Letter to Commissioner Robert Scott, Texas Education Agency, reqesting that he defer until the 2012-2013 school year the requirement that STAAR end-of-course assessments assessments are to count as 15 percent of a student's final grade. Letter to Commissioner Robert Scott, Texas Education Agency, regarding the impact of STAAR end-of-course assessments and clarifying the legislative intent of Tex. S.B. 1031, 80th Leg., R.S. and H.B. 3, 81st Leg., R.S. (assessments are to count as 15 percent of a student's final grade, but the Commissioner may grant requests to defer this requirement until the 2012-2013 school year). Letter to lawmakers supporting the new school accountability system and responding to North Texas superintendents' effort to delay the new system (STAAR, Tex. H.B. 3, 81st Leg., R.S., includes text of full page newspaper ad supporting testing). House Bill 3 transition plan: a report to the 82nd Texas Legislature from the Texas Education Agency. Texas Projection Measure (TPM) questions & answers, accountability system 2010-11 standard procedures, development, guide, summary [Texas Education Code § 39.023 (a-1)(2) & (c-1), § 39.034; Tex. H.B. 1, 79th Leg., 3rd C.S.; Tex. S.B. 1031, 80th Leg., R.S.; Tex. H.B. 3, 81st Leg., R.S.]. STAAR to replace TAKS; history of the Texas testing program (Tex. S.B. 1031, 80th Leg., R.S.; Tex. H.B. 3, 81st Leg., R.S.). Austin Independent School District Board of Trustees regular meeting, Agenda item IX, Superintendent's report, D. High school graduation requirements; Briefing; Survey results (health and physical education; HB 3, 81st Leg., R.S.). Taking root - Texas' lessons for sustaining the college- and career-ready agenda (American Diploma Project). Letter and revised letter to administrators regarding House Bill 3 and graduation requirements for 2009-2010; includes a chart of the Recommended High School Program for students who entered Grade 9 before or after 2007-08 (dropping required semester of health) (Tex. H.B. 3, 81st Leg., R.S.). Gov. Perry: legislative accomplishments will continue to position Texas as an economic leader; 81st session accomplishments handout. The road not taken. Education bills from the 81st Texas Legislature. Sun sets on 81st. Answers from Austin? Noteworthy state legislation for improving career and technical education. The readiness agenda. SBOE gives final approval to graduation-plan changes. Alone at the top. Here a test, there a test, STAAR issues stacking up. State study measures school district ROI; FAST ratings for North Texas independent school districts. Students begin reaching for the STAAR. Educational ROI, it's more than money. 81st legislative session: final bill report. |
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