SB 379, 88th R.S. history

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SB 379, 88th R.S.
Relating to an exemption from sales and use taxes for certain family care items.

Last action: Effective on 9/1/23

Author: Joan Huffman
Joint Author: Carol Alvarado | Donna Campbell | Sarah Eckhardt | Lois Kolkhorst | Morgan LaMantia | Angela Paxton | Judith Zaffirini
Coauthor: César Blanco | Juan Hinojosa | Nathan Johnson | Drew Springer | Royce West
Sponsor: Donna Howard
Joint Sponsor: Angie Button
CoSponsor: Alma Allen | Steve Allison | Rafael Anchía | Charles "Doc" Anderson | Diego Bernal | Salman Bhojani | John Bryant | Brad Buckley | John Bucy III | Liz Campos | Giovanni Capriglione | Sheryl Cole | David Cook | Drew Darby | Lulu Flores | Erin Gámez | Josey Garcia | Jessica González | Vikki Goodwin | Sam Harless | Caroline Harris | Ana Hernandez | Gina Hinojosa | Carrie Isaac | Jarvis Johnson | Julie Johnson | Venton Jones | Suleman Lalani | Stan Lambert | Ray Lopez | John Lujan | Christian Manuel | Trey Martinez Fischer | Morgan Meyer | Joe Moody | Penny Morales Shaw | Christina Morales | Eddie Morales | Sergio Muñoz, Jr. | Claudia Ordaz | Angelia Orr | Evelina "Lina" Ortega | Jared Patterson | Mary Ann Perez | Mihaela Plesa | John Raney | Glenn Rogers | Jon Rosenthal | Carl Sherman, Sr. | Valoree Swanson | Steve Toth | Chris Turner | Gene Wu | Erin Zwiener

Session Law Chapter:
Acts 2023, 88th R.S., ch. 1056, General and Special Laws of Texas

Signed legislation


HB 300 (Similar)
HB 1265 (Identical)


House Committee: Ways & Means (Morgan Meyer, Angie Button, Tom Craddick, Barbara Gervin-Hawkins, Cole Hefner, Sergio Muñoz, Jr., Candy Noble, Richard Peña Raymond, Hugh Shine, Shawn Thierry, Chris Turner)
Minutes: May 18 2023
Senate Committee: Finance (Joan Huffman, Paul Bettencourt, Donna Campbell, Brandon Creighton, Pete Flores, Bob Hall, Kelly Hancock, Juan Hinojosa, Bryan Hughes, Lois Kolkhorst, Robert Nichols, Angela Paxton, Charles Perry, Charles Schwertner, Royce West, John Whitmire, Judith Zaffirini)
Minutes: May 10 2023

Index to Sections Affected

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