Special sessions topics
34 special legislative session topics
44th, 1 C.S.
Topics are based on the text of the Governor's official proclamations and messages.
44th 1st C.S. Proclamations Supplementary materials
- Define the term "open saloon" and enact laws prohibiting the same [Thu Aug 29, 1935]
- Regulating the manufacture, sale, transportation and possession of intoxicating liquors, and to preserve the absolute integrity of dry territory [Thu Aug 29, 1935]
- Amendment 6 (on the ballot) adopted by the people at the election on August 24th requires the Legislature at the first special session after the adoption of the amendment to pass such legislation as will be necessary to adequately compensate on a salary basis fee officers referred to in said amendment in all counties having a population of 20,000 or more, according to the last preceding Federal census. I hereby submit to you for legislative action the entire subject matter of said amendment, which was S.J.R. 6, appearing at pages 1235-36, of the General and Special Laws of the Forty-fourth Legislature at its regular session. [Tue Sep 17, 1935]
- In order for the Brazos River Reclamation project (concerning which an enabling measure was passed during the regular session) to qualify for the securing of Federal funds, it will be necessary to amend existing laws [Tue Sep 17, 1935]
- Amend Article 704, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas of 1925, so as to provide that the election order shall designate the time and place of holding the election; that such election shall be held not less than 15 or not more than 30 days from the date of such order and that notice shall be given by posting a copy of the election order in each election precinct not less than 14 days before the election and in addition shall be published on the same day in each of two successive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation published within said county or city, the date of the first publication to be not less than 14 days before the date set for the election; and to provide that this Act shall control over any provisions in any city charter to the contrary [Wed Sep 18, 1935]
- Providing that all bonds, notes or warrants heretofore issued or which have been authorized but not yet issued or which may be hereafter issued under the provisions of Articles 1111 to 1118, inclusive, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas for 1925, including all amendments thereto, to aid in financing any undertaking for which a loan or grant has been made by the United States through the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works shall be negotiable instruments [Wed Sep 18, 1935]
- Amending Section 2 of Chapter 109, Acts of the First Called Session of the Forty-third Legislature by providing that warrants issued under subdivision (b) thereof shall be negotiable and that the same may be sold for not less than par value to the United States of America acting through the Federal Emergency Administrator of Public Works or other Federal agency, and further providing that all warrants heretofore issued under Sub-division (b), shall be negotiable instruments; and amending Section 4 of said Act so as to provide that powers conferred by this Act shall not be exercised after June 30, 1937 [Wed Sep 18, 1935]
- Validating, ratifying, approving and confirming bonds and other instruments or obligations heretofore issued by water control and improvement district, water improvement district, irrigation district, conservation and reclamation district, navigation district, road district, school district, county, city or incorporated town of this State for public works projects [Wed Sep 18, 1935]
- Validating and approving all proceedings had by cities and towns in the issuance and sale of revenue obligations under the provisions of Articles 1111 to 1118, Revised Civil Statutes of 1925, as amended, to aid in financing any undertaking for which a loan or grant has been made by the United States through the Federal Emergency Administrator of Public Works, or any other governmental agency, declaring that such bonds, notes or warrants shall be valid and binding special obligations of such cities or towns, and validating the pledge of revenues to the payment of said bonds [Wed Sep 18, 1935]
- Validating and approving all acts of the governing bodies of cities and towns of the State of Texas in the issuance and sale of bonds, to aid in financing any undertaking for which a loan or grant has been made by the United States through the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works or other agency of the United States Government; validating such bonds and the tax levies made for the payment of such bonds [Wed Sep 18, 1935]
