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28 Document(s) [ Subject: Public Utility Commission of Texas ]

Committee: House State Affairs
Title: Interim Report
Subjects: Broadband infrastructure | Electric power plants | Electric Reliability Council of Texas | Electricity transmission and distribution | Power outages | Public Utility Commission of Texas | Rural Internet access | Weatherization |
Library Call Number: L1836.87 St29h
Session: 87th R.S. (2021)
Online version: View report [78 pages  File size: 989 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Monitor the agencies and programs under the Committee's jurisdiction and oversee the implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 87th Legislature. Conduct active oversight of all associated rulemaking and other governmental actions taken to ensure the intended legislative outcome of all legislation, including the following:
  • HB 5, 87th R.S., relating to the expansion of broadband services to rural areas;
  • HB 1505, 87th R.S., relating to attachments for broadband service on utility poles owned by an electric cooperative and establishing and funding a pole replacement program for deployment of certain broadband facilities;
  • SB 2, 87th R.S., relating to the governance of the Public Utility Commission of Texas, the Office of Public Utility Counsel, and the Electric Reliability Council of Texas; and
  • SB 3, 87th R.S., relating to preparing for, preventing, and responding to weather emergencies and power outages. (Joint charge with Committee on Energy Resources)
2. Examine the efforts of power generation facilities to weatherize their facilities.
3. Review the status of projects intended to reduce transmission congestion within the electrical grid.
Supporting documents
Committee: House State Affairs
Title: Committee meeting testimony, June 23, 2022
Library Call Number:
Session: 87th R.S. (2021)
Online version: View document [7 pages  File size: 92 kb]
Committee: House Natural Resources
Title: Interim Report
Subjects: Aquifers | Environmental Quality, Texas Commission on | Flood control | Groundwater | Public Utility Commission of Texas | Springs | Surface water | Water Development Board, Texas | Water marketing | Water planning | Water supplies |
Library Call Number: L1836.86 N218h
Session: 86th R.S. (2019)
Online version: View report [76 pages  File size: 2,823 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Monitor the agencies and programs under the Committee's jurisdiction and oversee the implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 86th Legislature. Conduct active oversight of all associated rulemaking and other governmental actions taken to ensure intended legislative outcome of all legislation, including the following:
  • HJR 4, SB 7, and SB 8, which relate to statewide and regional flood planning and mitigation. Monitor the progress of the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) and other entities to provide for the planning, development, and financing of drainage, flood mitigation, and flood control projects statewide to strengthen the state's infrastructure and resiliency to future floods.
  • HB 720, which relates to appropriations of water for recharge of aquifers and use in aquifer storage and recovery projects. Monitor the rulemaking process for the permitting of unappropriated flows for aquifer storage and recovery projects by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ).
  • HB 721, which relates to reports on aquifer storage and recovery and aquifer recharge projects. Monitor the implementation by the TWDB of legislation to encourage the development of aquifer storage and recovery and aquifer recharge projects, including the completion of a statewide study of the state's aquifers' suitability for aquifer storage and recovery and aquifer recharge projects.
  • HB 722, which relates to the development of brackish groundwater. Monitor the designation of Brackish Groundwater Production Zones by the TWDB and the adoption of rules by groundwater conservation districts for the production of brackish groundwater from those Zones.
  • HB 807, which relates to the state and regional water planning process. Monitor the appointment of the Interregional Planning Council by the TWDB and the Council's progress toward increasing coordination among Regional Water Planning Groups.
2. Study the efforts of the TCEQ, the TWDB, and the Public Utility Commission of Texas to incentivize, promote, and preserve regional projects to meet water supply needs and encourage public and private investment in water infrastructure. Identify impediments or threats to regionalization with special emphasis on: prioritization in planning and implementing the State Water Plan, Regional Water Plan, and other recommended water supply projects; barriers to private investment and the development of public-private partnerships to implement needed water supply projects, including the retail water and wastewater industry, to address the state's growth challenges; public water and wastewater systems that are unable to meet federal and state standards due to inadequate operational capacity and factors that prevent such systems from being integrated into larger systems and processes that more easily facilitate the sale, transfer, or merger of systems; and state agency authority to regulate regional water supply pricing.
3. Monitor the joint planning process for groundwater and the achievement of the desired conditions for aquifers by groundwater conservation districts.
4. Monitor the State Auditor's review of agencies and programs under the Committee's jurisdiction. The Chair shall seek input and periodic briefings on completed audits for the 2019 and 2020 fiscal years and bring forth pertinent issues for full committee consideration.
