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29 Document(s) [ Subject: Energy policy ]

Committee: House Energy Resources
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: House Committee on Energy Resources, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 2006 : a report to the House of Representatives, 80th Texas Legislature
Subjects: Abandoned oil wells | Energy policy | Environmental protection | Natural gas industry | Nuclear power plants | Oil Field Cleanup Fund | Oil industry |
Library Call Number: L1836.79 En27
Session: 79th R.S. (2005)
Online version: View report [23 pages  File size: 3,130 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Review the effects of universal bonding on the oil and gas industry with respect to the population of oil and gas operators, economic consequences of bonding and whether bonding had had an effect on the number of abandoned wells being placed into the Oil Field Cleanup Fund.
2. Examine the feasibility of offering economic incentives to promote the plugging of inactive wells by operators.
3. Study the alternatives to increased appropriations to the Railroad Commission, including exploration of potential efficiencies, for administrative functions currently funded by the Oil Field Cleanup Fund.
4. Examine technological advancements in the energy industry. Discuss whether creating legislative incentives for the use of these technologies is appropriate.
5. Study the efficacy of private litigation and government agency investigation to accomplish remediation of natural resources impacted by historical, and current oil and gas operations.
6. Examine the feasibility of additional nuclear generated power in Texas, focusing on supply and demand issues, current state nuclear projects, and possible federal government assistance. (Joint interim charge with Regulated Industries)
7. Monitor the agencies and programs under the committee's jurisdiction.
Committee: House Regulated Industries
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: House Committee on Regulated Industries, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 2006 : a report to the House of Representatives, 80th Texas Legislature
Subjects: Alternative energy | Cable telecommunications providers | Coal-fired power plants | Electric Reliability Council of Texas | Electric utility deregulation | Energy policy | Nuclear power plants | Providers of last resort | Public Utility Commission of Texas | Rights of way | Telecommunications deregulation | Underground utility lines |
Library Call Number: L1836.79 R265
Session: 79th R.S. (2005)
Online version: View report [29 pages  File size: 7,157 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Gather and review information on the generation capacity and fuel diversity of the Texas electric market. Recommend changes to Texas law that would encourage new investment and technological innovation in emerging energy fields, such as clean coal and next generation nuclear technologies.
2. Examine the effects of retail competition on the Texas electric market including provider of last resort options for residential customers. Recommend changes to Texas law, including incentives for market participants and residential customers.
3. Monitor the implementation of the state-issued cable and video franchise system. Recommend updates that would further encourage competition and economic investment in the Texas broadband cable and video market.
4. Research and report on the transition to competition of incumbent telecommunications providers in Texas, and examine the effects of deregulation on local level competition, pricing and service offerings. Recommend changes to Texas law that would support further deregulation of the Texas telecommunications market.
5. Study the current repayment mechanism to the county or municipality for utility relocations in the public rights-of-way. Report on the number of relocations statewide each year, total estimated costs for relocations, associated impacts with relocations, and possible alternative systems for funding utility relocations and associated impacts.
6. Review current industry mechanisms used to provide compensation to municipalities for use of the public rights-of-way, specifically whether all inter-modal communications providers receive equal treatment under the current system, and whether all providers of communications services pay for use of the public rights-of-way. Recommend possible alternative compensation systems.
7. Examine the feasibility of additional nuclear generated power in Texas, focusing on supply and demand issues, current state nuclear projects, and possible federal government assistance. (Joint interim charge with energy resources)
8. Monitor the agencies and programs under the committee's jurisdiction.
9. Examine issues related to the creation and purchase of out-of-state renewable energy credits by non-ERCOT Texas utilities and determine possible alternatives for establishing a regional approach that does not allow the double-counting of renewable energy credits for non-ERCOT utilities to meet their renewable goals.
Committee: Joint Telecommunications, Interim
Title: Interim report
Library Catalog Title: Texas alternatives : competitive and regulatory options in telecommunications and electric power : a roadmap for meeting new challenges : a report to the 74th Legislature.
