Index to Sections Affected bill search results - HB 1990, 82nd Regular Session

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Bill Section Status Effect Code Article/Section
1 IntroducedInt Amends Special Districts and Local Laws CodeSDL 1038.062
2 IntroducedInt Amends Special Districts and Local Laws CodeSDL 1038.062
2 IntroducedInt Amends Special Districts and Local Laws CodeSDL 1038.062(c)
1 House Cmte ReportH Cmte Amends Special Districts and Local Laws CodeSDL 1038.062
2 House Cmte ReportH Cmte Amends Special Districts and Local Laws CodeSDL 1038.062
2 House Cmte ReportH Cmte Amends Special Districts and Local Laws CodeSDL 1038.062(c)
1 EngrossedEng Amends Special Districts and Local Laws CodeSDL 1038.062
2 EngrossedEng Amends Special Districts and Local Laws CodeSDL 1038.062
2 EngrossedEng Amends Special Districts and Local Laws CodeSDL 1038.062(c)