Special sessions topics
23 special legislative session topics
53rd, 1 C.S.
Topics are based on the text of the Governor's official proclamations and messages.
53rd 1st C.S. Proclamations Supplementary materials
- Finance and make such appropriations as the Legislature may deem necessary to provide a new minimum salary schedule for public free school teachers [Thu Mar 11, 1954]
- Finance and make such appropriations as the Legislature may deem necessary to adjust the salaries of employees of the State of Texas [Thu Mar 11, 1954]
- Finance and make such appropriations as the Legislature may deem necessary for the construction of needed buildings at the following State institutions: (a) Southwestern Medical School of the University of Texas at Dallas; (b) The University of Texas Dental Branch at Houston; (c) Texas School for the Deaf; and (d) Eastham Unit of Texas Prison System [Thu Mar 11, 1954]
- Outlaw the Communist Party in Texas and make provisions for the enforcement of any such act [Thu Mar 11, 1954]
- Making of such appropriations as may be necessary to pay deficiency grants approved by the Governor for which no appropriations have heretofore been made; making an appropriation to pay claims arising prior to the convening of the next session of the Legislature under the deficiency grants hereafter approved by the Governor. [Thu Mar 25, 1954]
- Appropriate a minimum of $145,740 to institute an adult probation system [Thu Apr 8, 1954]
- Sufficient funds for the increase in enrollment in junior colleges; for the School of Nursing at Texas Western College; for needed construction at the State Orphan's Home at Waco; for the Texas Commission on Alcoholism; for the replacement of the refrigeration system destroyed by fire at East Texas State College; for the judicial retirement system; for the payment of claims and judgments against the State; for certain capital expenditures for Texas Agricultural Experiment Station System; and to transfer such necessary funds to replace the building destroyed by fire at the Boys' Correctional School at Gatesville and to remodel and renovate the sewerage system at the Gainesville School for Girls [Thu Apr 8, 1954]
- Validating acts and other matters relating to counties, cities, and other political subdivisions [Thu Apr 8, 1954]
- Method or methods by which it may be determined when a charitable, educational, or religious gift, device, or legacy is to be used within this State prior to the collection of inheritance taxes [Thu Apr 8, 1954]
- Authorization for the Game and Fish Commission to sell and convey certain property in Hays County to the San Marcos Independent School District [Thu Apr 8, 1954]
- Method to allow farmers to use gas as a fuel for irrigation and agricultural purposes and such other legislation as will improve agricultural processes and practices in Texas [Thu Apr 8, 1954]
- Method to allow State employees to participate in Social Security [Thu Apr 8, 1954]
- Creation of such committees as are necessary to make a study and recommend to the next session of the Legislature on needed changes in criminal laws and procedures [Thu Apr 8, 1954]
- Method for the Board for State Hospitals and Special Schools to contract with public schools for the education of students of special schools [Thu Apr 8, 1954]
- Constructing and equipping buildings at the East Texas Tuberculosis Hospital from those funds received from the Federal government for the use of Moore Army Air Field facilities [Thu Apr 8, 1954]
- Necessary appropriations and adjustments for the Texas State Library, Board of Cosmetology, Board of Medical Examiners, Board of Vocational Nurse Examiners, Railroad Commission, Department of Public Safety, and the Water Resources Committee [Thu Apr 8, 1954]
- Amendment to the Penal Code to regulate the disposal of iceboxes and similar containers; to regulate the sale of alcoholic beverages to minors; to regulate the sale of narcotics and barbiturates; and to more clearly define and regulate the provisions relating to arson [Thu Apr 8, 1954]
- Establishment of a foreign trade zone in San Antonio in accordance with Federal law [Thu Apr 8, 1954]
- Legislation to relieve the conditions brought about by the severe drought [Thu Apr 8, 1954]
- Amendment of the act relating to investment of the Permanent School Fund by the State Board of Education [Thu Apr 8, 1954]
- Regulation of spacing of polling places to be used by opposing parties in the conduction of primaries [Thu Apr 8, 1954]
- Regulation of the amount of funds the Firemen's Pension Commissioner may hold in reserve for emergency distribution [Thu Apr 8, 1954]
- Creation of the following special district courts, the establishment of such courts to be effective at the beginning of the fiscal year starting September 1, 1954, and expiring August 31, 1956, with the hope that the next regular session of the Legislature will pass effective legislation establishing state-wide judicial redistricting. Special Seventieth District Court for Midland and Ector Counties. Special Second District Court for Angelina, Cherokee, and Nacogdoches Counties. Special Thirty-seventh District Court and Special Criminal Court for Bexar County. Special Ninety-second District Court for Hidalgo County. Special Twenty-fifth District Court for Gonzales, Colorado, Lavaca, and Guadalupe Counties. Special Eleventh and Fifty-fifth District Courts for Harris County. Special Criminal District Court for Dallas County. Special One Hundred and Third District Court for Willacy and Cameron Counties and extending the expiration date of the Special Ninth District Court from December 31, 1954 to August 31, 1956. [Thu Apr 8, 1954]
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