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18 Document(s) [ Subject: Information Resources, Texas Department of ]

Committee: House State Affairs
Title: Interim Report
Subjects: Border security | Broadband infrastructure | Electric Reliability Council of Texas | Electric utilities | Electricity transmission and distribution | Information Resources, Texas Department of | Insurance industry | Operation Lone Star (Border security) | Property insurance | Public Utility Commission of Texas | Public Utility Counsel, Office of | Semiconductor industry | Sunset Advisory Commission, Texas | Texas Panhandle | Texas Windstorm Insurance Association | Wildfires | Windstorm insurance |
Library Call Number: L1836.88 ST29H
Session: 88th R.S. (2023)
Online version: View report [93 pages  File size: 2,200 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Monitoring: Monitor the agencies and programs under the Committee’s jurisdiction and oversee the implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 88th Legislature. Conduct active oversight of all associated rulemaking and other governmental actions taken to ensure the intended legislative outcome of all legislation, including the following:
  • HB 9, 88th R.S., relating to the development and funding of broadband and telecommunications services;
  • HB 2555, 88th R.S., relating to transmission and distribution system resiliency planning by and cost recovery for electric utilities;
  • HB 5174, 88th R.S., relating to the establishment and administration of the Texas Semiconductor Innovation Consortium;
  • SB 1699, 88th R.S., relating to electricity service in the ERCOT power region, including the participation of aggregated distributed energy resources in the ERCOT market; and
  • SB 2627, 88th R.S., relating to funding mechanisms to support the construction, maintenance, modernization, and operation of electric generating facilities.
2. Securing the Border: Conduct a review of functions and operations of state agencies involved with carrying out Operation Lone Star as they relate to securing the border and preventing transnational criminal activity. Evaluate whether agencies have sufficient resources and authority to carry out their prescribed duties. Make recommendations to increase the safety and wellbeing of personnel and efficiency of agency operations as needed.
3. Economic Challenges Impacting Insurance Premiums: Examine the impact of current economic challenges on the escalating costs of insurance premiums, including factors contributing to the withdrawal of insurance providers from certain markets. Investigate solutions to help Texans more easily and affordably obtain property and casualty insurance coverage. Evaluate long-term strategies for shifting from state-funded insurance programs to sustainable private market alternatives.
4. Review TWIA Funding: Review current state policy as it relates to the operation and funding of the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA), including state agency capacity to effectively oversee TWIA. Evaluate the ability of state agencies and instrumentalities to secure the seacoast region’s ability to produce energy and advance science and technology, including the role of reinsurance in maintaining economic security and ways to reduce the burden of reinsurance purchases on energy production and scientific and technological advances, while maintaining adequate coverage for policyholders.
5. Panhandle Wildfires: Evaluate the findings and recommendations of the Investigative Committee on the Panhandle Wildfires that are within the committee’s jurisdiction and develop related legislative solutions and other actions for preventing future wildfires and improving wildfire disaster preparedness, response, and mitigation.
Committee: Senate Water, Agriculture, and Rural Affairs
Title: Interim Report
Subjects: Austin Water | Centennial Parks Conservation Fund | Electricity transmission and distribution | Electronic security | Environmental Quality, Texas Commission on | Groundwater | Information Resources, Texas Department of | Licensing and Regulation, Texas Department of | Parks and Wildlife, Texas Department of | Public Utility Commission of Texas | Public Utility Counsel, Office of | Ransomware | Rio Grande Compact | Rio Grande River | State parks | State Water Implementation Fund for Texas | Terrorism | Texas Water Fund | Veterinarians | Veterinary Medical Examiners, Texas State Board of | Wastewater management | Water and sewer utilities | Water conservation | Water desalination | Water Development Board, Texas | Water service | Workforce |
Library Call Number: L1836.88 W291A
Session: 88th R.S. (2023)
Online version: View report [319 pages  File size: 45,972 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Water System Reliability: Evaluate water systems in Texas and identify opportunities to better equip those systems to serve the public. Review the coordination of relevant state agencies dealing with Texas water issues and identify opportunities for improved coordination and effectiveness.
