Last action: Effective on 9/1/23
Author: Gary Gates
Joint Author: Toni Rose | James B. Frank | Giovanni Capriglione | Mary González
Coauthor: Steve Allison | Charles "Doc" Anderson | Cecil Bell | Keith Bell | Salman Bhojani | John Bryant | John Bucy III | Ben Bumgarner | Briscoe Cain | Liz Campos | Travis Clardy | Sheryl Cole | Nicole Collier | David Cook | Charles Cunningham | Jay Dean | Mark Dorazio | Lulu Flores | Frederick Frazier | Josey Garcia | Stan Gerdes | Barbara Gervin-Hawkins | Jessica González | Ryan Guillen | Caroline Harris | Brian Harrison | Richard Hayes | Donna Howard | Lacey Hull | Carrie Isaac | Jacey Jetton | Julie Johnson | Venton Jones | Stan Kitzman | Stephanie Klick | Suleman Lalani | Brooks Landgraf | Jeff Leach | Ray Lopez | J. M. Lozano | John Lujan | Thresa "Terry" Meza | Joe Moody | Penny Morales Shaw | Christina Morales | Geanie W. Morrison | Candy Noble | Angelia Orr | Evelina "Lina" Ortega | Jared Patterson | Dennis Paul | Four Price | John Raney | Richard Peña Raymond | Ron Reynolds | Glenn Rogers | Jon Rosenthal | Matt Schaefer | Bryan Slaton | Shelby Slawson | Reggie Smith | John Smithee | Valoree Swanson | James Talarico | Carl Tepper | Ed Thompson | Ellen Troxclair | Cody Vasut | Hubert Vo | Terry M. Wilson
Sponsor: Lois Kolkhorst
Session Law Chapter:
Acts 2023, 88th R.S., ch. 672, General and Special Laws of Texas
Family--Child Protection
Family--Parent & Child
House Committee: Juvenile Justice & Family Issues (Harold V. Dutton, Jr., David Cook, Terri Leo-Wilson, Janie Lopez, John Lujan, Trey Martinez Fischer, John Smithee, James Talarico, Gene Wu)
April 19 2023 | April 27 2023
Senate Committee: Health & Human Services (Lois Kolkhorst, César Blanco, Bob Hall, Kelly Hancock, Bryan Hughes, Morgan LaMantia, Borris Miles, Charles Perry, Kevin Sparks)
May 16 2023 | May 17 2023
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