SB 9, 68th 2nd C.S.
Relating to an appropriation to the Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Authority for site development and construction.
Last action: Effective immediately
Author: John Traeger Sponsor: Gary Thompson
Session Law Chapter: Acts 1984, 68th 2nd C.S.,ch. 4 , General and Special Laws of Texas
Gubernatorial documents:
Submitting as additional subjects for consideration by the 68th Legislature, 2nd Called Session, application of the workers' compensation law to farm and ranch laborers, requirement of the use of child passenger safety seat systems, state revenue receipt, allocation, disbursement and management, telecommunications services to state government, staff-to-patient ratios at state mental hospitals, use of buildings in Travis County by state agencies and institutions, bidding procedures under the group insurance program for state employees, payment of insurance premiums for active and retired employees of public junior colleges, authority and duties of attorneys representing the state before some district courts, replenishment of the emergency contingency funds, reassignment of duties relative to the Southern States Energy Board, the carrying forward of the unexpended balance of money appropriated to the Texas Low Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Authority, allocation of money appropriated to comply with court orders in the case Ruiz vs. Estelle, participation in cooperative associations by federally-funded health-related institutions, increase in current annuities in the Employee Retirement System of Texas, amendment of the Property Code, reappropriation of funds from the Public Utility Commission to the Office of Public Utility Counsel, amendment of the Certificate of Obligation Act of 1971, and improvement of highways and roads in the state
Subjects: Environment--Hazardous, Toxic & Nuclear Waste LOW-LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE DISPOSAL AUTHORITY State Finances--Appropriations
House Committee: Appropriations ()
July 2 1984
Senate Committee: Finance ()
June 29 1984 | June 30 1984
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