Last action: No action taken in committee
Author: Drew Darby
Joint Author: Tan Parker | Senfronia Thompson | Jim Murphy | Tom Oliverson
Coauthor: Roberto Alonzo | Charles "Doc" Anderson | Rodney Anderson | Garnet Coleman | Philip Cortez | Yvonne Davis | Pat Fallon | Charlie Geren | Jason Isaac | Stan Lambert | Ina Minjarez | John Raney | Justin Rodriguez | Ramon Romero | Leighton Schubert | Ed Thompson | Tomas Uresti | Gary VanDeaver | Jason Villalba | James White | John Zerwas
Sponsor: Kirk Watson
CoSponsor: Judith Zaffirini
Bill Analyses:
Committee Report (TLC)
Committee Report (TLC)
Committee Report (House Research Organization)
Engrossed (Senate Research Center)
Disabilities, Persons with
Labor--Workforce Development
House Committee: Ways & Means (Dennis Bonnen, Dwayne Bohac, Drew Darby, Yvonne Davis, Eric Johnson, Jim Murphy, Andrew Murr, Richard Peña Raymond, Hugh Shine, Drew Springer, Phil Stephenson)
March 8 2017 | March 15 2017 | March 29 2017
Senate Committee: Administration (Lois Kolkhorst, Konni Burton, Don Huffines, Bryan Hughes, Robert Nichols, Royce West, Judith Zaffirini)
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