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24 Document(s) [ Subject: Oil production ]

Committee: House Energy Resources
Title: Interim Report
Subjects: Alternative energy | Carbon capture and sequestration | Energy storage | Natural gas drilling | Natural gas service | Natural gas supplies | Natural gas utilities | Natural gas utility rates and charges | Oil production | Power outages | Railroad Commission of Texas | Weatherization | Winter Storm Uri |
Library Call Number:
Session: 87th R.S. (2021)
Online version: View report [28 pages  File size: 995 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Monitor the agencies and programs under the Committee's jurisdiction and oversee the implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 87th Legislature. Conduct active oversight of all associated rulemaking and other governmental actions taken to ensure the intended legislative outcome of all legislation, including the following:
  • HB 1520, 87th R.S.relating to extraordinary costs incurred by gas utilities relating to Winter Storm Uri and the authority to issue bonds and impose fees and assessments;
  • HB 3648, 87th R.S. which requires the designation of certain natural gas facilities as critical customers or critical gas suppliers during energy emergencies; and
  • SB 3, 87th R.S. relating to preparing for, preventing, and responding to weather emergencies and power outages. (Joint charge with Committee on State Affairs)
2. Assess efforts made by the Railroad Commission and the Texas Energy Reliability Council to weatherize infrastructure and ensure reliability of the natural gas delivery system during times of disaster.
3. Examine ways to increase the production of oil and gas within the state. Review state and local regulations that could directly impact the exploration or production of oil and gas and make recommendations for increasing Texas' energy independence.
4. Explore options for expanding the state's underground natural gas storage capacity, including using excess storage capacity for carbon capture opportunities and the creation of a strategic natural gas reserve for the state.
5. Evaluate innovative and emerging energy sources. Identify and make recommendations to address legislative or regulatory obstacles to the use, development, and deployment of viable innovative and emerging energy sources.
Supporting documents
Committee: House Energy Resources
Title: Committee meeting handouts and testimony, April 18, 2018 (Permian basin workforce and Frac Sand, gas reliability and Railroad Commission response to Hurricane Harvey)
Library Call Number:
Session: 85th R.S. (2017)
Online version: View document [42 pages  File size: 7,715 kb]
Committee: House Energy Resources
Title: Interim Report
Subjects: e-government | Liens | Mexico | Mineral rights | Natural gas production | Natural gas royalties | Oil production | Oil royalties | Pipeline safety | Property rights | Railroad Commission of Texas | Rainy Day Fund |
Library Call Number: L1836.83 En27
Session: 83rd R.S. (2013)
Online version: View report [44 pages]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Study the impact of the expanding oil and gas exploration and production occurring across the state. Included in the study should be both the positive impacts of the exploration and production as well as the new challenges they are presenting. The study should encompass a review of the following issues: • The effect on the state budget and the Economic Stabilization Fund; • The overall impact on the state economy; • The impact on property values and local taxes; • The effect on roads; • The impact on local school districts; • The complex relationship between land owners, royalty owners, and operators; • The impact on the environment, including emissions and injection wells; • Projected water needs and how those fit with our state water plan; and • The housing issues created by the number of workers needed in areas of shale plays.
2. Study the P5 permitting process at the Railroad Commission to determine whether the process is efficient and effective and whether there are actions that can be taken to improve the process.
3. Study and review the appropriation of general revenue dollars allocated to the Railroad Commission for improvements in IT systems to ensure those funds are being utilized to streamline the permitting process and to allow access to information for all parties that conduct business at the Commission.
4. Review the application of Texas Business & Commerce Code, Section 9.343, to determine the legal rights of unperfected security interests of oil and gas producers with respect to subsequent purchasers, specifically in the context of a bankruptcy proceeding such as Arrow Oil & Gas, Inc. v. SemCrude, L.P. and subsequent cases.
5. Monitor the implementation of HB 2982, 83rd R.S. to ensure that the required rulemaking is completed efficiently and in a timely manner and SB 1747, 83rd R.S. to ensure effective implementation in keeping with legislative intent.