Subjects: Electric utility deregulation | Energy policy | Public Utility Commission of Texas | Public Utility Counsel, Office of | Public Utility Regulatory Act | Telephone deregulation | Telephone service |
Library Call Number: L1836.73 t235
Session: 73rd R.S. (1993)
Online version: View report [100 pages  File size: 8,945 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Study and develop a long term telecommunications policy that promotes technological innovation, economic competitiveness, customer service and universal service while protecting consumers of monopoly services.
2. Study and make recommendations for the appropriate regulatory framework to promote the state's telecommunications policy, including any necessary statutory changes to achieve that framework.
3. Study and make recommendations for changes to the Public Utility Regulatory Act to implement the state's telecommunications policy.
4. Study and make recommendations for any other legislative changes needed to achieve the state's telecommunications goals.
Committee: House Statewide Energy Plan, Select
Title: Interim report
Library Catalog Title: Report of the House Select Committee on Statewide Energy Plan, 70th Legislature : to the speaker and members of the Texas House of Representatives, 71st Legislature.
Subjects: Electric power plants | Electric utilities | Electricity transmission and distribution | Energy policy | Public Utility Commission of Texas | Public Utility Regulatory Act |
Library Call Number: L1836.70 en27p
Session: 70th R.S. (1987)
Online version: View report [25 pages  File size: 878 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. Study the current status of the state's electrical power industry, as well as its potential role in promoting the revitalization of Texas through the development of a statewide energy plan. In addition to making recommendations concerning the legislative implementation of such a plan, the committee shall examine alternatives to methods currently used to generate and transmit electricity and evaluate rate-setting policies to ensure that all consumers receive electricity at the lowest possible cost.
Committee: House Ways and Means
Title: Interim report
Library Catalog Title: Interim report of the Ways and Means Committee, Texas House of Representatives, 68th Legislature, Austin, Texas, 1984.
Subjects: Banks and banking | Energy policy | Federal taxes | Franchise taxes | Housing Agency, Texas | Sales tax exemptions | Sales taxes | Severance taxes | State taxes |
Library Call Number: L1836.68 w364
Session: 68th R.S. (1983)
Online version: View report [80 pages  File size: 2,208 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. To monitor all activities and have budget oversight responsibilities for those agencies, boards and commissions as listed in Rule 3, Section 33.
2. To review the new federal tax laws as they relate to taxes in the state.
3. To make a comparative analysis of taxes in Texas and other states.
4. To examine and compile all exemptions under the general sales tax.
5. To study the Texas Housing Authority's on-going loan programs and financial benefits to home owners to determine if changes need to be made.
6. To study the feasibility of imposing a corporate franchise tax or some other equitable tax on banking corporations doing business in Texas.
7. To assist the Select Committee on Public Education and the House-Senate Joint Committee on State Fiscal Policy.
Committee: Senate Natural Resources
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: Senate Committee on Natural Resources interim report to the 68th Legislature.
Subjects: Energy conservation | Energy policy | Fish | Fisheries | Municipal annexation | Municipalities | Parks and Wildlife, Texas Department of | Radioactive waste | Solid waste disposal | Trout |
Library Call Number: L1836.67 n219s
Session: 67th R.S. (1981)
Online version: View report [112 pages  File size: 3,671 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Conduct a study to make a determination that the newly implemented nuclear and industrial waste disposal law is positive, designed to mandate the safest locations for disposal and transportation, and is adequately enforced.
2. Study legislative alternatives for encouragement of renewable energy resources including incentives on the local level for policy formulation.
3. Study the conflict of interest between coastal home-rule cities and offshore oil interests regarding the issue of annexation.
4. Study problems relating to reports of declining numbers of redfish and speckled sea trout in Texas coastal waters and determine the reasons for the wide variance between statistics relating to Texas redfish and speckled sea trout released by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and those released by federal and independent studies.
