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34 Document(s) [ Subject: Radioactive waste ]

Committee: House Environmental Regulation
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: House Committee on Environmental Regulation, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 2002 : a report to the House of Representatives, 78th Texas Legislature.
Subjects: Air quality | Border environment | Drinking water | Hazardous substances | Homeland security | Radioactive waste | Solid waste disposal | Terrorism | Texas Emissions Reduction Plan | Vehicle emissions tests | Vehicle registration | Vehicle safety inspections |
Library Call Number: L1836.77 en89
Session: 77th R.S. (2001)
Online version: View report [82 pages  File size: 1,926 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Examine problems related to lost and stolen radioactive material, including sources abandoned downhole in drilling operations.
2. Study the production, transportation, use and disposal of hazardous and radioactive materials that could be used in terrorist actions. Review the management and security of public drinking water systems. Review government regulations and business practices to determine whether legislation is needed to protect life and property and to detect, interdict and respond to acts of terrorism.
3. Identify and prioritize environmental issues on the Texas-Mexico border, including air quality and solid waste.
4. Examine the progress of programs related to vehicle inspection and maintenance and low-income repair assistance.
5. Actively monitor agencies and programs under the committee's oversight jurisdiction, including specifically, implementation of HB 2912, 77th R.S., the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission Sunset Legislation, and SB 5, 77th R.S., to ensure compliance with federal Clean Air Act standards and deadlines.
Committee: House Environmental Regulation
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: House Committee on Environmental Regulation, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 2000 : a report to the House of Representatives, 77th Texas Legislature.
Subjects: Air quality | Clean Air Act | Emissions | Natural Resource Conservation Commission, Texas | Radioactive waste | Solid waste disposal | Sunset review process |
Library Call Number: L1836.76 en89
Session: 76th R.S. (1999)
Online version: View report [81 pages  File size: 177 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Identify program options in all areas of the state for achieving and maintaining compliance with federal air quality requirements while preserving the potential for economic growth. The review should consider the effects of projected population growth on transportation requirements.
2. Determine the ramifications surrounding the handling, processing and disposal of low-level radioactive waste within the borders of the state as they relate to compact waste, non-compact waste generated by the federal government, mixed waste, and licensing of a private or state entity. Review policies of the Department of Health related to extremely low-level radioactive waste to determine consistency with other states' regulations.
3. Assess the merits of the current program transferring one-half of the solid waste tipping fee to councils of government to be dispersed for local solid waste projects.
4. Conduct active oversight of the agencies under the committee's jurisdiction.
Committee: Senate Natural Resources
Title: Storage and disposal options for low-level radioactive waste
Library Catalog Title: The Senate Interim Committee on Natural Resources interim report to the 77th Legislature : storage and disposal options for low-level radioactive waste.
Subjects: Radioactive waste | Solid waste disposal |
Library Call Number: L1836.76 n219s
Session: 76th R.S. (1999)
Online version: View report [27 pages  File size: 764 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. Study the necessity for storage and disposal options for low-level radioactive waste. The Committee shall examine Texas' obligations under the Texas-Maine-Vermont Low-Level Radioactive Waste Compact, the status of other federally formed compacts, the practicality of assured isolation facilities, the feasibility of underground disposal operations, and the viability of public-private ventures and other licensing issues.
Committee: House Environmental Regulation
Title: Interim report
Library Catalog Title: House Committee on Environmental Regulation, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1998 : a report to the House of Representatives, 76th Texas Legislature.
Subjects: Air quality | Clean Air Act | Concentrated animal feeding operations | Emergency management | Environmental education | Environmental laws and regulations | Environmental permits | Environmental protection | Grandfathered industrial facilities | Local emergency planning committees | Manure | Natural Resource Conservation Commission, Texas | Radioactive waste | Solid waste disposal | Statutory revision | Surface water pollution | Tire disposal | Voluntary Emissions Reduction Program | Water quality management |
Library Call Number: L1836.75 en89
Session: 75th R.S. (1997)
Online version: View report [131 pages  File size: 6,431 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Review materials of publicly funded environmental educational programs and assess whether the materials and the programs promote views based on scientifically sound information.
