Special sessions topics
51 special legislative session topics
41st, 5 C.S.
Topics are based on the text of the Governor's official proclamations and messages.
41st 5th C.S. Proclamations Supplementary materials
- Providing for the reorganization, reformation and rehabilitation of the Texas prison system and the improvement of the Texas prison system into a modern penal institution. [Tue Feb 18, 1930]
- Facilitate a fair and impartial trial of charges made against the State Comptroller of Public Accounts. [Tue Feb 18, 1930]
- Provide revenues to meet with the supplemental demands of the State departments and institutions. [Tue Feb 18, 1930]
- Matters of judicial reform with reference to the Commission of Appeals of the Supreme Court. [Mon Feb 24, 1930]
- Amendment of the law creating the Board for leasing University lands and the laws pertaining to the disposition of properties belonging to the University of Texas. [Mon Feb 24, 1930]
- Correcting the pension laws relating to widows of Confederate veterans. [Mon Mar 3, 1930]
- Further regulate pipe lines as common carriers of oil and enlarge the powers of the Railroad Commission to control such common carriers. [Mon Mar 3, 1930]
- Authorize the State to carry compensation insurance on such of its employees that are engaged in work that is hazardous and dangerous. [Mon Mar 3, 1930]
- Authorizing or requiring school districts to take out insurance on public school buildings against fire and tornado. [Mon Mar 3, 1930]
- Authorizing the Board of Control to make a survey of public buildings and grounds, and allocate space to offices and departments within the public buildings of the State. [Mon Mar 3, 1930]
- Amending the statutes of eminent domain with respect to the rights of water improvement districts to condemn property for their needed purposes. [Mon Mar 3, 1930]
- Amendment of Article 4388 of the Revised Civil Statutes to prohibit the carrying of special bank accounts, and to require that all public monies received shall be deposited promptly in the Treasury, even though the status of the funds be undetermined, and authorizing some suspense account within the Treasury Department where the funds can be kept until their proper status is determined. [Mon Mar 3, 1930]
- Amendment of Article 5738 of the Revised Civil Statutes to correct a defect in a bill passed at the last Special Session of the Legislature. [Mon Mar 3, 1930]
- Amendment of Chapter 46, Acts of the Forty-first Legislature, passed at the Second called Session, to provide that cities levying the maximum tax rate and devoting the proceeds of taxes levied to the retirement of bond issues may not be placed in receivership under the provisions of said chapter. [Mon Mar 3, 1930]
- Consideration of whether or not the Legislature will enact laws authorizing the City of Port Arthur and Jefferson County to construct certain improvements upon submerged lands in Sabine Lake. [Mon Mar 3, 1930]
- Granting of cities and towns additional authority in the support of hospitals. [Mon Mar 3, 1930]
- Whether the Legislature will grant the Highway Department authority to exchange certain lands now owned by the State of Texas for certain lands owned by the Concho, San Saba and Llano Valley Railway Company in order to construct certain State highways in Tom Green County according to existing plans. [Mon Mar 3, 1930]
- Incorporating independent school districts and with the terms and manner of selecting school trustees, and the correction of Acts of the Forty-first Legislature governing the school system of certain counties, which Acts have been held invalid under ruling of the Attorney General's Department. [Mon Mar 3, 1930]
- Rights of the Department of Agriculture in supervising the weighing of cotton. [Mon Mar 3, 1930]
- Amendment of the Act of the Forty-first Legislature canceling the lease on the Travis County court house. [Mon Mar 3, 1930]
- Granting the Commissioners' court of Shackelford County authority to expend county money in the extermination of predatory animals. [Mon Mar 3, 1930]
- Amendment of Chapter 5, title 115, Revised Civil Statutes of 1925 to require that any ordinance or resolution of the governing board of any city or town levying an assessment against real property or paving or otherwise improving any street, or streets, shall be recorded in the proper records of the office of the County Clerk. [Mon Mar 3, 1930]