6. Conduct legislative oversight and monitoring of the agencies and programs under the committee’s jurisdiction and the implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 83rd Legislature. In conducting this oversight, the committee should: a. consider any reforms to state agencies to make them more responsive to Texas taxpayers and citizens; b. identify issues regarding the agency or its governance that may be appropriate to investigate, improve, remedy, or eliminate; c. determine whether an agency is operating in a transparent and efficient manner; and d. identify opportunities to streamline programs and services while maintaining the mission of the agency and its programs.
7. Examine the impact on Texas’s economy and businesses of the recent expansion of oil and gas production in Northern Mexico. Assess opportunities for economic growth in Texas and collaboration between Texas businesses and Mexico resulting from Mexico’s energy reform, including Mexico’s efforts to recover shale gas from the Eagle Ford Shale.
Committee: Senate Transportation
Title: Interim Report
Subjects: Highway finance | Natural gas production | Oil production | Privatization | Semi-trailer trucks | TexasSure | Toll roads | Traffic | Traffic safety | Transportation, Texas Department of | Uninsured motorists | Vehicle insurance |
Library Call Number: L1836.83 T685
Session: 83rd R.S. (2013)
Online version: View report [43 pages]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Examine the anticipated impact increased oil and gas production will continue to have on roadways and bridges. Make recommendations to enhance the safety and infrastructure damaged by truck activity related to oil and gas exploration and production.
2. Evaluate the Texas Department of Transportation and Metropolitan Planning Organization's progress on reducing congestion on the 100 Most Congested Roadway segments and make recommendations to advance the development of the remaining congestion relief projects.
3. Evaluate Comprehensive Development Agreements (CDA) and Design/Build project delivery methods and make recommendations for their future role in reducing congestion and continuing the state's economic growth.
4. Examine the implementation of SB 1792, 83rd R.S., which provides remedies for habitual violators of nonpayment of tolls and make recommendations for any legislation needed to improve, enhance, and/or complete implementation.
5. Study and monitor the state's efforts to protect taxpayers from uninsured motorists. Make recommendations to improve compliance of maintaining motor vehicle liability insurance and registration.
Committee: House Natural Resources
Title: Interim Report
Subjects: Coal mining | Droughts | Electric power plants | Electricity supplies | Environmental Quality, Texas Commission on | General Land Office, Texas | Hydraulic fracturing | Irrigation | Natural gas production | Oil production | Parks and Wildlife, Texas Department of | Uranium mines | Water conservation | Water desalination | Water Development Board, Texas | Water planning | Water rights |
Library Call Number: L1836.82 N218h
Session: 82nd R.S. (2011)
Online version: View report [184 pages]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Monitor the ongoing statewide drought and the performance of state, regional, and local entities in addressing it. Examine the impact of the drought on the state water plan, including an evaluation of how well the state's existing water resources can meet demand, the need for additional funding sources to implement the plan, and the effectiveness of current drought planning and drought management policies. Identify short-term and long-term strategies to help the state better cope with drought and assess any obstacles, including state and federal regulations, to implementation of these strategies.
2. Examine the interplay of water and energy resources and needs in the state. Study the economic, environmental, and social impacts of water use in energy production and exploration, including the impacts of this use on regional and state water planning. Determine the current and likely future water needs of power generation and energy production, and evaluate options to develop new or alternative supplies. Include an evaluation of current issues involving water use for oil and gas production and related water quality issues.
3. Evaluate the status of desalination projects in Texas. Include an evaluation of the regulation of brackish groundwater and whether opportunities exist to facilitate better utilization of this groundwater to meet future needs.
4. Study ways to enhance incentives for water conservation in agricultural irrigation.
Committee: Senate Natural Resources
Title: Oil & gas production
Library Catalog Title: The Senate Interim Committee on Natural Resources interim report to the 77th Legislature : future of the Texas oil and natural gas production industry.
Subjects: Abandoned oil wells | Alternative energy | Natural gas | Natural gas industry | Oil industry | Oil production | Severance taxes |
Library Call Number: L1836.76 n219p
Session: 76th R.S. (1999)
Online version: View report [53 pages  File size: 244 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. Evaluate the future of the Texas oil and natural gas production industry. The Committee shall identify existing impediments to exploration and production, and examine whether incentives should be offered to help Texas producers capitalize on the expected increase in natural gas demand in coming years. The Committee shall also analyze the effectiveness of the well plugging and remediation program of the Texas Railroad Commission.