2. Review current funding mechanisms for Local Emergency Planning Committees ("LEPC's), which are required by federal law to respond to chemical emergencies. Determine if there are alternative funding methods that would improve the ability of the LEPC's to preform their duties.
3. Compile an inventory of state environmental laws that appear to provide little or no appreciable benefit, and recommend revision or repeal of each law identified.
4. Monitor the activities of the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission to achieve a fair transition for permitting facilities currently operating without air quality permits.
5. Study the cumulative effects of siting numerous confined animal feeding operations (CAFO's) in a geographic area involving multiple state jurisdictions. Determine whether environmental protections are adequate in such situations.
6. Conduct active oversight of state agencies and programs under the committee's jurisdiction, including the waste tire program, delegation of federal environmental programs, revisions to national ambient air quality standards, and approval of the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact.
Committee: House Environmental Regulation
Title: Interim report
Library Catalog Title: Environmental Regulation, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1996 : a report to the House of Representatives, 75th Texas Legislature.
Subjects: Environmental cleanup | Radioactive waste | Solid waste disposal | Superfund |
Library Call Number: L1836.75 en89
Session: 74th R.S. (1995)
Online version: View report [68 pages  File size: 2,710 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Conduct active oversight of agencies under the committee's jurisdiction.
2. Study current policy relating to the regulation of radioactive waste, including conflicts between the federal and state regulatory definitions of radioactive waste, the statutory authorization for mixed-waste disposal; and Congress' ratification of the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact.
3. Review the need for funding the Municipal Solid Waste Superfund for the specific purpose of addressing closed landfills that pose a threat to public health and safety.
Committee: House Energy
Title: Interim report
Library Catalog Title: To the speaker and members of the Texas House of Representatives, 72nd Legislature : interim report from the Committee on Energy, Texas House of Representatives, 71st Legislature.
Subjects: Abandoned oil wells | Low producing wells | Natural gas industry | Natural gas royalties | Oil industry | Oil production | Oil royalties | One call to dig program | Pipeline safety | Radioactive materials | Radioactive waste | Railroad Commission of Texas |
Library Call Number: L1836.71 en27
Session: 71st R.S. (1989)
Online version: View report [25 pages  File size: 1,418 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. To study naturally occurring radioactive material.
2. To study division order problems between royalty owners and producers.
3. To study the feasibility of protection of underground pipeline and utilities by means of a "Statewide One Call System."
4. To study the extension and maintenance of stripper well production.
5. To study the effects of foreign ownership, directly or indirectly, of energy interests in Texas.
6. To study the effects of drilling fluids in various geological strata.
7. To study the severity of defective cement plugs in wellbores throughout the state.
8. To study the utilization of regional offices of the Railroad Commission.
Committee: Senate Natural Resources
Title: Interim report
Library Catalog Title: Interim report to the 72nd Legislature / Senate Committee on Natural Resources.
Subjects: Hazardous substances | Radioactive materials | Radioactive waste |
Library Call Number: L1836. n219
Session: 71st R.S. (1989)
Online version: View report [56 pages  File size: 2,271 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. Examine the control and regulation of technologically enhanced naturally occurring radioactive materials.
Supporting documents
Committee: Senate Natural Resources
Title: Committee documentation: daily minutes record
Library Catalog Title: Minutes
Library Call Number: L1803.9 N219 71
Session: 71st R.S. (1989)
Online version: View document [1 pages  File size: 19 kb]
Committee: House Environmental Affairs
Title: Interim report
Library Catalog Title: Report of the Committee on Environmental Affairs : to the speaker and the members of the Texas House of Representatives, 71st Legislature.
Subjects: Artificial reefs | Fisheries | Fishing | Hazardous waste | Natural resources conservation | Offshore structures | Outdoor recreation | Parks and Wildlife, Texas Department of | Radioactive waste | Solid waste disposal | State parks | Tourism | Wetlands |
Library Call Number: L1836.70 en89
Session: 70th R.S. (1987)
Online version: View report [120 pages  File size: 3,608 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. To study the interstate compacts for the handling of low-level radioactive waste.
