Constitutional amendments search results
10 amendment(s) found [ Election date: November 2, 1965 ]
Session | Bill | Prop. | Topic | Outcome |
59th R.S. | HJR 5 | 2 | For the Amendment to Section 49-b of Article III of the Constitution of Texas to increase the Veterans' Land Fund by $200,000,000.00; said Fund to be used for the purpose of purchasing land in Texas to be sold to Texas veterans who served in the Armed Forces of the United State between September 16, 1940, and March 31, 1955; such funds to be expended in accordance with instructions and requirements that may be provided by law. | Defeated |
59th R.S. | SJR 7 | 7 | For the Amendment exempting the property of certain charitable organizations from local ad valorem taxes provided any such organization meets certain conditions, and expends at least One and One-half Million Dollars ($1,500,000.00) annually for free hospital and medical care for the indigent within the State of Texas. | Defeated |
59th R.S. | HJR 8 | 9 | For the Constitutional Amendment allowing an annual salary in an amount to be fixed by the Legislature for the Lieutenant Governor and for the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and allowing a per diem for Members of the Legislature not to exceed Twenty Dollars ($20) per day for the 140 days of each Regular Session and 30 days of each Special Session. | Defeated |
59th R.S. | HJR 11 | 6 | For the Constitutional Amendment authorizing the Legislature to provide for loans to students at institutions of higher education to be known as the Texas Opportunity Plan. | Adopted |
59th R.S. | SJR 14 | 4 | For the Constitutional Amendments providing a four-year term of office for the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, Comptroller of Public Accounts, Treasurer, Commissioner of the General Land Office, Secretary of State, and any statutory state officer who is elected by the electorate of Texas at large, unless a term of office is otherwise specifically provided in this Constitution. | Defeated |
59th R.S. | SJR 24 | 1 | For the Amendment to Article VII of the Constitution of the State of Texas by amending section 17 thereof, providing a method of payment for the acquiring, constructing, and equipping buildings and other permanent improvements at certain state institutions of higher education. | Adopted |
59th R.S. | SJR 27 | 5 | For the Constitutional Amendment amending Article III of the Constitution of the State of Texas by adding Section 48b relating to the Teacher Retirement Fund and the Teacher Retirement System of Texas, revising provisions for investment of moneys and other assets of the Fund, and changing other existing provisions and making other new provisions with respect to the administration of the Teacher Retirement System. | Adopted |
59th R.S. | SJR 47 | 10 | For the Constitutional Amendment to provide for a four-year term of office for State Representatives. | Defeated |
59th R.S. | HJR 57 | 8 | For the Constitutional Amendment providing for the automatic retirement of District and Appellate Judges for old age, creating the State Judicial Qualifications Commission, defining its functions; and empowering the Supreme Court, upon recommendation of said Commission, to remove District and Appellate Judges for misconduct and to retire such judges in cases of disability. | Adopted |
59th R.S. | HJR 81 | 3 | For the Constitutional Amendment providing for assistance to and/or medical care for the: (1) needy aged; (2) needy individuals who are permanently and totally disabled; (3) needy blind; and (4) needy children and the caretakers of such children; authorizing the Legislature to cooperate with the Government of the United States in providing assistance to and/or medical care on behalf of such needy persons, and in providing rehabilitation and any other services included in the Federal legislation providing matching funds to help such families and individuals attain or retain capability for independence or self-care, and to accept and expend funds from the Government of the United States for such purposes, and to make appropriations out of State funds for the purpose of providing assistance to and/or medical care and rehabilitation and other services included in the Federal legislation providing matching funds on behalf of such needy persons; providing that the amounts expended out of State funds to and/or on behalf of individuals shall not exceed the amounts that are matchable out of federal funds; providing that the total amount of such assistance payments and/or medical assistance payments out of State funds on behalf of such recipients shall not exceed the amount that is matchable out of Federal funds; provided that if the limitations and restrictions herein contained are found to be in conflict with the provisions of appropriate Federal statues as they now are or as they may be amended, to the extent that Federal matching money is not available to the State for these purposes, then and in that event the Legislature is specifically authorized and empowered to prescribe such limitations and restrictions and enact such laws as may be necessary in order that such Federal matching money will be available for assistance and/or medical care for or on behalf of needy persons; and providing further that the total amount of money to be expended per fiscal year out of State funds for assistance payments to recipients of Old Age Assistance, aid to the Permanently and Totally Disabled, Aid to the blind, and Aid to Families with Dependent Children shall never exceed Sixty Million Dollars ($60,000,000). Providing that nothing in the Amendment shall be construed to amend, modify or repeal Section 31 or Article XVI of the Constitution. | Adopted |
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