Committee: House Energy Resources
Title: Interim report
Library Catalog Title: Energy Resources Committee, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1996 : a report to the House of Represenatives, 75th Texas Legislature.
Subjects: Air pollution | Alternative energy | Energy conservation | Environmental permits | Environmental protection | Natural gas industry | Natural Resource Conservation Commission, Texas | Oil industry | Oil production | Public Utility Commission of Texas | Railroad Commission of Texas | Severance taxes | Tax incentives |
Library Call Number: L1836.75 en27
Session: 74th R.S. (1995)
Online version: View report [23 pages  File size: 858 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Conduct active oversight of agencies under the committee's jurisdiction.
2. Study ways to increase energy production in Texas.
3. Study the issue of "environmental externalities" when granting permits.
4. Study the effectiveness of severance tax incentives to promote oil and gas production activities.
Committee: House Energy
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: Committee on Energy, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1992 : a report to the House of Representatives, 73rd Texas Legislature.
Subjects: Abandoned oil wells | Natural gas | Oil drilling | Oil industry | Oil production | Oil spills |
Library Call Number: L1836.72 en27
Session: 72nd R.S. (1991)
Online version: View report [22 pages  File size: 712 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Monitor and oversee legislation enacted during the 72nd Regular and Special Called Sessions that was considered by the Energy Committee; Performance Audit Review Recommendations; and any agency-initiated changes.
2. Study the use of gas by utility companies as a clean burning inexpensive fuel. Examine the interaction between the utility companies and the P.U.C.
3. Examine the implementation of both the well plugging bill by the Railroad Commission and the oil spill control bill by the General Land Office.
Committee: House Energy
Title: Interim report
Library Catalog Title: To the speaker and members of the Texas House of Representatives, 72nd Legislature : interim report from the Committee on Energy, Texas House of Representatives, 71st Legislature.
Subjects: Abandoned oil wells | Low producing wells | Natural gas industry | Natural gas royalties | Oil industry | Oil production | Oil royalties | One call to dig program | Pipeline safety | Radioactive materials | Radioactive waste | Railroad Commission of Texas |
Library Call Number: L1836.71 en27
Session: 71st R.S. (1989)
Online version: View report [25 pages  File size: 1,418 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. To study naturally occurring radioactive material.
2. To study division order problems between royalty owners and producers.
3. To study the feasibility of protection of underground pipeline and utilities by means of a "Statewide One Call System."
4. To study the extension and maintenance of stripper well production.
5. To study the effects of foreign ownership, directly or indirectly, of energy interests in Texas.
6. To study the effects of drilling fluids in various geological strata.
7. To study the severity of defective cement plugs in wellbores throughout the state.
8. To study the utilization of regional offices of the Railroad Commission.
Committee: House Energy
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: Report of the Committee on Energy, Texas House of Representatives, 69th Legislature.
Subjects: Hazardous substances | Natural gas | Natural gas drilling | Natural gas industry | Oil drilling | Oil fields | Oil industry | Oil production | Pipeline safety | State land |
Library Call Number: L1836.69 en27
Session: 69th R.S. (1985)
Online version: View report [37 pages  File size: 1,025 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Study a system for statewide proration of natural gas and assess the feasibility of such a system.
2. Study the feasibility of compulsory unitization of oil and gas reservoirs in Texas.
3. Study the impact that hydrogen sulfide, "sour gas," has on the state and the individual landowner, especially in the areas of drilling, exploration and treatment.
4. Study the utilization of state owned mineral bearing lands, including Relinquishment Act lands, particularly those which have limited or no access.
5. Study the expected life of the remaining oil and gas reservoirs in Texas.
Committee: House Energy
Title: Interim report
Library Catalog Title: To the Speaker and members, Texas House of Representatives, 69th Legislature : report of the Committee on Energy, Texas House of Representatives, 68th Legislature.
Subjects: Electric power plants | Electric utilities | Electric utility rates and charges | Natural gas drilling | Oil drilling | Oil industry | Oil production | Public information | Radioactive waste | Rights of way | Solid waste disposal |
Library Call Number: L1836.68 en27
Session: 68th R.S. (1983)
Online version: View report [81 pages  File size: 2,479 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. To study the advantage of mandatory release of certain electric well logs made in conjunction with oil and gas exploration activities.
