House Committee on Health Services and Health Care - 62nd R.S. (1971)
Committee Members
- Jack Ogg, Chair
- The committee shall study (1) all aspects of the medical and health care industry to determine the quality of health care and services now provided to the citizens of Texas through private and public programs, (2) the need and desirability of modifying existing programs to achieve greater efficiency and economy and to provide for better health care of the citizens of Texas, (3) the specific relative position of dentists, hospitals, nursing homes, pharmacists, physicians, surgeons, and all other types of health professions and health institutions to the overall structure of health care in Texas, (4) the structure and effectiveness of medical education in Texas and its ability to provide for the future medical needs of our state, (5) the nature and functions of health insurance as a means of making health care available to all citizens, and (6) any other related matter which the committee shall deem significant.
Appointed by Speaker 1/26/1972, pursuant to HSR 500. Jack Ogg (Chair) was only appointee listed in House Journal.
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