2. To study the acquisition of wetlands and other conservation areas.
3. To study the feasibility of converting drilling rigs to fish reefs.
4. To study methods to increase tourism through the coordination of public and private parks and recreational facilities throughout the state.
Committee: Senate Health and Human Services Subcommittee on Health Services
Title: Interim report - Uranium mill tailings
Library Catalog Title: Uranium mill tailings : interim report / Senate Subcommittee on Health Services.
Subjects: Hazardous substances | Radioactive materials | Radioactive waste | Solid waste disposal |
Library Call Number: L1836.70 ur2
Session: 70th R.S. (1987)
Online version: View report [77 pages  File size: 3,777 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. Study the regulation of uranium mill tailings and similar waste. Investigate risks to public health and the environment, the state's liability for improperly regulated disposal sites, and the loss of public confidence in the state's regulatory process. *
Supporting documents
Committee: Senate High-Level Nuclear Waste, Select
Title: SR 571
Library Call Number: SR 571
Session: 70th R.S. (1987)
Online version: View document [5 pages  File size: 1,359 kb]
Committee: House County Affairs
Title: Interim report
Library Catalog Title: To the Speaker and members of the House of Representatives : report of the Committee on County Affairs.
Subjects: Counties | County budgets | County government | Indigent health care | Property taxes | Radioactive waste | Solid waste disposal | Statutory revision | Supreme Court arguments and decisions, U.S. | Tax appraisals |
Library Call Number: L1836.68 c832
Session: 68th R.S. (1983)
Online version: View report [140 pages  File size: 4,573 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. To monitor all activities and have budget oversight responsibilities for those agencies, boards and commissions as listed in Rule 3, Section 5.
2. To examine county ordinance-making authority and its ramifications.
3. To classify, investigate, and analyze county law as it presently exists.
4. To investigate the various sources of revenue that counties currently have.
5. To examine the impact of the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision, revenues regarding tax exempt status of federal securities on county revenues.
6. In cooperation with the House Committee on Urban Affairs and the House-Senate Joint Committee on Indigent Health Care, study the impact of indigent health care on county government.
7. Conduct a mid-course review of the activities to date of the Texas Low-level Radioactive Waste Disposal Authority (TLLRWDA) and take testimony and gather evidence from interested public officials and private citizens on the matter of low-level nuclear waste disposal in Texas.
Committee: House Energy
Title: Interim report
Library Catalog Title: To the Speaker and members, Texas House of Representatives, 69th Legislature : report of the Committee on Energy, Texas House of Representatives, 68th Legislature.
Subjects: Electric power plants | Electric utilities | Electric utility rates and charges | Natural gas drilling | Oil drilling | Oil industry | Oil production | Public information | Radioactive waste | Rights of way | Solid waste disposal |
Library Call Number: L1836.68 en27
Session: 68th R.S. (1983)
Online version: View report [81 pages  File size: 2,479 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. To study the advantage of mandatory release of certain electric well logs made in conjunction with oil and gas exploration activities.
2. In cooperation with state and federal authorities and the Special House-Senate Joint Committee on Hazardous Waste, study future proposals of the National Waste Terminal Storage Program and the progress of the Department of Energy's other activities that relate to Texas' role in high-level waste disposal operations.
3. To study the background on the receipt and expenditure of Department of Energy oil overcharge money forwarded to the State of Texas and make appropriate recommendations.
4. To study operations relating to seismographic testing on the right-of-way of county roads or other public highways.
5. To study the concept of inverted block pricing structures as they relate to public utilities in Texas.
Supporting documents
Committee: House Energy
Title: Notices of public hearing and formal meeting
Library Catalog Title: Minutes
Library Call Number: L1801.9 EN27 68
Session: 68th R.S. (1983)
Online version: View document [3 pages]
Committee: Joint Hazardous Waste Disposal
Title: Interim report
Library Catalog Title: Interim report to the 69th Texas Legislature, Texas House of Representatives / Joint House-Senate Study Committee on Hazardous Waste Disposal.