2. Monitoring: Monitor the implementation of legislation addressed by the Senate Committee on Water, Agriculture, and Rural Affairs passed by the 88th Legislature, as well as relevant agencies and programs under the committee’s jurisdiction. Specifically, make recommendations for any legislation needed to improve, enhance, or complete implementation of the following:
  • SB 28,88th R.S., relating to financial assistance provided and programs administered by the Texas Water Development Board;
  • SB 1289, 88th R.S., relating to the disposal of reclaimed wastewater;
  • SB 1414, 88th R.S, relating to the temporary regulation of the practice of veterinary medicine by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation; and
  • SB 1648, 88th R.S., relating to the Centennial Parks Conservation Fund.
Committee: Senate Cybersecurity, Select
Title: Interim Report
Subjects: Electronic security | Information Resources, Texas Department of | State agencies |
Library Call Number: L1836.85 C992
Session: 85th R.S. (2017)
Online version: View report [13 pages]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. Study cybersecurity in this state, information security plans of each state agency, and risks and vulnerabilities of state agency cybersecurity.
Committee: Senate Finance
Title: Interim Report
Subjects: Franchise taxes | Information Resources, Texas Department of | Local government debt | Medical education | Mental health services | Pension liabilities | Property taxes | Sales taxes | State budgets | State government debt | State purchasing | Tax and expenditure limits | Tax holidays |
Library Call Number: L1836.84 F49
Session: 84th R.S. (2015)
Online version: View report [86 pages]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Property Tax Process: Study the property tax process, including the appraisal system, and recommend ways to promote transparency, simplicity, and accountability by all taxing entities. (Charge to a select subcommittee on Property Tax Reform and Relief)
2. Reduce Tax Burden: Examine and develop options to further reduce the tax burden on property owners. (Charge to a select subcommittee on Property Tax Reform and Relief)
3. Franchise Tax: Study the benefits, including the dynamic effects, of continuing to phase out the franchise tax. Consider alternate approaches to funding the Property Tax Relief Fund.
4. Spending Limit: Examine options and make recommendations for strengthening restriction on appropriations established in Article VIII Section 22 of the state constitution, including related procedures defined in statute. Consider options for ensuring available revenues above spending limit are reserved for tax relief.
5. Fiscal Responsibility: Review the budgeting format of other states, such as whether they use strategy-based budgeting, program-based budgeting, or some other approach and discuss the level of transparency with each approach. Review and make recommendations to reduce state debt liabilities, including state pension liability. Consider how to incentivize state agencies, boards, and commissions to identify and realize savings to taxpayers.
6. Coordinating Behavioral Health Services and Expenditures: Monitor the state's progress in coordinating behavioral health services and expenditures across state government, pursuant to Article IX Sec. 10.04. Identify ways state agencies that provide mental health services are collaborating and taking steps to eliminate redundancy, create efficiency, utilize best practices, ensure optimal service delivery, and demonstrate expenditures are coordinated and in furtherance of a behavioral health statewide strategic plan. Identify barriers that prevent the coordination of behavioral health services. Make recommendations to maximize use of state funding for mental health.
7. Sales Tax Holiday: Review the state's current sales tax holiday structure and determine its economic benefit to the state. Evaluate and consider the merits of any potential expansion of the tax holiday either in the application of the sales tax exemption or the timing of the holiday.
8. Monitoring Charge: Monitor the implementation of legislation addressed by the Senate Finance Committee during the 84th R.S. and make recommendations for any legislation needed to improve, enhance, and/or complete implementation. Specifically, monitor the following: 1) Tax relief provided to property owners; 2) The gradual phase out of the franchise tax; 3) Support for and the enhancement of graduate medical education; 4) Efforts of the Department of Information Resources (DIR) to modernize the technology of state agencies; 5) The implementation of required changes to state agency contracting, purchasing, and accounting procedures; and 6) Monitor the implementation of Health and Human Services Commission Rider 50.
