Search help

Phrase searching

Enclose search terms in " " to search for an exact phrase.

Boolean Operators

AND Requires both terms on either side of the Boolean operator to be present for a match.
NOT Requires that the following term not be present.
OR Requires that either term (or both terms) be present for a match. This is the default search.
+ Requires that the following term be present.
- Prohibits the following term (that is, matches on fields or documents that do not include that term).

Wildcard Search

Replace a single character with ?. The search string te?t would match both test and text.

Replace multiple characters with *. The wildcard search: tes* would match test, testing, and tester. You can also use wildcard characters in the middle of a term. For example: te*t would match test and text. *est would match pest and test.

Proximity Searches

A proximity search looks for terms that are within a specific distance from one another. To perform a proximity search, add the tilde character ~ and a numeric value to the end of a search phrase. For example, to search for a "legislative" and "library" within 10 words of each other in a document, use the search: "legislative library"~10