15th Regular Session (1876) – Governor Richard Coke

Bill Caption Document
HB 7 An act to suspend the collection of the road and bridge tax, levied for the year 1876, in certain cases.   Veto
HB 41 To amend the first section of an act to amend the fourth section of an act entitled, an act regulating attachments.   Veto
HB 64 (64-1/2)An act to organize commissioners' courts and to define their jurisdiction and duties, and provide for vacancies therein.   Veto
HB 121 To amend article 41 and repeal article 42 of an act to adopt and establish a code of criminal procedure for the state of Texas.   Veto
HB 122 To amend an act to supplement and amend an act to adopt and establish a penal code Proclamation   Veto
HB 212 An act to facilitate commerce and navigation within the navigable waters of this State, below low-water mark; provided, that the improvement so constructed shall not obstruct naviagtion; and provided further, that charges for wharfage and other uses shall be subject to regulation by the Legislature.   Veto
HB 414 An act to provide for the manner of filling vacancies in the office of district and county clerks, in such counties as have elected but one clerk.   Veto
HB 419 An act to establish an agricultural and mechanical college of Texas, for the benefit of colored youth, and to make appropriations therefor.
Veto was issued August 11, 1876
HB 436, bill with same caption as HB419, was introduced August 12, 1876
House Discussion and Passage - House Journal Text
Senate Discussion and Passage -Senate Journal Text
Enacted as Ch. XCII, approved August 14, 1876
SB 86 An act to define the duties of county attorneys and regulate the performance of the same.
Veto was issued July 20, 1876
SB362, bill with same caption as SB86, was introduced July 20, 1876
House Discussion and Passage - House Journal Text
Senate Discussion and Passage - Senate Journal Text
Enacted as Ch. LXXIX, approved August 7, 1876
SB 103 An act to better define the powers and duties of sheriffs and other officers.   Veto
SB 119 An act to regulate proceedings in the county courts pertaining to the estates of deceased persons.
Veto was issued July 29, 1876
SB373, bill with same caption as SB119, was reported from committee August 2, 1876
House Discussion and Passage - House Journal Text
Senate Discussion and Passage - Senate Journal Text
Enacted as Ch. LXXXIV, approved August 9, 1876
SB 140 An act to provide for the filling of vacancies in the offices of district clerk and constable.
Veto was issued June 30, 1876
SB351, bill with same caption as SB140, was introduced July 17, 1876
House Discussion and Passage - House Journal Text
Senate Discussion and Passage - Senate Journal Text
Enacted as Ch. CXLI, approved August 19, 1876
SB 188 (SB188-1/2)An act to provide for supplying lost records in certain cases.
Veto was issued August 2, 1876
SB375, bill with same caption as SB188-1/2, was introduced August 3, 1876
House Discussion and Passage - House Journal Text
Senate Discussion and Passage - Senate Journal Text
Enacted as Ch. XI, approved August 12, 1876
SB 330 An act to provide district and county surveyors with offices in the various districts and counties of the State.
House Override - House Journal Text
Senate Override - Senate Journal Text

Information about Vetoed Bills is unofficial and is provided as a public service by the Texas Legislative Reference Library. The Texas Legislative Reference Library makes no representation as to its completeness or accuracy and makes no warranty in regards to its use. Users assume all risk of reliance on the table.