Special sessions topics
16 special legislative session topics
38th, 3 C.S.
Topics are based on the text of the Governor's official proclamations and messages.
38th 3rd C.S. Proclamations Supplementary materials
- Adjusting the wide discrepancy between the appropriations heretofore made by the Thirty-eighth Legislature for the maintenance of our State institutions and the estimated available revenues out of which said appropriations are to be met, to the end that the State may be kept on a cash basis... [Tue May 15, 1923]
- Amending House bill No. 183, passed at the Second Called Session of the Thirty-eighth Legislature, pertaining to the organization of corporations for the purpose of borrowing and loaning money to the members of said organizations. [Thu Jun 7, 1923]
- Providing for the teaching of the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of Texas in the public schools of the State. [Thu Jun 7, 1923]
- Providing for the equalization of taxes so that each dollar's worth of property in the State will bear its proportionate part of the burdens of the government. [Thu Jun 7, 1923]
- Providing for the construction of permanent improvements for the University of Texas out of the income of the available funds belonging to said institution. [Thu Jun 7, 1923]
- Prescribing the size and character of lights for motor vehicles used on the public highways of Texas. [Thu Jun 7, 1923]
- Changing the name of what is now known as the Commission of Insurance and Banking in keeping with laws recently passed by the Legislature. [Thu Jun 7, 1923]
- Creating the Illiteracy Commission, to the end that illiteracy in Texas may be reduced to the lowest possible minimum. [Thu Jun 7, 1923]
- Making it a penitentiary offense for anyone engaged in the manufacture, transportation or sale of intoxicating beverages, or any out-lawed narcotics, to have on or about premises where said intoxicating beverages or outlawed narcotics are manufactured, transported or kept firearms or other deadly weapons. [Thu Jun 7, 1923]
- Authorizing any city in the State of Texas that has more than one hundred thousand inhabitants to disannex unimproved territory within said city limits. [Thu Jun 7, 1923]
- Regulating by taxation and otherwise the use of trucks and jitneys used for hire and general traffic on the public highways of the State. [Thu Jun 7, 1923]
- Creating independent school districts in the following counties: Hockley county, Pecos county, Bailey county, Rockwall county, Brazoria county, Nolan county, Live Oak county, Terry county, Fisher county, Throckmorton county, Stephens county. [Thu Jun 7, 1923]
- Creating a reclamation district for flood control in Hidalgo and Cameron counties. [Thu Jun 7, 1923]
- Clearing the title to some city lots located in Colorado, Texas, alleged to belong to Georgia Technological College. [Thu Jun 7, 1923]
- Validating public free school lands purchased during the years 1895 and 1896. [Thu Jun 7, 1923]
- Authorizing the commissioners court of Floyd county to execute a deed of confirmation to the sale of a certain 211 acres of land out of Section No. 89, Certificate No. 1497, as shown by the official map of Floyd county. [Thu Jun 7, 1923]
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