SB 177, 88th R.S. history

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SB 177, 88th R.S.
Relating to informed consent before provision of certain medical treatments and exemptions from COVID-19 vaccination requirements.

Last action: Placed on General State Calendar

Author: Mayes Middleton
Coauthor: Brandon Creighton | Bob Hall | Lois Kolkhorst
Sponsor: Stephanie Klick
Joint Sponsor: James B. Frank | Venton Jones | Brian Harrison
CoSponsor: Steve Allison | Charles "Doc" Anderson | Cecil Bell | Keith Bell | Ben Bumgarner | Briscoe Cain | David Cook | Charles Cunningham | Mano DeAyala | Mark Dorazio | Frederick Frazier | Gary Gates | Stan Gerdes | Ryan Guillen | Caroline Harris | Carrie Isaac | Jacey Jetton | Stan Kitzman | Jeff Leach | Terri Leo Wilson | John Lujan | Will Metcalf | Candy Noble | Angelia Orr | Matt Schaefer | Nate Schatzline | Matt Shaheen | Reggie Smith | David Spiller | Valoree Swanson | Carl Tepper | Kronda Thimesch | Steve Toth | Ellen Troxclair | Cody Vasut | Terry M. Wilson


HB 81 (Identical)

Health Care Providers
Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions

House Committee: Public Health (Stephanie Klick, Liz Campos, Nicole Collier, Jacey Jetton, Ann Johnson, Jolanda Jones, Venton Jones, Tom Oliverson, Four Price, Reggie Smith, Tony Tinderholt)
Minutes: May 8 2023
Senate Committee: Health & Human Services (Lois Kolkhorst, César Blanco, Bob Hall, Kelly Hancock, Bryan Hughes, Morgan LaMantia, Borris Miles, Charles Perry, Kevin Sparks)
Minutes: March 22 2023 | April 5 2023

Index to Sections Affected

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