Index to Sections Affected bill search results - HB 1680, 86th Regular Session

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Bill Section Status Effect Code Article/Section
4.01 IntroducedInt Amends Education CodeED 7.004
6.01(1) IntroducedInt Repeals Education CodeED 8.010
4.02 IntroducedInt Amends Education CodeED 33.254
1.01 IntroducedInt Amends Education CodeED 88.1016
3.01 IntroducedInt Amends Government CodeGOV 33.003
3.02 IntroducedInt Amends Government CodeGOV 152.001
7.01 IntroducedInt Amends Government CodeGOV 325.002(1)
7.02 IntroducedInt Amends Government CodeGOV 325.003
7.02 IntroducedInt Amends Government CodeGOV 325.003(a)
7.03 IntroducedInt Amends Government CodeGOV 325.0126
4.03 IntroducedInt Amends Government CodeGOV 420A.004
3.03 IntroducedInt Amends Government CodeGOV 492.012
2.01 IntroducedInt Amends Government CodeGOV 531.0206(a)
2.02(a) IntroducedInt Amends Government CodeGOV 531.102
2.03 IntroducedInt Amends Government CodeGOV 776.007(a)
1.02 IntroducedInt Amends Government CodeGOV 825.006
5.01 IntroducedInt Amends Government CodeGOV 865.0011
3.04 IntroducedInt Amends Government CodeGOV 2054.005(a)
6.02 IntroducedInt Repeals Government CodeGOV 2151.0042
4.04 IntroducedInt Amends Government CodeGOV 2152.002
4.05 IntroducedInt Amends Health & Safety CodeH&S 34.018
1.03 IntroducedInt Amends Health & Safety CodeH&S 102.003
4.06 IntroducedInt Amends Health & Safety CodeH&S 117.002
4.07 IntroducedInt Amends Health & Safety CodeH&S 241.187(l)
4.08 IntroducedInt Amends Health & Safety CodeH&S 1001.003
4.09 IntroducedInt Amends Human Resources CodeHUM 40.003
6.03 IntroducedInt Repeals Human Resources CodeHUM 122.0012(a)
4.10 IntroducedInt Amends Human Resources CodeHUM 122.0012(b)
2.04 IntroducedInt Amends Human Resources CodeHUM 202.010
2.05 IntroducedInt Amends Insurance CodeINS 31.004(b)
2.06 IntroducedInt Amends Labor CodeLAB 404.003
1.04 IntroducedInt Amends Occupations CodeOCC 2021.008(a)
6.04 IntroducedInt Repeals Transportation CodeTRAN 173.005
3.07 IntroducedInt Amends Utilities CodeUTIL 12.005
3.08 IntroducedInt Amends Utilities CodeUTIL 13.002
2.07 IntroducedInt Amends Session LawsSL 46th, R.S. Ch. 5 § 1A(a) Special Laws p. 1062
4.11 IntroducedInt Amends Session LawsSL 51st, R.S. Ch. 110 § 2A(a)
3.09 IntroducedInt Amends Session LawsSL 54th, R.S. Ch. 518 § 1A(a)
2.02(b) IntroducedInt Repeals Session LawsSL 84th, R.S. Ch. 945 § 14
6.01(2) IntroducedInt Repeals Session LawsSL 85th, R.S. Ch. 916 § 2(b)
3.05 IntroducedInt Amends Special Districts and Local Laws CodeSDL 8501.0015(a)
3.06 IntroducedInt Amends Special Districts and Local Laws CodeSDL 8504.0021(a)