Supporting documents
Committee: Senate Natural Resources
Title: SR 719
Library Call Number: SR 719
Session: 67th R.S. (1981)
Online version: View document [4 pages  File size: 1,047 kb]
Committee: Senate Natural Resources
Title: Interim update - redfish, hazardous waste, coastal annexation, marine traffic safety, energy, and marine accretion, August 10, September 10, and November 16, 1981
Library Catalog Title: Minutes
Library Call Number: L1803.9 N219 67
Session: 67th R.S. (1981)
Online version: View document [19 pages]
Committee: House Energy Resources
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: Interim report of the Committee on Energy Resources, Texas House of Representatives, 66th Legislature.
Subjects: Air pollution | Coal mining | Coal-fired power plants | Energy and Natural Resources Advisory Council, Texas | Energy policy | Mexico | Mining | Municipal annexation | Municipalities | Natural gas leases | Oil leases |
Library Call Number: L1836.66 en27
Session: 66th R.S. (1979)
Online version: View report [155 pages  File size: 5,579 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Thoroughly review the research grants both quantitatively and qualitatively awarded by the Governor's Energy Advisory Council (currently the Texas Energy and Natural Resources Advisory Council) to determine the benefits resulting from the expenditures.
2. Catalog all rules and regulations which exist regarding coal and thereby determine the feasibility of using coal as a boiler fuel.
3. Explore the feasibility of an energy exchange program between Texas and Mexico considering such resources as coal, natural gas and biomass, etc.
4. Study the economic impact on the production of oil and gas, as well as state revenue, of the annexation of submerged land by home-rule cities.
Supporting documents
Committee: House Energy Resources
Title: Summary of Committee Action
Library Catalog Title: Minutes
Library Call Number: L1801.9 EN27 66
Session: 66th R.S. (1979)
Online version: View document [17 pages]
Committee: Senate Natural Resources
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: Interim report to the 67th Legislature / Senate Natural Resources Committee.
Subjects: Agriculture | Alternative energy | Electric utility rates and charges | Energy conservation | Energy policy | Fuel conservation | Hazardous waste | Natural disasters | Natural gas utility rates and charges | Ports | Radioactive waste | Ships and shipping | Solid waste disposal | Vehicles | Wind energy |
Library Call Number: L1836.66 n219s
Session: 66th R.S. (1979)
Online version: View report [262 pages  File size: 9,858 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Study hazardous waste and toxic waste disposal in Texas; access the risk that existing toxic waste sites pose; review current waste disposal and waste management laws, and make recommendations. *
2. Study all aspects of the regulation of the disposal of uranium mill tailings; the problem of the disposal of low-level radioactive waste and problems concerning the disposal of toxic industrial waste.
3. Study the hazards affecting the Texas coastal areas and the Gulf of Mexico, including hazards such as hurricanes, tropical storms, tornadoes, subsidence, erosion and ground faults. *
4. Investigate ways to reduce the risk of maritime accidents, and better manage shipping in or near Texas ports. *
5. Investigate ways in which the state can encourage energy conservation and energy efficient construction practices. *
6. Study the obstacles to developing solar energy and wind energy resources, and suggest possible legal or regulatory changes which would promote the use of solar and wind energy sources.
7. Review the methods used for rate design, and the impact of rate structure on energy production and energy use.
8. Suggest ways that the state could reduce use of gasoline and other fuel for transportation. *
9. Investigate future demands of agriculture, and suggest legislative alternatives to encourage the growth of agricultural production. *
10. Analyze Texas laws' impact on small-scale hydroelectric development and recommend possible legislative action. *
Supporting documents
Committee: Senate Natural Resources
Title: Bills Referred to Committee
Library Catalog Title: Minutes
Library Call Number: L1803.9 N219 66
Session: 66th R.S. (1979)
Online version: View document [25 pages]
Committee: House Urban Needs, House Joint
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: To the speaker and members of the Texas House of Representatives, 67th Legislature : report / of the Joint Committee on Urban Needs, Texas House of Representatives, 66th Legislature.
