Last action: House appoints conferees-reported
Author: Paul Bettencourt
Joint Author: Carol Alvarado | Brian Birdwell | César Blanco | Donna Campbell | Brandon Creighton | Sarah Eckhardt | Pete Flores | Roland Gutierrez | Bob Hall | Kelly Hancock | Juan Hinojosa | Joan Huffman | Bryan Hughes | Nathan Johnson | Phil King | Lois Kolkhorst | Morgan LaMantia | José Menéndez | Mayes Middleton | Borris Miles | Robert Nichols | Tan Parker | Angela Paxton | Charles Perry | Charles Schwertner | Kevin Sparks | Drew Springer | Royce West | John Whitmire | Judith Zaffirini
Sponsor: Morgan Meyer
Joint Sponsor: Greg Bonnen | Dustin Burrows | Shawn Thierry | Richard Peña Raymond
CoSponsor: Steve Allison | Charles "Doc" Anderson | Trent Ashby | Ernest Bailes | Cecil Bell | Keith Bell | Rhetta Bowers | Brad Buckley | Ben Bumgarner | Angie Button | Briscoe Cain | Liz Campos | Terry Canales | Giovanni Capriglione | Travis Clardy | David Cook | Charles Cunningham | Drew Darby | Mano DeAyala | Jay Dean | Harold V. Dutton, Jr. | Frederick Frazier | Josey Garcia | Stan Gerdes | Charlie Geren | Craig Goldman | Ryan Guillen | Sam Harless | Caroline Harris | Cody Harris | Richard Hayes | Cole Hefner | Justin Holland | Lacey Hull | Todd Hunter | Carrie Isaac | Jacey Jetton | Julie Johnson | Venton Jones | Kyle Kacal | Stan Kitzman | Stephanie Klick | John Kuempel | Suleman Lalani | Stan Lambert | Brooks Landgraf | Jeff Leach | Terri Leo Wilson | Janie Lopez | J. M. Lozano | John Lujan | Trey Martinez Fischer | Will Metcalf | Eddie Morales | Geanie W. Morrison | Sergio Muñoz, Jr. | Victoria Neave Criado | Candy Noble | Tom Oliverson | Angelia Orr | Jared Patterson | Dennis Paul | Mary Ann Perez | Four Price | Glenn Rogers | Toni Rose | Nate Schatzline | Shelby Slawson | Reggie Smith | David Spiller | Lynn Stucky | Valoree Swanson | Carl Tepper | Kronda Thimesch | Ed Thompson | Steve Toth | Ellen Troxclair | Gary VanDeaver | Cody Vasut
Conference Committee:
Senate Members: (appointed 05/25/2023) Paul Bettencourt (Chair) | Pete Flores | Juan Hinojosa | Bryan Hughes | Drew Springer |
Speaker of the House documents:
Disabilities, Persons with
Property Interests--Homestead
Property Interests--Personal Property
Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments
Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts
Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection
Taxation--School District
House Committee: Ways & Means (Morgan Meyer, Angie Button, Tom Craddick, Barbara Gervin-Hawkins, Cole Hefner, Sergio Muñoz, Jr., Candy Noble, Richard Peña Raymond, Hugh Shine, Shawn Thierry, Chris Turner)
May 12 2023
Senate Committee: Finance (Joan Huffman, Paul Bettencourt, Donna Campbell, Brandon Creighton, Pete Flores, Bob Hall, Kelly Hancock, Juan Hinojosa, Bryan Hughes, Lois Kolkhorst, Robert Nichols, Angela Paxton, Charles Perry, Charles Schwertner, Royce West, John Whitmire, Judith Zaffirini)
March 15 2023 | March 20 2023
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