- Validating all school districts heretofore established, validating all elections and the levy of taxes by school districts, validating all proceedings had in the issuance of bonds and the levying of taxes therefor, validating bonds heretofore authorized or voted but not yet issued when such bonds are to be used in financing any undertaking for which a loan or grant has been made through the Federal Emergency Administrator of Public Works, providing that this Act shall not apply to districts which may have been established or consolidated and later returned to its original status, providing that this Act shall not apply to any district the organization or creation or tax levy of which is now involved in litigation [Wed Sep 18, 1935]
- Validating, ratifying, approving and confirming the Acts of the Board of Regents of the University, Board of Directors of A. and M. College, Board of Directors of the College of Arts and Industries, the Board of Directors of the College of Industrial Arts, and the Board of Regents of the State Teachers Colleges in the issuance of revenue bonds and warrants for the construction of dormitories and other permanent improvements [Wed Sep 18, 1935]
- Erecting the "Texas Supreme Court Memorial Building" [Wed Sep 18, 1935]
- Providing for old age pensions for actual bona fide citizens of Texas who are over the age of 65 "under such limitations and restrictions and regulations as may be deemed by the Legislature expedient" [Wed Sep 18, 1935]
- Revenue and taxation so that this Legislature may devise ways and means to provide necessary finances; urge immediate passage of a real graduated chain store tax, a sulphur tax, a tax on pipe lines, a selective luxury tax and the corrective measures suggested at that time with reference to various franchise taxes [Wed Sep 18, 1935]
- Tax Delinquencies [Wed Sep 18, 1935]
- Remedial changes advocated in the report submitted to the regular session of the Legislature by the finance committee on taxation; Where it is possible to more fairly and effectively collect taxes already imposed by amplifying or modifying the machinery of collection [Wed Sep 18, 1935]
- Authorize the directors of the Colorado Valley Authority to draw compensation for each day actually consumed in the discharge of their official duties [Wed Oct 9, 1935]
- Permit the Houston Independent School District to hold a new election in order to qualify for Federal funds [Wed Oct 9, 1935]
- Correct S.B. 525, enacted during the regular session, reorganizing and providing for terms of court for the 87th district so as to authorize the transfer of cases from one court to another [Wed Oct 9, 1935]
- Validate certain county warrants for Robertson County [Wed Oct 9, 1935]
- Authorize the Yoakum Independent School District to qualify for certain PWA funds [Wed Oct 9, 1935]
- Authorize the City of Houston to issue revenue bonds for a proposed convention and exposition hall, which bonds are to be used as security for a Federal loan [Wed Oct 9, 1935]
- Authorize the State Highway Department to use funds allocated by the Federal Government for improvement of lateral roads, such work to be under the direction of the State Highway Department [Wed Oct 9, 1935]
- Authorize the Ralls Independent School District to receive rural aid [Wed Oct 9, 1935]
- Correct the appropriation made for the State Prison System [Wed Oct 9, 1935]
- Correct appropriations made during the regular session for the Livestock Sanitary Commission [Wed Oct 9, 1935]
- Appropriate moneys to take care of the deficiency certificates issued to West Texas State Teachers College at Canyon [Wed Oct 9, 1935]
- Create a special road district for Lamb County, Texas [Wed Oct 9, 1935]
- Authorize a public works eminent domain law to authorize the State and counties, cities, towns, municipal corporations, authorities, commissions, boards, districts, subdivisions, agencies and instrumentalities, and departments, boards and the Governor of the State to acquire property by the exercise of the power of eminent domain for public works projects, financed in whole or in part by such public bodies or by the United States of America; authorizing the exercise of such power of eminent domain and the conveyance of property acquired thereby for the purpose of aiding public works projects being undertaken by the United States of America; providing for the exercise of such power of eminent domain and for the taking of property for all such purposes and for the procedure thereof; providing for the payment and recovery of awards made for property [Wed Oct 9, 1935]
- Amending Article 5242, R.C.S., 1925, enlarging the authorized uses to which the United States Government may put lands in this state so as to include slum clearance, housing projects, etc. [Wed Oct 9, 1935]
- Create the Guadalupe Conservation District [Wed Oct 9, 1935]
- Create the Pease River Flood Control District [Wed Oct 9, 1935]
- Appropriate $50,000.00 for the State Parks Board for the purchase of materials to be used in state parks [Wed Oct 9, 1935]
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