SB 1524, 88th R.S. history

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SB 1524, 88th R.S.
Relating to the authority of the Texas Department of Transportation to provide department services on federal military property.

Last action: Effective immediately

Author: César Blanco
Coauthor: José Menéndez
Sponsor: John Lujan
Joint Sponsor: Terry Canales | Ray Lopez | Philip Cortez | Ryan Guillen
CoSponsor: Josey Garcia | Stan Gerdes | Stan Kitzman | Stan Lambert

Session Law Chapter:
Acts 2023, 88th R.S., ch. 160, General and Special Laws of Texas

Signed legislation


HB 4140 (Identical)

Military & Veterans

House Committee: Transportation (Terry Canales, Trent Ashby, Yvonne Davis, Erin Gámez, Caroline Harris, Brooks Landgraf, J. M. Lozano, John Lujan, Claudia Ordaz, Jared Patterson, Mary Ann Perez, John Raney, Ramon Romero)
Minutes: April 26 2023
Senate Committee: Transportation (Robert Nichols, Carol Alvarado, Sarah Eckhardt, Kelly Hancock, Phil King, Borris Miles, Tan Parker, Charles Perry, Royce West)
Minutes: April 5 2023

Index to Sections Affected

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