shelton | Wayne Smith | John Smithee | Randy Weber
Resolutions--United States Constitution
House Committee: State Sovereignty, Select (Brandon Creighton, Dan Branch, Drew Darby, Trey Martinez Fischer, Sid Miller, Jim Pitts, Senfronia Thompson)
March 3 2011
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