2. In cooperation with state and federal authorities and the Special House-Senate Joint Committee on Hazardous Waste, study future proposals of the National Waste Terminal Storage Program and the progress of the Department of Energy's other activities that relate to Texas' role in high-level waste disposal operations.
3. To study the background on the receipt and expenditure of Department of Energy oil overcharge money forwarded to the State of Texas and make appropriate recommendations.
4. To study operations relating to seismographic testing on the right-of-way of county roads or other public highways.
5. To study the concept of inverted block pricing structures as they relate to public utilities in Texas.
Supporting documents
Committee: House Energy
Title: Notices of public hearing and formal meeting
Library Catalog Title: Minutes
Library Call Number: L1801.9 EN27 68
Session: 68th R.S. (1983)
Online version: View document [3 pages]
Committee: House State Energy Plan, House Joint
Title: Interim Report - Volume 2
Library Catalog Title: To the speaker and members of the Texas House of Representatives, 66th Legislature : report of the / House Joint Interim Committee on a State Energy Plan.
Subjects: Alternative energy | Coal mining | Energy conservation | Energy policy | Natural gas | Oil production |
Library Call Number: L1836.65 en27 2
Session: 65th R.S. (1977)
Online version: View report [279 pages  File size: 9,875 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. A study of the energy situation of the state, both present and long-term, designed to result in recommendations for legislation and regulations to implement a State Energy Plan for Texas. This study should include surveys of all the energy resources of the state and the fiscal implications of state and federal action and proposals.
Committee: House State Energy Plan, House Joint
Title: Interim Report - Volume 1
Library Catalog Title: To the speaker and members of the Texas House of Representatives, 66th Legislature : report of the / House Joint Interim Committee on a State Energy Plan.
Subjects: Alternative energy | Coal mining | Energy conservation | Energy policy | Natural gas | Oil production |
Library Call Number: L1836.65 en27 1
Session: 65th R.S. (1977)
Online version: View report [86 pages  File size: 4,096 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. A study of the energy situation of the state, both present and long-term, designed to result in recommendations for legislation and regulations to implement a State Energy Plan for Texas. This study should include surveys of all the energy resources of the state and the fiscal implications of state and federal action and proposals.
Supporting documents
Committee: House State Energy Plan, House Joint
Title: Joint committee studies.
Library Call Number: LRL
Session: 65th R.S. (1977)
Online version: View document [7 pages]
Committee: House General Investigating, Special
Title: Interim report
Library Catalog Title: Official report to the House of Representatives of the 58th Legislature of Texas.
Subjects: Natural gas drilling | Natural gas industry | Oil drilling | Oil industry | Oil production |
Library Call Number: L1801.9 IN8 57 2
Session: 57th R.S. (1961)
Online version: View report [61 pages  File size: 4,287 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. The Committee shall have full authority to initiate and continue any and all inquiries and hearings into matters pertaining to the State government, including the various units thereof and their personnel, and any units or sub-divisions of government within the State of Texas. It shall have the power to examine into the expenditure of public funds at any and all levels of government within the State, and all other matters and things considered by said Committee to be needed for the information of the Legislature and for the welfare and protection of the citizens of this State, including covert and overt subversive activities.
2. Investigate reports of slanted wells, marginal well violations, and a suspected conspiracy involving operators, drilling contractors, third party servicing companies and Railroad Commission employees. *
Committee: House Oil Industry and 'Hot Oil Situation,' Special
Title: Report - Preliminary Report
Library Catalog Title: Preliminary report
Subjects: Comptroller of Public Accounts, Texas | Motor fuels taxes | Oil industry | Oil production | Railroad Commission of Texas | Severance taxes | Tax administration |
Library Call Number: H.J. of Tex., 44th Leg.,1st C.S. 108 (1935)
Session: 44th R.S. (1935)
Online version: View report [9 pages  File size: 537 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. Investigate the so-called "hot oil situation," determine and report upon truth of the charges commonly made, and study and report upon corrective measures, is such are found to be necessary.