Committee: House Government Efficiency and Reform
Title: Interim Report
Subjects: Attorney General Open Records Division | Cellular telephones | e-government | Health and Human Services Commission, Texas | Information Resources, Texas Department of | Library & Archives Commission, Texas State | Open government | Public information | Public Information Act, Texas | State agencies | State purchasing | Transportation planning | Transportation, Texas Department of | Water planning | Workforce Commission, Texas |
Library Call Number: L1836.83 G747r
Session: 83rd R.S. (2013)
Online version: View report [36 pages]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Examine current restrictions on state and local governmental entities relating to the construction of critical infrastructure, including transportation and water projects, and make recommendations for expediting and creating more cost-effective and efficient methods for the construction of such projects.
2. Study the current laws, rules, and processes in place for the Department of Information Resources's Cooperative Contracts and recommend improvements to the 84th Legislature. (Joint charge with the House Committee on Technology)
3. Review the application of the Public Information Act to requests for large amounts of electronic data. Examine whether the procedures and deadlines imposed by the Act give governmental bodies enough time to identify and protect confidential information in such requests.
4. Examine the public's accessibility to government services and agencies through the use of mobile applications and online services. (Joint charge with the House Committee on Technology)
5. Study the benefits of utilizing a Chief Innovation Officer for Texas and its agencies.
6. Study the feasibility of having all state agencies use the Texas Workforce Commission's "Work in Texas" website for a more standardized applications process. Determine the interest of municipal, county, and other jurisdictions in boosting their utilization of the website.
7. Conduct legislative oversight and monitoring of the agencies and programs under the committee’s jurisdiction and the implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 83rd Legislature. In conducting this oversight, the committee should: a. consider any reforms to state agencies to make them more responsive to Texas taxpayers and citizens; b. identify issues regarding the agency or its governance that may be appropriate to investigate, improve, remedy, or eliminate; c. determine whether an agency is operating in a transparent and efficient manner; and d. identify opportunities to streamline programs and services while maintaining the mission of the agency and its programs.
Committee: Senate Government Organization
Title: Interim Report
Subjects: Comptroller of Public Accounts, Texas | Council on Competitive Government | Electronic security | Employees Retirement System of Texas | Facilities Commission, Texas | Information Resources, Texas Department of | Library & Archives Commission, Texas State | Lottery Commission, Texas | State agencies | State agency mandated reports | State government contracts | State purchasing | United Healthcare |
Library Call Number: L1836.83 G747o
Session: 83rd R.S. (2013)
Online version: View report [200 pages]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Examine state agencies’ mandated reporting practices, the necessity and utility of these reports, and reporting processes to the legislature and to the public. Make recommendations on eliminating unnecessary and duplicative reports, reducing state costs through the use of technology, and improving transparency to the legislature and citizens.
2. Review and recommend improvements to state agency training, policies, and procedures for monitoring and reporting performance of state contracts, including a review of exemptions to state contracting oversight.
3. Monitor the implementation of SB 1597, relating to the development of state agency information security plans to improve the security of agency information systems and to proactively protect the state against cybercrime and similar security threats.
Committee: House Technology
Title: Interim Report
Subjects: Business climate | Cellular telephones | e-government | Electronic security | High tech industry | Identity theft | Information Resources, Texas Department of | Internet | Patents | State government contracts | Traffic safety | Transportation, Texas Department of | Video games |
Library Call Number: L1836.83 T227
Session: 83rd R.S. (2013)
Online version: View report [113 pages]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Study the current laws, rules, and processes in place for the Department of Information Resources's Cooperative Contracts and recommend improvements to the 84th Legislature. (Joint charge with the House Committee on Government Efficiency and Reform)
2. Examine the public's accessibility to government services and agencies through the use of mobile applications and online services. (Joint charge with the House Committee on Government Efficiency and Reform)
3. Study the feasibility of an integrated identity management program (IIMP) for state agencies. Examine best practices in the deployment of technology to safeguard state data and programs, limit fraudulent or unauthorized access to state hardware and software, and develop a secure state digital infrastructure. Determine potential savings to the state and make further recommendations on the implementation of IIMP that encompass both logical and physical security.
