Last action: Placed on General State Calendar
Author: Mano DeAyala
Joint Author: Keith Bell | Steve Toth | Reggie Smith | Tom Craddick
Coauthor: Ben Bumgarner | Briscoe Cain | Charles Cunningham | Mark Dorazio | James B. Frank | Frederick Frazier | Stan Gerdes | Richard Hayes | Justin Holland | Lacey Hull | Carrie Isaac | Stan Kitzman | John Kuempel | John Lujan | Jared Patterson | Dennis Paul | Four Price | David Spiller | Lynn Stucky | Valoree Swanson | Carl Tepper | Kronda Thimesch
Criminal Procedure--General
House Committee: Elections (Reggie Smith, John Bucy III, Dustin Burrows, Giovanni Capriglione, Mano DeAyala, Christian Manuel, Eddie Morales, Valoree Swanson, Hubert Vo)
March 30 2023 | April 12 2023
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