Subjects: Crime prevention | Energy policy | Health care providers | Mental health services | Municipal budgets | Municipalities | Population growth | Social service agencies | Transportation | Transportation planning | Workforce |
Library Call Number: L1836.66 ur1n
Session: 66th R.S. (1979)
Online version: View report [154 pages  File size: 6,492 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Investigate developments in Texas in the next decade and corresponding needs which the Legislature could address.
2. Investigate developments in Texas for the rest of the 20th century, including: the needs of Texas cities; energy needs; human services; transportation; the effect of growth on labor availability; and crime prevention. *
3. Consider the effects of population growth on the demand for government services, and review possible sources of additional revenue. *
4. Study the economics of Texas' cities, including such issues as revenue projections, expenditure levels, grants, etc.
5. Study Texas' energy needs for industrial, commercial and residential purposes.
6. Study the need for expanded human resources, such as mental and physical heath services, social service availability and related issues. Forecast future needs.
7. Study the future of transportation in urban areas.
8. Determine crime prevention needs in terms of law enforcement, neighborhood efforts and other related matters.
9. Study industrial and commercial growth and its effect on labor availability.
Committee: House Agriculture and Livestock
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: Report of the Committee on Agriculture and Livestock, Texas House of Representatives, 65th Legislature.
Subjects: Agriculture | Alternative energy | Aquaculture | Eminent domain | Energy policy | Grain elevators and warehouses | International trade | Livestock | Property rights |
Library Call Number: L1836.65 ag83
Session: 65th R.S. (1977)
Online version: View report [65 pages  File size: 2,161 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. A study of the systems and techniques used by grain storage elevators with particular emphasis on safety techniques currently proposed or in operation to prevent explosions and related disasters.
2. Review the procedures involved in the importation and exportation of livestock. *
3. A study of the power of eminent domain as it relates to land use for agricultural purposes.
4. A study and evaluation of alternate sources of energy for agricultural use and production.
5. A comprehensive evaluation of the current and projected problem areas encountered in developing both a healthy economic climate conducive to commercial mariculture and a viable market for the products of such ventures. The scope of the study shall include, but not be limited to, the problems of issuance of permits, taxation, economics of operations, market development, and the underutilization of current resources.
Supporting documents
Committee: House Energy Resources
Title: Committee Report
Library Catalog Title: Minutes
Library Call Number: L1801.9 EN27 65
Session: 65th R.S. (1977)
Online version: View document [25 pages]
Committee: House State Energy Plan, House Joint
Title: Interim Report - Volume 2
Library Catalog Title: To the speaker and members of the Texas House of Representatives, 66th Legislature : report of the / House Joint Interim Committee on a State Energy Plan.
Subjects: Alternative energy | Coal mining | Energy conservation | Energy policy | Natural gas | Oil production |
Library Call Number: L1836.65 en27 2
Session: 65th R.S. (1977)
Online version: View report [279 pages  File size: 9,875 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. A study of the energy situation of the state, both present and long-term, designed to result in recommendations for legislation and regulations to implement a State Energy Plan for Texas. This study should include surveys of all the energy resources of the state and the fiscal implications of state and federal action and proposals.
Committee: House State Energy Plan, House Joint
Title: Interim Report - Volume 1
Library Catalog Title: To the speaker and members of the Texas House of Representatives, 66th Legislature : report of the / House Joint Interim Committee on a State Energy Plan.
Subjects: Alternative energy | Coal mining | Energy conservation | Energy policy | Natural gas | Oil production |
Library Call Number: L1836.65 en27 1
Session: 65th R.S. (1977)
Online version: View report [86 pages  File size: 4,096 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. A study of the energy situation of the state, both present and long-term, designed to result in recommendations for legislation and regulations to implement a State Energy Plan for Texas. This study should include surveys of all the energy resources of the state and the fiscal implications of state and federal action and proposals.