Subjects: Hazardous waste | Radioactive waste | Solid waste disposal |
Library Call Number: L1836.68 h336
Session: 68th R.S. (1983)
Online version: View report [193 pages  File size: 8,096 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. Study the need to formulate policies for the location of hazardous waste disposal sites and study the Federal Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982.
Supporting documents
Committee: Joint Hazardous Waste Disposal
Title: Background document
Library Catalog Title: Summary of rock salt deposits in the United States as possible storage sites for radioactive waste materials
Library Call Number: L1836.68 H336RS
Session: 68th R.S. (1983)
Online version: View document [96 pages  File size: 4,239 kb]
Committee: Joint Hazardous Waste Disposal
Title: Hearings before the general public regarding nuclear waste disposal, Tulia High School Auditorium, Tulia, Texas
Library Catalog Title: Minutes, April 23, 1984
Library Call Number: L1801.9 H336 68
Session: 68th R.S. (1983)
Online version: View document [113 pages]
Committee: Joint Hazardous Waste Disposal
Title: Hearings before the general public regarding nuclear waste disposal, Hereford High School Auditorium, Hereford, Texas
Library Catalog Title: Minutes, April 26, 1984
Library Call Number: L1801.9 H336 68
Session: 68th R.S. (1983)
Online version: View document [133 pages]
Committee: Joint Hazardous Waste Disposal
Title: U.S. Department of Energy information on the Civilian Radioactive Waste Management Program and related studies in the Texas Panhandle, Texas House-Senate Joint Study Committee on Hazardous Waste Disposal, April 27, 1984, Canyon, Texas
Library Catalog Title: Minutes
Library Call Number: L1836.68 H336 68
Session: 68th R.S. (1983)
Online version: View document [50 pages]
Committee: Joint Hazardous Waste Disposal
Title: Briefing for the Texas House-Senate Joint Committee on Hazardous Waste Disposal, U.S. Department of Energy, August 3, 1984
Library Catalog Title: Minutes
Library Call Number: L1836.68 H336 68
Session: 68th R.S. (1983)
Online version: View document [112 pages]
Committee: House Environmental Affairs
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: To the speaker and the members of the Texas House of Representatives, 68th Legislature : report of the Committee on Evironmental Affairs.
Subjects: Air pollution | Air quality | Clean Air Act | Commercial fishing | Fish | Fishing | Hazardous waste | Hunting | Outdoor recreation | Parks and Wildlife, Texas Department of | Radioactive waste | Recycling | Solid waste disposal | State park fees | Trout |
Library Call Number: L1836.67 en89
Session: 67th R.S. (1981)
Online version: View report [319 pages  File size: 9,605 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Secure accurate statistics on the availability of redfish and trout.
2. Monitor the initiation of the Texas Low-Level Waste Authority; suggest any changes in the laws passed during the 67th legislative session.
3. Study the feasibility of repealing all hunting and fishing laws that are not under the Uniform Regulatory Act.
4. Study the need to extend the financing of the Local Park Fund.
5. Monitor the drafting of the 1982 Implementation Plan for Harris County and monitor changes in the Federal Clean Air Act.
6. Review the fees and charges levied by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department to determine if the department should be given the authority to set reasonable and necessary fees in appropriate areas.
7. Conduct a study in cooperation with the appropriate state agencies and the private sector to determine the feasibility of implementing laws to govern the placement of toxic and chemical waste facilities.
8. Study the desirability or necessity of state legislation restricting the placement of garbage transfer stations or landfills in close proximity to residential areas, schools, churches, parks, playgrounds, etc. Alternative methods of garbage disposal should be investigated.
9. Study the potential environmental safety problems involved in the use of underground injection wells for the disposal of hazardous wastes.
