SB 1682, 82nd R.S. history

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SB 1682, 82nd R.S.
Relating to the creation of managed assigned counsel programs.

Last action: Committee report sent to Calendars

Author: Rodney Ellis
Coauthor: Robert Duncan
Sponsor: Roberto Alonzo
Joint Sponsor: Pete Gallego | Will Hartnett | Jose Aliseda

Bill Analyses:
Introduced (Senate Research Center)

County Government--General
Criminal Procedure--Defense Counsel
Criminal Procedure--General

House Committee: Criminal Jurisprudence (Pete Gallego, Jose Aliseda, Cindy Burkett, Stefani Carter, Wayne Christian, Yvonne Davis, Will Hartnett, Eddie Rodriguez, Bill Zedler)
Minutes: May 10 2011 | May 11 2011
Senate Committee: Jurisprudence (Chris Harris, Royce West, John Carona, Robert Duncan, Mario Gallegos, Jr., Joan Huffman, José Rodríguez, Carlos Uresti)
Minutes: April 12 2011 | April 13 2011

Index to Sections Affected

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