HB 1320, 88th R.S. history

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HB 1320, 88th R.S.
Relating to the prohibition of diversity, equity, and inclusion offices and employees at public institutions of higher education.

Last action: Referred to Higher Education

Author: Carl Tepper
Joint Author: Candy Noble | Jacey Jetton | Jared Patterson | Giovanni Capriglione
Coauthor: Charles "Doc" Anderson | Ben Bumgarner | Briscoe Cain | David Cook | Mark Dorazio | James B. Frank | Frederick Frazier | Gary Gates | Stan Gerdes | Cody Harris | Brian Harrison | Richard Hayes | Cole Hefner | Lacey Hull | Carrie Isaac | Stan Kitzman | Terri Leo Wilson | Janie Lopez | John Lujan | Will Metcalf | Angelia Orr | Dennis Paul | Glenn Rogers | Shelby Slawson | Reggie Smith | David Spiller | Valoree Swanson | Kronda Thimesch | Steve Toth | Ellen Troxclair | Gary VanDeaver | Cody Vasut | Terry M. Wilson

Civil Remedies & Liabilities
Education--Higher--Institutions & Programs

House Committee: Higher Education (John Kuempel, John Bucy III, DeWayne Burns, Dustin Burrows, Travis Clardy, Sheryl Cole, Mary González, Donna Howard, Suleman Lalani, Dennis Paul, John Raney)

Index to Sections Affected

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