4. Study whether abuses in the patent system interfere with the goal of expanded opportunity and innovation for Texas businesses and whether actions by the state can address any such abuses.
5. Evaluate Texas's competitiveness with other states in recruiting and cultivating the software industry, including entertainment software; fostering economic development; and creating potential new jobs. Examine current incentives and regulations and whether these assist or hinder the expansion of the entertainment software industry in Texas.
6. Review state regulatory and tax policy to ensure that investment in technology infrastructure, goods, and services is unfettered and that Texas is able to capitalize on innovation to fuel additional job growth, business expansion, and investment. (Joint charge with the House Committee on Ways and Means)
7. Monitor and review the efforts of the Department of Transportation’s (TxDOT) Texas Technology Task Force (TTTF). The TTTF shall study emerging transportation, communication, and computing technologies and determine physical infrastructure and system components that TxDOT or other state departments would need to provide to enable selected technologies. The task is to be completed by TTTF as directed by SB 1, 83rd R.S., item 44, Article VII-31. (Joint charge with the House Committee on Transportation)
8. Conduct legislative oversight and monitoring of the agencies and programs under the committee’s jurisdiction and the implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 83rd Legislature. In conducting this oversight, the committee should: a. consider any reforms to state agencies to make them more responsive to Texas taxpayers and citizens; b. identify issues regarding the agency or its governance that may be appropriate to investigate, improve, remedy, or eliminate; c. determine whether an agency is operating in a transparent and efficient manner; and d. identify opportunities to streamline programs and services while maintaining the mission of the agency and its programs.
Committee: House Government Efficiency and Reform
Title: Interim Report
Subjects: Accenture LLP | Administrative Hearings, State Office of | Competitive bidding | Design/build process | Government transparency | Health and Human Services Commission, Texas | IBM | Identity requirements | Information Resources, Texas Department of | Local government contracts | Occupational licenses | Privatization | Roofing | Rules and regulations | Social media | State agencies | State government contracts | State purchasing | Texas State Data Center |
Library Call Number: L1836.82 G747r
Session: 82nd R.S. (2011)
Online version: View report [161 pages]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Examine and make recommendations on purchasing cooperatives created under Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code, including the bid process and the role of inter-local contracts. Clarify for consistency the following terms: purchasing cooperatives, inter-local contracts, and inter-local agreements.
2. Examine the utilization of alternative project delivery methods, such as design-build and construction-manager-at-risk, by municipalities, water districts, and authorities, and other local governmental entities since the passage of HB 1886, 80th Legislature.
3. Examine interagency agreements and charges for providing information or personal identification documents at the request of a state agency to fulfill day-to-day operations at the expense of the requesting state agency.
4. Examine areas of potential privatization of state services in an effort to achieve a higher level of service and greater efficiency for Texas taxpayers. (Joint with the House Committee on State Affairs)
5. Examine state agency rulemaking and consider ways to improve procedural efficiencies and public transparency, and to better inform policymakers as to their use, purpose, and cost-effectiveness, including an examination of the financial and other impacts such regulations have on both the license holder and the public. (Joint with the House Committee on State Affairs)
6. Monitor the agencies and programs under the committee's jurisdiction and the implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 82nd Legislature.
7. Find ways to increase transparency, accountability and efficiency in state government.
Supporting documents
Committee: House Government Efficiency and Reform
Title: Hearing materials, July 11, 2012, House Committee on State Affairs and Government Efficiency and Reform, Testimony on interim charge 4 (privatize services)
Library Catalog Title: Minutes
Library Call Number: L1801.9 ST29H 2012: JUL 11
Session: 82nd R.S. (2011)
Online version: View document [108 pages  File size: 14,630 kb]
Committee: Senate Government Organization
Title: Interim Report
Subjects: Competitive bidding | Electronic security | Energy conservation | Information Resources, Texas Department of | Rules and regulations | State purchasing |
Library Call Number: L1836.82 G747o
Session: 82nd R.S. (2011)
Online version: View report [36 pages]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Investigate the costs and benefits of cost-­effectiveness analysis in state agency rule making and consider the development of cost-­effectiveness standards for all state agencies.