Supporting documents
Committee: House Environmental Affairs
Title: Preliminary Report
Library Catalog Title: Preliminary report on siting of hazardous waste disposal facilities inTexas / prepared for Texas House Committee on Environmental Affairs, Subcommittee on Toxic and Chemical Waste Disposal Siting by the Policy Research Project on Siting Hazardous Waste Di
Library Call Number: L1836.67 t667
Session: 67th R.S. (1981)
Committee: Senate Natural Resources
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: Senate Committee on Natural Resources interim report to the 68th Legislature.
Subjects: Energy conservation | Energy policy | Fish | Fisheries | Municipal annexation | Municipalities | Parks and Wildlife, Texas Department of | Radioactive waste | Solid waste disposal | Trout |
Library Call Number: L1836.67 n219s
Session: 67th R.S. (1981)
Online version: View report [112 pages  File size: 3,671 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Conduct a study to make a determination that the newly implemented nuclear and industrial waste disposal law is positive, designed to mandate the safest locations for disposal and transportation, and is adequately enforced.
2. Study legislative alternatives for encouragement of renewable energy resources including incentives on the local level for policy formulation.
3. Study the conflict of interest between coastal home-rule cities and offshore oil interests regarding the issue of annexation.
4. Study problems relating to reports of declining numbers of redfish and speckled sea trout in Texas coastal waters and determine the reasons for the wide variance between statistics relating to Texas redfish and speckled sea trout released by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and those released by federal and independent studies.
Supporting documents
Committee: Senate Natural Resources
Title: SR 719
Library Call Number: SR 719
Session: 67th R.S. (1981)
Online version: View document [4 pages  File size: 1,047 kb]
Committee: Senate Natural Resources
Title: Interim update - redfish, hazardous waste, coastal annexation, marine traffic safety, energy, and marine accretion, August 10, September 10, and November 16, 1981
Library Catalog Title: Minutes
Library Call Number: L1803.9 N219 67
Session: 67th R.S. (1981)
Online version: View document [19 pages]
Committee: House Environmental Affairs
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: To the speaker and members of the Texas House of Representatives, 67th Legislature : report of the Committee on Environmental Affairs.
Subjects: Air quality | Clean Air Act | Environmental crimes | Environmental laws and regulations | Environmental permits | Environmental protection | Hazardous substances | Hazardous waste | Litter | Outdoor recreation | Radioactive waste | San Antonio Missions National Historical Park | Solid waste disposal | State parks |
Library Call Number: L1836.66 en89
Session: 66th R.S. (1979)
Online version: View report [369 pages  File size: 13,174 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Review methods for local and/or state governments to dispose of hazardous chemicals in an economical and environmentally sound manner.
2. Determine the feasibility of the issuance of joint permits for air and water quality to industries through interagency coordination in order to reduce paperwork, quicken the process and avoid bureaucratic duplication.
3. Study the environmental, public safety, and economic impact of litter along Texas highways, streets and roads and recommend a plan for reducing litter that emphasized public education and incentives for anti-litter programs.
4. Determine the economic and environmental impact of nuclear waste storage and disposal in and on Texas, with attention to the licensure of disposal facilities, safety regulations and standards, and local citizen approval of site selection.
5. Monitor the impact of the State Implementation Plan under the 1977 Federal Clean Air Act, and determine the need, if any, for revisions of standards.
6. Project the recreational needs of Texas for the remainder of the twentieth century and forecast urban park needs.
7. Provide an update on the progress of the San Antonio Missions National Historical Park. *
Committee: Senate Natural Resources
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: Interim report to the 67th Legislature / Senate Natural Resources Committee.
Subjects: Agriculture | Alternative energy | Electric utility rates and charges | Energy conservation | Energy policy | Fuel conservation | Hazardous waste | Natural disasters | Natural gas utility rates and charges | Ports | Radioactive waste | Ships and shipping | Solid waste disposal | Vehicles | Wind energy |
Library Call Number: L1836.66 n219s
Session: 66th R.S. (1979)
Online version: View report [262 pages  File size: 9,858 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Study hazardous waste and toxic waste disposal in Texas; access the risk that existing toxic waste sites pose; review current waste disposal and waste management laws, and make recommendations. *
2. Study all aspects of the regulation of the disposal of uranium mill tailings; the problem of the disposal of low-level radioactive waste and problems concerning the disposal of toxic industrial waste.