- Regulation of the issuance of certificates by tax collectors showing the status of taxes on real property. [Mon Mar 3, 1930]
- Amendment of Article 6711 to provide for better neighborhood roads. [Mon Mar 3, 1930]
- Amendment of Title 88, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, to extend the laws against libel and slander to statements made over the radio. [Mon Mar 3, 1930]
- Granting of authority to the Commissioner of the General Land Office to procure and file in the General Land Office papers relating to the survey of lands by virtue of certificates issued by the State of Texas to railway companies, which records are now held by individuals and private interests. [Mon Mar 3, 1930]
- Amendment of Chapter 65, Acts of the First Called Session of the Forty-first Legislature, regulating barbers. [Mon Mar 3, 1930]
- Validating levy improvement district bonds. [Mon Mar 3, 1930]
- Amendment of Senate Bills No. 26 and No. 95 passed at the Fourth Called Session of the Forty-first Legislature to correct errors therein. [Wed Mar 5, 1930]
- Amendment of Article 910 of the Penal Code to accomplish the purposes thereof. [Wed Mar 5, 1930]
- Amendment of Article 916 of the Penal Code to provide an area in this State for the propagation of wild turkeys, and to prohibit the taking or killing of wild turkeys within such area except that the Game Commission, in cooperation with the property owners in this area, may trap wild turkeys for distribution to other sections of the State. [Wed Mar 5, 1930]
- Amendment of Chapter 91, Acts of the First Called Session of the Forty-first Legislature, to increase the authority of the State Auditor. [Wed Mar 5, 1930]
- Amendment of the statutes respecting the employment and selection of school supervisors. [Wed Mar 5, 1930]
- Amendment of Chapter 82 of the Acts of the First Called Session of the Forty-first Legislature to better improve the market for bonds issued under said Chapter, and to avoid the difficulties which have been experienced under the statute as now written. [Wed Mar 5, 1930]
- Respecting disposition of property belonging to the public schools, and to enlarge the powers of the Board of Education over such properties. [Wed Mar 5, 1930]
- Amendment of Chapter 40, Acts of the Second Called Session of the Forty-first Legislature. [Wed Mar 5, 1930]
- Amendment of Chapter 61 of the General Laws passed at the second called session of the Forty-first Legislature to correct defects therein, which were made evident by a recent opinion of the Court of Civil Appeals. [Sat Mar 8, 1930]
- Enactment of necessary road laws for various counties. [Sat Mar 8, 1930]
- Amendment of Chapter 64, Acts of the Regular Session of the Forty-first Legislature, and Chapter 88 of the Acts of the First Called Session of the Forty-first Legislature, to correct defects therein. [Sat Mar 8, 1930]
- Validation of attempts of the City of Lubbock to extend its corporate limits. [Sat Mar 8, 1930]
- Making possible the leasing of parks owned by the State for the development of oil resources. [Sat Mar 8, 1930]
- Amendment of Article 4644-a to allow cities and towns to close streets and alleys for the construction of public improvements by the payment of damages to injured abutting property owners. [Sat Mar 8, 1930]
- Affecting the public school system. [Sat Mar 8, 1930]
- Operation of motor vehicles and the manner of paying taxes and license fees thereon, and to include a correction of an error made in the amendment of these laws passed at the last Special Session of the Legislature. [Sat Mar 8, 1930]
- Amendment of Section 1, Chapter 10, Acts of the Third Called Session of the Forty-first Legislature, to correct defects therein. [Wed Mar 12, 1930]
- Amendment of Senate Bill No. 138, passed by the Second Called Session of the Forty-first Legislature, to correct errors therein. [Wed Mar 12, 1930]
- Amendment of Chapter 274, Acts of the Regular Session of the Forty-first Legislature. [Wed Mar 12, 1930]
- Amendment of Article 1302, Revised Civil Statutes, of 1925. [Wed Mar 12, 1930]
- Giving the Insurance Commission added powers in the control of fire hazards. [Wed Mar 12, 1930]
- Relieve the present depressed condition of agriculture in this State. [Wed Mar 12, 1930]
- Amending House Bill 11, passed at the Third Called Session of the Forty-first Legislature, providing powers and duties of the Board of Control in caring for certain colored orphans. [Thu Mar 13, 1930]
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