2. Examine ways to ensure the protection of state information and electronic data from unauthorized access and cyber threats.
3. Study the state bidding process, auto-­renew clauses in contracts, and contract management protocols to ensure truly competitive bidding and the highest-­quality service for taxpayers at the best price.
4. Evaluate state policy regarding energy savings performance contracts and determine whether policy changes are needed to ensure that state agencies and institutions of higher education obtain their contractually guaranteed savings so that all contract costs are recovered.
5. Monitor the implementation of legislation addressed by the Senate Committee on Government Organization, 82nd Legislature, Regular and Called Sessions, and make recommendations for any legislation needed to improve, enhance, and/or complete implementation.
Committee: House State Affairs
Title: Interim Report
Subjects: Broadband infrastructure | Cable telecommunications providers | Comptroller of Public Accounts campaigns and elections | Computer networks | Computers | Council on Competitive Government | Electric Reliability Council of Texas | Electric utilities | Electricity supplies | Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. | Facilities Commission, Texas | Health and Human Services Commission, Texas | Information Resources, Texas Department of | Mercury | Occupational licenses | Privatization | Public Utility Commission of Texas | Railroad Commission of Texas | Rules and regulations | State agencies | State government contracts | State land | State purchasing | Transboundary pollution |
Library Call Number: L1836.82 St29h
Session: 82nd R.S. (2011)
Online version: View report [78 pages]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Examine the issue of resource adequacy in the Texas electricity market, federal and state interventions in the marketplace that may be negatively impacting future adequacy, and the best way to maintain resource adequacy.
2. Examine whether current law ensures broadband provider access to an electric cooperative's utility poles and facilities pursuant to reasonable, cost-based, and nondiscriminatory rates, terms, and conditions. Study methods for improving access to electric cooperative utility poles to reduce unnecessary costs and delays for the delivery of broadband service to Texas consumers.
3. Examine areas of potential privatization of state services in an effort to achieve a higher level of service and greater efficiency for Texas taxpayers. (Joint with the House Committee on Government Efficiency & Reform)
4. Identify inefficiencies in the regulation of public utilities in order to minimize the cost of regulation to consumers.
5. Examine methods of cloud computing technology to streamline agency operations and generate greater efficiencies for more cost-effective operations. (Joint with the House Committee on Technology)
6. Examine state agency rulemaking and consider ways to improve procedural efficiencies and public transparency, and to better inform policymakers as to their use, purpose, and cost-effectiveness, including an examination of the financial and other impacts such regulations have on both the license holder and the public. (Joint with the House Committee on Government Efficiency & Reform)
7. Monitor the agencies and programs under the committee's jurisdiction, including the implementation of SB 1048 regarding public-private partnerships on state-owned property.
8. Study how businesses seeking to provide goods or services to the state interact with state agencies. Consider whether additional procedures are needed to ensure that goods and services obtained by the state are the best value. Determine whether additional disclosure and reporting requirements are necessary to ensure transparency, accountability, and to promote ethical business practices.
