Last action: Removed from local & uncontested calendar
Author: John Shields
Sponsor: Eddie Lucio, Jr.
Bill Analyses:
Engrossed (Senate Research Center)
Introduced (Office of House Bill Analysis)
Committee Report (Office of House Bill Analysis)
State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
House Committee: State Affairs (Steven Wolens, Leo Alvarado, Kevin Bailey, Kim Brimer, David Counts, Tom Craddick, Debra Danburg, Paul Hilbert, Bob Hunter, Delwin Jones, John Longoria, Kenny Marchant, Brian McCall, Tommy Merritt, Sylvester Turner)
March 29 1999 | April 12 1999 | April 19 1999
Senate Committee: State Affairs (Florence Shapiro, David Bernsen, J. E. Brown, David Cain, Tom Haywood, Eddie Lucio, Jr., Drew Nixon, Eliot Shapleigh, Jeff Wentworth)
May 14 1999
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