Supporting documents
Committee: House State Energy Plan, House Joint
Title: Joint committee studies.
Library Call Number: LRL
Session: 65th R.S. (1977)
Online version: View document [7 pages]
Committee: House Energy Crisis
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: Texas energy in the '70's: a time of transition / House Energy Crisis Committee.
Subjects: Energy conservation | Energy policy | Natural gas industry | Nuclear power plants | Oil industry |
Library Call Number: L1836.63 en27r 1975
Session: 63rd R.S. (1973)
Online version: View report [75 pages  File size: 4,366 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Begin immediately a thorough study of the energy crisis and seek possible solutions to this most serious problem.
2. Look into, study and report on the following: (1) The effect and importance of the unitization bill that passed the house this session; (2) The curtailment of gas supplied by Coastal States to Texas cities and industrial users and the regulatory powers of the Texas Railroad Commission regarding establishment of priorities; (3) The effect of fuel rationing on our agricultural economy and the establishment of agricultural users as a high priority; and (4) The development and use of nuclear power as an energy and fuel alternative.
Supporting documents
Committee: House Energy Crisis
Title: Committee documentation
Library Catalog Title: Minutes
Library Call Number: L1836.63 EN27P
Session: 63rd R.S. (1973)
Online version: View document [1 pages]
Committee: House Energy Crisis
Title: Energy trends and their future effects upon transportation
Library Catalog Title: Energy trends and their future effects upon transportation.
Library Call Number: L1836.63 en27e
Session: 63rd R.S. (1973)
Online version: View document [0 pages]
Committee: House Energy Crisis
Title: Report, June and July of 1973
Library Call Number: LRL
Session: 63rd R.S. (1973)
Online version: View document [3 pages]
Committee: House Energy Crisis
Title: Report, August and September of 1973
Library Call Number: LRL
Session: 63rd R.S. (1973)
Online version: View document [3 pages]
Committee: House Energy Crisis
Title: Energy shortages and the Texas economy
Library Catalog Title: Energy shortages and the Texas economy / presented to the House Energy Crisis Committee.
Library Call Number: L1836.63 en27es
Session: 63rd R.S. (1973)
Committee: House Energy Crisis
Title: Potential geothermal resources in Texas
Library Catalog Title: Potential geothermal resources in Texas / presented to the Committee on Energy Crisis, Texas House of Representatives by Myron Dorfman.
Library Call Number: L1836.63 en27po
Session: 63rd R.S. (1973)
Committee: House Energy Crisis
Title: Report, December 1973 and January 1974
Library Call Number: LRL
Session: 63rd R.S. (1973)
Online version: View document [5 pages]
Committee: House Energy Crisis
Title: Energy policies for Texas
Library Catalog Title: Energy policies for Texas / Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs.
Library Call Number: L1836.63 en27l
Session: 63rd R.S. (1973)
Committee: House Natural Resources
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: Report of the House of Representatives, Natural Resources Committee ; a report to the House of the 64th Legislature.
Subjects: Energy conservation | Energy policy | Mining | Natural gas industry | Oil industry | Rural areas | Subsidence | Wastewater management | Water supplies |
Library Call Number: L1836.63 n219
Session: 63rd R.S. (1973)
Online version: View report [26 pages  File size: 833 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Hear testimony on the issue of unitization of oil and gas properties. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of allowing owners of large interests in an oil or gas reservoir should be allowed to compel smaller owners to merge interests and consolidate the operations of the reservoir. *
2. Review issues related to surface mining and land reclamation, land surface subsidence, water supplies, waste disposal, and water law. *
3. Undertake a study of the energy crisis in rural areas and make legislative recommendations *
Supporting documents
Committee: House Natural Resources
Title: Subcommittee Members
Library Catalog Title: Minutes
Library Call Number: L1801.9 N218H 63
Session: 63rd R.S. (1973)
Online version: View document [1 pages]

* This represents an abstract of the report contents. Charge text is incomplete or unavailable.

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