5. Study emerging issues related to groundwater-surface water interactions and the ongoing challenges associated with the bifurcated regulatory regimes for each of these water sources. *
6. Study the role of water markets in Texas. *
Committee: House State Affairs
Title: Interim Report
Subjects: Banks and banking | Economy | Electric meters | Electric utility rates and charges | Electronic security | Emergency management | Fetal rights | Medical ethics | Natural disasters | Organ and tissue donations | Organized labor | Public Utility Commission of Texas | State employees | State government contracts | State purchasing | Telephone service | Undocumented immigrants | Universal Service Fund | Utility service | Water and sewer utilities |
Library Call Number: L1836.84 St29h
Session: 84th R.S. (2015)
Online version: View report [78 pages]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Study if the state's infrastructure is adequately prepared for disasters, whether man-made or natural. Include preparedness assessments of the maintenance and recovery of vital infrastructure such as transportation and utility systems.
2. Examine procedures regarding contract monitoring, compliance, performance evaluation and notification requirements for state contracting procedures. Include recommendations to determine a "best value" for the state and prevent conflicts of interests. Evaluate guidelines regarding the state's participation in contracts funded by grants and suggest methods to ensure the best use of taxpayer funds.
3. Determine if the state has sufficient authority and the tools to ensure continued operation of the state's government and economy under existing budgetary and statutory authority. Make contingency recommendations to prevent collapse in the event of an economic disaster.
4. Study the policies used by research and medical entities to adhere to the highest ethical standards for acquiring human fetal tissue for medical and scientific purposes. Specifically, review compliance to ensure informed consent and that all state and federal laws sufficiently respect the dignity of the human body. Study criteria for which persons have standing when giving consent for the use of fetal remains and to investigate potential violations of state laws regulating organ/tissue donation. Determine whether additional disclosure and reporting requirements are necessary to ensure moral and ethical research practices. Review practices and statutes in other states regarding fetal tissue harvesting.
5. Study support mechanisms for the Small and Rural Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier - Universal Service Fund. Consider alternative funding mechanisms as well as necessary statutory changes to ensure reasonable cost of basic local phone service in high cost, rural areas without expanding the size of the Texas Universal Service Fund.
6. Evaluate the administrative process used to determine utility rates. Consider if sufficient opportunities exist to ensure customer representation. Also determine if additional legislative guidance is needed to ensure public notification and participation.
7. Examine how the Public Utility Commission of Texas, when applicable, and utility providers, whether vertically integrated, privately owned, or municipally owned, can ensure consumer protection regarding metering devices for water, gas, and electricity service. Review recent examples of inaccurate or confusing billings and offer recommendations on appropriate consumer recourse and appeal. In addition, assess utility procedures regarding meter installation.
8. Examine state and local laws applicable to undocumented immigrants throughout the State of Texas and analyze the effects of those laws in conjunction with federal immigration laws and the policies and practices followed by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
9. Examine payroll deductions from state or political subdivision employees for the purpose of labor organization membership dues or fees as well as charitable organization and nonprofit contributions. Determine if this process is an appropriate use of public funds.
10. Monitor the impact of major State Affairs legislation passed by the 84th Legislature, including updates regarding recent contracting reforms. Conduct legislative oversight and monitoring of the agencies and programs under the committee's jurisdiction and the implementing of relevant legislation passed by the 84th Legislature. In conducting this oversight, the committee should: a. consider any reforms to state agencies to make them more responsive to Texas taxpayers and citizens; b. identify issues regarding the agency or its governance that may be appropriate to investigate, improve, remedy, or eliminate; c. determine whether an agency is operating in a transparent and efficient manner; and d. identify opportunities to streamline programs and services while maintaining the mission of the agency and its programs.
Committee: House State Affairs
Title: Interim Report
Subjects: Anonymous campaign contributions | Campaign finance and expenditure reports | Campaign finance reform | Electric Reliability Council of Texas | Electricity supplies | Electricity transmission and distribution | Enhanced driver licenses | Environmental cleanup | Environmental compliance | Environmental Quality, Texas Commission on | Government transparency | Public Utility Commission of Texas | Railroad Commission of Texas | Real ID Act | State government contracts | Undocumented immigrants |
Library Call Number: L1836.83 St29h
Session: 83rd R.S. (2013)
Online version: View report [56 pages]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Study the methods state agencies use for planning for investment in future infrastructure. Specifically, review how agencies determine what investments in infrastructure will be necessary to meet the state's demands and facilitate continued economic expansion. Review how agencies determine the costs and benefits associated with future infrastructure investment to ensure that the citizens of the state are receiving the best value and what other factors agencies use to make investment decisions.
2. Study Title 15 of the Election Code, which regulates political funds and campaigns, including requirements for financial reports by campaigns, candidates, officeholders, and political committees. Specifically, study what types of groups are exempt from reporting requirements in the Election Code and make recommendations on how to make the political process more transparent.
