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1 Document(s) [ Subject: Electronic Registration Information Center ]

Committee: House Elections
Title: Interim Report
Subjects: Ballots | Election administration | Election laws | Electronic Registration Information Center | Harris County | Personally identifiable information | Secretary of State, Texas | Voter registration |
Library Call Number: L1836.88 EL25HE.pdf
Session: 88th R.S. (2023)
Online version: View report [47 pages  File size: 1,646 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Monitoring: Monitor the agencies and programs under the Committee’s jurisdiction and oversee the implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 88th Legislature. Conduct active oversight of all associated rulemaking and other governmental actions taken to ensure the intended legislative outcome of all legislation, including the following:
  • SB 1070, 88th R.S. relating to the interstate voter registration crosscheck program; and
  • SB 1750, 88th R.S. relating to abolishing the county elections administrator position in certain counties.
2. Adherence to Texas Election Laws: Evaluate the Secretary of State’s Election Audit Program’s findings and solicit information regarding emergent election issues in other counties. Make recommendations to ensure counties faithfully adhere to Texas election laws and those tasked with administering and enforcing the law receive appropriate resources and training.

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