Supporting documents
Committee: House State Affairs
Title: Hearing materials, July 11, 2012, House Committee on State Affairs and Government Efficiency and Reform, Testimony on interim charge 4 (privatize services)
Library Catalog Title: Minutes
Library Call Number: L1801.9 ST29H 2012: JUL 11
Session: 82nd R.S. (2011)
Online version: View document [108 pages  File size: 14,630 kb]
Committee: House Technology
Title: Interim Report
Subjects: 911 emergency telephone service | Broadband infrastructure | High tech industry | Information Resources, Texas Department of | Personnel management | Privatization | Rural areas | Social media | Texas Emerging Technology Fund | Universal Service Fund | Workforce | Workforce Commission, Texas |
Library Call Number: L1836.82 T227
Session: 82nd R.S. (2011)
Online version: View report [41 pages]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Examine ways to create incentives for technology companies to come to Texas, including the feasibility of public-private partnerships. The study should include the economic impact of the high-tech industry in Texas and the state's ability to compete with other states for high-tech jobs. Examine the state's current areas of differentiated technology research and development and recommend strategies to capitalize on that intellectual property and commercialization. Include strategies to attract Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) funding to Texas.
2. Examine the benefits and financial costs associated with modernizing 911 call centers with the newest technology to connect dispatchers with callers using mobile means of communication in the fastest and most accurate manner possible during a time of emergency.
3. Study the impact of federal broadband expansion programs on rural areas. Coordinate this review with the Public Utility Commission's evaluation of the state Texas Universal Service Fund and the Federal Communications Commission's national broadband plan.
4. Monitor the agencies and programs under the committee's jurisdiction and the implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 82nd Legislature.
5. Examine human resource policies of state agencies that would integrate the implementation of social media to strengthen the state's workforce.
Committee: Senate Government Organization
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: Interim report to the 82nd Legislature / Senate Committee on Government Organization.
Subjects: e-government | Information Resources, Texas Department of | Open government | State government |
Library Call Number: L1836.81 G747o
Session: 81st R.S. (2009)
Online version: View report [49 pages  File size: 512 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Review all committees, councils and task forces with overlapping charges in an effort to streamline and eliminate overlapping workgroups across state government agencies and programs.
2. Study the online services provided by the state and compare those services to the services provided by other states. In coordination with the Department of Information Resources, determine how online services provided by the state can be improved.
3. Review opportunities for increasing the transparency of government operations and make recommendations for enhancing public access to government.
4. Monitor the implementation of legislation addressed by the Senate Committee on Government Organization, 81 st Legislature, Regular and Called Sessions, and make recommendations for any legislation needed to improve, enhance, and/or complete implementation.
Committee: House State Affairs
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: House Committee on State Affairs, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 2006 : a report to the House of Representatives, 80th Texas Legislature
Subjects: Aircraft Pooling Board | Building and Procurement Commission, Texas | Cloning | Contraceptives | Identity theft | In-vitro fertilization | Information Resources, Texas Department of | Parental consent for abortion | Pharmacists | Prescription drugs | Residential Construction Commission, Texas | Smoking bans | Stem cell research | Texas Cord Blood Bank | Tobacco lawsuit | Umbilical cord blood | Underage smoking |
Library Call Number: L1836.79 St29h
Session: 79th R.S. (2005)
Online version: View report [95 pages  File size: 18,140 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Monitor agencies and programs under the committee's jurisdiction, including identifying possible ways to merge or streamline agency functions to produce long-term financial benefits to the state and better efficiency of the agencies.
2. Examine scientific advances made on stem cell research.
3. Monitor rule making of parental consent for the performance of an abortion.
4. Study the problem of identity theft, and recommend any legislative changes needed to combat the problem. (Joint interim charge with the House Committee on Business and Industry)
5. Examine the compliance of cigarette manufacturing companies with the 1998 Tobacco Settlement with reference to sales to minors, and the progress toward meeting the state's tobacco use goals and the cost of tobacco use to the state. (Joint interim charge with the House Committee on Public Health)
6. Review and consider all issues involved with a pharmacist refusal to dispense a drug.
Committee: House State Affairs
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: Report to the Texas House of Representatives, 78th Legislature / Committee on State Affairs.