3. Study the different financial assurance options used by state agencies to ensure compliance with environmental clean-up or remediation costs. Determine whether the methods utilized by state agencies are appropriate to ensure sufficient funds will be available when called upon.
4. Review state agency contracting with businesses seeking to provide goods and services to the state. Study the procedures agencies use to determine the costs versus benefits when evaluating proposals. Determine whether additional disclosure and reporting requirements are necessary to ensure transparency and accountability and to promote ethical business practices.
5. Conduct legislative oversight and monitoring of the agencies and programs under the committee’s jurisdiction and the implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 83rd Legislature. In conducting this oversight, the committee should: a. consider any reforms to state agencies to make them more responsive to Texas taxpayers and citizens; b. identify issues regarding the agency or its governance that may be appropriate to investigate, improve, remedy, or eliminate; c. determine whether an agency is operating in a transparent and efficient manner; and d. identify opportunities to streamline programs and services while maintaining the mission of the agency and its programs.
Committee: House State Affairs
Title: Interim Report
Subjects: Broadband infrastructure | Cable telecommunications providers | Comptroller of Public Accounts campaigns and elections | Computer networks | Computers | Council on Competitive Government | Electric Reliability Council of Texas | Electric utilities | Electricity supplies | Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. | Facilities Commission, Texas | Health and Human Services Commission, Texas | Information Resources, Texas Department of | Mercury | Occupational licenses | Privatization | Public Utility Commission of Texas | Railroad Commission of Texas | Rules and regulations | State agencies | State government contracts | State land | State purchasing | Transboundary pollution |
Library Call Number: L1836.82 St29h
Session: 82nd R.S. (2011)
Online version: View report [78 pages]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Examine the issue of resource adequacy in the Texas electricity market, federal and state interventions in the marketplace that may be negatively impacting future adequacy, and the best way to maintain resource adequacy.
2. Examine whether current law ensures broadband provider access to an electric cooperative's utility poles and facilities pursuant to reasonable, cost-based, and nondiscriminatory rates, terms, and conditions. Study methods for improving access to electric cooperative utility poles to reduce unnecessary costs and delays for the delivery of broadband service to Texas consumers.
3. Examine areas of potential privatization of state services in an effort to achieve a higher level of service and greater efficiency for Texas taxpayers. (Joint with the House Committee on Government Efficiency & Reform)
4. Identify inefficiencies in the regulation of public utilities in order to minimize the cost of regulation to consumers.
5. Examine methods of cloud computing technology to streamline agency operations and generate greater efficiencies for more cost-effective operations. (Joint with the House Committee on Technology)
6. Examine state agency rulemaking and consider ways to improve procedural efficiencies and public transparency, and to better inform policymakers as to their use, purpose, and cost-effectiveness, including an examination of the financial and other impacts such regulations have on both the license holder and the public. (Joint with the House Committee on Government Efficiency & Reform)
7. Monitor the agencies and programs under the committee's jurisdiction, including the implementation of SB 1048 regarding public-private partnerships on state-owned property.
8. Study how businesses seeking to provide goods or services to the state interact with state agencies. Consider whether additional procedures are needed to ensure that goods and services obtained by the state are the best value. Determine whether additional disclosure and reporting requirements are necessary to ensure transparency, accountability, and to promote ethical business practices.
Committee: House Regulated Industries
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: House Committee on Regulated Industries, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 2006 : a report to the House of Representatives, 80th Texas Legislature
Subjects: Alternative energy | Cable telecommunications providers | Coal-fired power plants | Electric Reliability Council of Texas | Electric utility deregulation | Energy policy | Nuclear power plants | Providers of last resort | Public Utility Commission of Texas | Rights of way | Telecommunications deregulation | Underground utility lines |
Library Call Number: L1836.79 R265
Session: 79th R.S. (2005)
Online version: View report [29 pages  File size: 7,157 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Gather and review information on the generation capacity and fuel diversity of the Texas electric market. Recommend changes to Texas law that would encourage new investment and technological innovation in emerging energy fields, such as clean coal and next generation nuclear technologies.
2. Examine the effects of retail competition on the Texas electric market including provider of last resort options for residential customers. Recommend changes to Texas law, including incentives for market participants and residential customers.
3. Monitor the implementation of the state-issued cable and video franchise system. Recommend updates that would further encourage competition and economic investment in the Texas broadband cable and video market.
4. Research and report on the transition to competition of incumbent telecommunications providers in Texas, and examine the effects of deregulation on local level competition, pricing and service offerings. Recommend changes to Texas law that would support further deregulation of the Texas telecommunications market.