3. Study the hazards affecting the Texas coastal areas and the Gulf of Mexico, including hazards such as hurricanes, tropical storms, tornadoes, subsidence, erosion and ground faults. *
4. Investigate ways to reduce the risk of maritime accidents, and better manage shipping in or near Texas ports. *
5. Investigate ways in which the state can encourage energy conservation and energy efficient construction practices. *
6. Study the obstacles to developing solar energy and wind energy resources, and suggest possible legal or regulatory changes which would promote the use of solar and wind energy sources.
7. Review the methods used for rate design, and the impact of rate structure on energy production and energy use.
8. Suggest ways that the state could reduce use of gasoline and other fuel for transportation. *
9. Investigate future demands of agriculture, and suggest legislative alternatives to encourage the growth of agricultural production. *
10. Analyze Texas laws' impact on small-scale hydroelectric development and recommend possible legislative action. *
Supporting documents
Committee: Senate Natural Resources
Title: Informational packet on nuclear waste disposal
Library Catalog Title: Informational packet on nuclear waste disposal.
Library Call Number: L1836.66 n883i
Session: 66th R.S. (1979)
Committee: Senate Natural Resources
Title: Interim Report - Preliminary report on low level nuclear waste
Library Catalog Title: Preliminary report on low level nuclear waste.
Library Call Number: L1836.66 n883p
Session: 66th R.S. (1979)
Committee: Senate Natural Resources
Title: Bills Referred to Committee
Library Catalog Title: Minutes
Library Call Number: L1803.9 N219 66
Session: 66th R.S. (1979)
Online version: View document [25 pages]
Committee: Senate Natural Resources
Title: SR 748
Library Call Number: SR 748
Session: 66th R.S. (1979)
Online version: View document [4 pages  File size: 1,112 kb]
Committee: House Energy Resources
Title: Interim Report - Volume 1
Library Catalog Title: Interim report, sixty-sixth legislative session / the Committee on Energy Resources, Texas House of Representatives.
Subjects: Agriculture | Alternative energy | Imports | Irrigation | Ports | Radioactive waste | Solid waste disposal |
Library Call Number: L1836.65 en75 1
Session: 65th R.S. (1977)
Online version: View report [171 pages  File size: 6,726 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. A study of the siting, construction and operation of nuclear waste storage facilities in the State of Texas.
2. A study of the costs and methods of utilization of energy which is used for agricultural irrigation in the High Plains area.
3. A study of the construction, siting, financing, licensing, regulation and operation of deepwater port facilities for off-loading imported petroleum off the Texas coast.
4. The compilation of a catalog of research, development and demonstration projects currently being conducted in the State of Texas on the utilization of solar and geothermal energy resources.
Committee: House Energy Resources
Title: Interim Report - Volume 2
Library Catalog Title: Interim report, sixty-sixth legislative session / the Committee on Energy Resources, Texas House of Representatives.
Subjects: Agriculture | Alternative energy | Imports | Irrigation | Ports | Radioactive waste | Solid waste disposal |
Library Call Number: L1836.65 en75 2
Session: 65th R.S. (1977)
Online version: View report [148 pages  File size: 8,565 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. A study of the siting, construction and operation of nuclear waste storage facilities in the State of Texas.
2. A study of the costs and methods of utilization of energy which is used for agricultural irrigation in the High Plains area.
3. A study of the construction, siting, financing, licensing, regulation and operation of deepwater port facilities for off-loading imported petroleum off the Texas coast.
4. The compilation of a catalog of research, development and demonstration projects currently being conducted in the State of Texas on the utilization of solar and geothermal energy resources.
Supporting documents
Committee: House Energy Resources
Title: Committee Report
Library Catalog Title: Minutes
Library Call Number: L1801.9 EN27 65
Session: 65th R.S. (1977)
Online version: View document [25 pages]

* This represents an abstract of the report contents. Charge text is incomplete or unavailable.

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