Committee: House Oil Industry and 'Hot Oil Situation,' Special
Title: Report - Final Report
Library Catalog Title: Report of Committee in regard to oil industry of Texas
Subjects: Comptroller of Public Accounts, Texas | Motor fuels taxes | Oil industry | Oil production | Railroad Commission of Texas | Severance taxes | Tax administration |
Library Call Number: L1836.44 Oi1 / H.J. of Tex., 44th Leg., 3rd C.S. 481 (1936)
Session: 44th R.S. (1935)
Online version: View report [9 pages  File size: 580 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. Investigate the so-called "hot oil situation," determine and report upon truth of the charges commonly made, and study and report upon corrective measures, is such are found to be necessary.
Committee: House Oil, Gas, and Mining
Title: Report
Library Catalog Title: Report of the Committee on Oil, Gas, and Mining.
Subjects: Natural gas industry | Oil fields | Oil industry | Oil pipelines | Oil production |
Library Call Number: H.J. of Tex., 43th Leg., R.S. 940 (1933)
Session: 43rd R.S. (1933)
Online version: View report [21 pages  File size: 1,310 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. Make an investigation of the enforcement of the conservation laws of this State and ascertain the fact and gather information as to such enforcement.
Committee: House Mineral Resources in River Beds, Investigate
Title: Report
Library Catalog Title: Report of Committee in Regard to Investigating Mineral Resources of Certain River Beds.
Subjects: Natural gas drilling | Natural gas leases | Oil drilling | Oil leases | Oil production | Rivers | Sabine River | State land | Surface water pollution |
Library Call Number: H.J. of Tex., 42nd Leg., 1st C.S., 88 (1931)
Session: 42nd R.S. (1931)
Online version: View report [3 pages  File size: 119 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. Investigate river bed development by adjoining oil and gas field developers. *
Committee: House Oil and Gas Industry, Investigate
Title: Proceedings, pt. 1
Library Catalog Title: Proceedings of investigating committee of the whole House of Representatives relating to the oil and gas industry (transcript)
Subjects: Natural gas industry | Oil fields | Oil industry | Oil production | Wholesale oil prices |
Library Call Number: H.J. of Tex., 42nd Leg., 1st C.S., App. A (1931)
Session: 42nd R.S. (1931)
Online version: View report [277 pages  File size: 19,356 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. To make a thorough and detailed investigation of the development, production, transportation, refining, marketing, both as to wholesale and retail markets, and any and all other matters in connection with the oil and gas business of the State. *
Committee: House Oil and Gas Industry, Investigate
Title: Proceedings, pt. 2
Library Catalog Title: Proceedings of investigating committee of the whole House of Representatives relating to the oil and gas industry (transcript)
Subjects: Natural gas industry | Oil fields | Oil industry | Oil production | Wholesale oil prices |
Library Call Number: H.J. of Tex., 42nd Leg., 1st C.S., App. A (1931)
Session: 42nd R.S. (1931)
Online version: View report [258 pages  File size: 17,907 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. To make a thorough and detailed investigation of the development, production, transportation, refining, marketing, both as to wholesale and retail markets, and any and all other matters in connection with the oil and gas business of the State. *
Supporting documents
Committee: House Oil and Gas Industry, Investigate
Title: The Oil Situation, Testimony of William R. Boyd, Jr., American Petroleum Institute, Before the Committee of the Whole, House of Representatives, Relating to the Oil and Gas Industry, July 27, 1931 (transcript)
Library Catalog Title: Minutes
Library Call Number: L1836.42 IN8T
Session: 42nd R.S. (1931)
Online version: View document [37 pages  File size: 54,193 kb]
Committee: House Oil and Gas Leases, Investigate
Title: Report
Library Catalog Title: Report of the committee in regard to certain oil and gas leases.
Subjects: Fiscal management | Natural gas leases | Natural gas royalties | Oil fields | Oil leases | Oil production | Oil royalties | Permanent University Fund | State land | University of Texas at Austin |
Library Call Number: H.J. of Tex., 42nd Leg., R.S., 2082 (1931)
Session: 41st R.S. (1929)
Online version: View report [16 pages  File size: 785 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Investigate the validity of certain oil and gas leases. *
2. Determine whether the University of Texas has and is now receiving their share of royalty due from oil and gas leases.
3. Determine whether the available fund is being expended in a lawful manner.

* This represents an abstract of the report contents. Charge text is incomplete or unavailable.

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