Subjects: Broadband infrastructure | Building and Procurement Commission, Texas | Electricity supplies | Electricity transmission and distribution | General Services Commission, Texas | Homeland security | Information Resources, Texas Department of | Rural issues | Telecommunications infrastructure | Telecommunications Infrastructure Fund | Terrorism |
Library Call Number: L1836.77 st29h
Session: 77th R.S. (2001)
Online version: View report [220 pages  File size: 5,169 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Examine the deployment of advanced telecommunications services throughout Texas and evaluate possible state policies to ensure availability of broadband service to all Texans. Study barriers faced by rural and urban communities in obtaining advanced services and explore ways for these communities, the state and cities to secure the benefits of affordable broadband access to underserved citizens.
2. Determine what, if any, broadband access is available to the citizens of each rural community of the state and to each inner-city community in the state. Together with the Public Utility Commission, or another agency or university of the state, establish a system for tracking broadband service offerings in rural and inner-city communities on an on-going basis.
3. Gather information related to the security of state-owned buildings and facilities, public and private communications systems and electric generation and transmission facilities. Review government regulations and business practices to determine whether legislation is needed to protect life and property and to detect, interdict and respond to acts of terrorism.
4. Review the activities and mission of the Telecommunications Infrastructure Fund, assess the extent to which the Fund has met the goal of extending services to underserved client groups, and consider whether the need for the Fund's programs extends beyond the statutory termination.
5. Review the laws and procedures governing the siting of electric transmission lines. Consider how the need for transmission lines is determined, how routes are selected, the technology selected for a given route, the interests of landowners on whose property the lines are sited, and the interests of consumers and the public in siting decisions.
6. Actively monitor agencies and programs under the committee's oversight jurisdiction, including the transfer of functions and duties of the former General Services Commission to the Texas Building and Procurement Commission and the Department of Information Resources.
Committee: House State Affairs
Title: Interim report
Library Catalog Title: Report to the Texas House of Representatives, 77th Legislature / Committee on State Affairs.
Subjects: Aircraft Pooling Board | Broadband infrastructure | e-commerce | Ethics Commission, Texas | General Services Commission, Texas | Human Rights, Texas Commission on | Incentive and Productivity Commission, Texas | Information Resources, Texas Department of | Internet | Lobbyists | Privacy | Public Utility Counsel, Office of | Revolving door policies | Social Security numbers | Telephone deregulation | Telephone service | Television stations | Veterans Commission, Texas |
Library Call Number: L1836.76 st29h
Session: 76th R.S. (1999)
Online version: View report [250 pages  File size: 1,105 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Study the authority of state and local governments to require cable television companies to provide access to competitors and to affect the rates, terms and conditions under which access is provided. Consider the speed of change in the telecommunications industry and the implications of the state assuming new regulatory responsibilities in this industry, including the question of whether any or all providers of broadband service should be required to provide access to competitors.
2. Review the current state of privacy laws in Texas as they relate to businesses' or government's ability to disseminate personal information without prior written permission.
3. Study the nature and extent of lobby influence on the legislative process.
4. Conduct active oversight of the agencies under the committee's jurisdiction, including monitoring the implementation of SB 560, 76th R.S., and changes in telecommunications markets resulting from the legislation.
Committee: Senate Finance
Title: Interim report
Library Catalog Title: Interim committee report of the Senate Finance Committee to the 75th Legislature.
Subjects: Child care | Computer networks | Data management | Federal funds | Federal government | Higher education | Higher education affordability | Information Resources, Texas Department of | Medicaid | State budgets | Telecommunications infrastructure | Tuition | University budgets | University finance | Welfare | Welfare reform |
Library Call Number: L1836.74 f49f
Session: 74th R.S. (1995)
Online version: View report [272 pages]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. To evaluate the impact on Texas government finance resulting from proposed changes in federal funding mechanisms and to make recommendations to implement changed funding mechanisms.
2. To monitor implementation of tuition and student use fee increases, HB 815, 74th R.S. and HB 1792, 74th R.S., by higher education institutions. The Committee shall issue a report identifying the impacts and uses of tuition and student use fee increases.
3. To evaluate use of emerging telecommunication infrastructure for efficiencies in collection and disbursement of state funds and to evaluate the impact of technology and its effect on the demand for state appropriations.

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