HB 3553, 88th R.S. history

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HB 3553, 88th R.S.
Relating to increasing the criminal penalty for certain offenses if committed at certain locations.

Last action: Effective on 9/1/23

Author: Shawn Thierry
Joint Author: Matt Shaheen | Joe Moody | Jacey Jetton | David Cook
Coauthor: Charles "Doc" Anderson | Ben Bumgarner | Angie Button | Liz Campos | Nicole Collier | Charles Cunningham | Lulu Flores | James B. Frank | Frederick Frazier | Erin Gámez | Josey Garcia | Gary Gates | Sam Harless | Caroline Harris | Cole Hefner | Ana Hernandez | Justin Holland | Donna Howard | Lacey Hull | Jolanda Jones | Venton Jones | Stan Kitzman | Brooks Landgraf | J. M. Lozano | Christian Manuel | Will Metcalf | Thresa "Terry" Meza | Christina Morales | Eddie Morales | Victoria Neave Criado | Candy Noble | Claudia Ordaz | Jared Patterson | Dennis Paul | Mary Ann Perez | Mihaela Plesa | Ron Reynolds | Toni Rose | Nate Schatzline | Shelby Slawson | David Spiller | Carl Tepper | Kronda Thimesch | Steve Toth | Ellen Troxclair | Gary VanDeaver | Cody Vasut
Sponsor: John Whitmire
CoSponsor: Paul Bettencourt

Session Law Chapter:
Acts 2023, 88th R.S., ch. 451, General and Special Laws of Texas

Signed legislation

Criminal Procedure--Sentencing & Punishment
Minors--Crimes Against

House Committee: Criminal Jurisprudence (Joe Moody, Salman Bhojani, Rhetta Bowers, David Cook, Drew Darby, Brian Harrison, Jeff Leach, Christina Morales, Nate Schatzline)
Minutes: April 11 2023 | April 17 2023
Senate Committee: Criminal Justice (Pete Flores, John Whitmire, Paul Bettencourt, Juan Hinojosa, Joan Huffman, Phil King, Borris Miles)
Minutes: May 16 2023

Index to Sections Affected

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