5. Study the current repayment mechanism to the county or municipality for utility relocations in the public rights-of-way. Report on the number of relocations statewide each year, total estimated costs for relocations, associated impacts with relocations, and possible alternative systems for funding utility relocations and associated impacts.
6. Review current industry mechanisms used to provide compensation to municipalities for use of the public rights-of-way, specifically whether all inter-modal communications providers receive equal treatment under the current system, and whether all providers of communications services pay for use of the public rights-of-way. Recommend possible alternative compensation systems.
7. Examine the feasibility of additional nuclear generated power in Texas, focusing on supply and demand issues, current state nuclear projects, and possible federal government assistance. (Joint interim charge with energy resources)
8. Monitor the agencies and programs under the committee's jurisdiction.
9. Examine issues related to the creation and purchase of out-of-state renewable energy credits by non-ERCOT Texas utilities and determine possible alternatives for establishing a regional approach that does not allow the double-counting of renewable energy credits for non-ERCOT utilities to meet their renewable goals.
Committee: Senate Business and Commerce
Title: Interim Report - Security and Reliability of the Electric System in Texas
Library Catalog Title: Joint interim report to the 79th Texas Legislature
Subjects: Electric Reliability Council of Texas | Electricity transmission and distribution | Power outages | Public Utility Commission of Texas |
Library Call Number: L1836.78 B963e
Session: 78th R.S. (2003)
Online version: View report [23 pages  File size: 811 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. Joint interim charge with the Infrastructure Development and Security Committee: 1. Study the possibility of whether a system failure in Texas could occur in a manner similar to the blackout that occurred in the northeastern United States. Include a review of the Texas electric system and make recommendations on ways to enhance the security and stability of the system. Review industry plans and procedures and determine their effectiveness in responding to system disruption. Study the transmission and distribution system in Texas and make recommendations on the policies to plan for and promote investment in future transmission needs. Coordinate Texas activities with those of the federal government, neighboring states and Mexico to ensure consistent system planning and responses. This study shall include non-ERCOT areas of Texas.
Committee: Senate Economic Development
Title: Interim Report - Implementation of SB560
Library Catalog Title: Implementation of SB 560, 76th Legislature : interim report to the 77th Texas Legislature / Senate Committee on Economic Development.
Subjects: Long distance telephone service | Public Utility Commission of Texas | Telecommunications fees and taxes | Telephone deregulation |
Library Call Number: L1836.76 ec74im
Session: 76th R.S. (1999)
Online version: View report [89 pages  File size: 1,247 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. Monitor the implementation of SB 560, 76th R.S. regarding the regulation of telecommunications utilities by the Public Utility Commission and the provision of telecommunications services.
Committee: Joint Electric Utility Restructuring, Legislative Oversight
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: Report to the 77th Legislature / Electric Utility Restructuring Legislative Oversight Committee.
Subjects: Alternative energy | Electric Reliability Council of Texas | Electric utility deregulation | Electric utility stranded costs and refunds | Providers of last resort | Public Utility Commission of Texas | Renewable energy |
Library Call Number: L1836.76 el25
Session: 76th R.S. (1999)
Online version: View report [130 pages  File size: 1,121 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. The Joint Committee on Oversight of Electric Utility Restructuring was created by SB 7, 76th R.S.. The committee is charged with overseeing the implementation of SB 7, 76th Legislature, the electric utility restructuring bill, and monitoring its effectiveness. Under SB 7, 76th Legislature, the electric utility market will be opened to competition by January 2002. The joint committee includes five members of the Texas Senate, appointed by the lieutenant governor, and five members of the Texas House of Representatives, appointed by the speaker. The committee is chaired by Sen. David Sibley and Rep. Steve Wolens, authors of SB 7, 76th Legislature.
Committee: Senate Natural Resources
Title: Implementation of SB 7 and SB 766
Library Catalog Title: The Senate Interim Committee on Natural Resources interim report to the 77th Legislature : implementation of SB 7 and SB 766.
Subjects: Agricultural policy | Agriculture | Air pollution | Air quality | Clean Air Act | Electric utility deregulation | Emissions | Environmental permits | Grandfathered industrial facilities | Natural Resource Conservation Commission, Texas | Public Utility Commission of Texas | Voluntary Emissions Reduction Program |
Library Call Number: L1836.76 n219i
Session: 76th R.S. (1999)
Online version: View report [44 pages  File size: 564 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. Monitor the implementation of the following bills enacted during the 76th R.S.: HB 2, 76th R.S., relating to agriculture and state agriculture policy; and SB 766, 76th R.S., relating to the issuance of certain permits for the emission of air contaminants. The Committee shall also assess, monitor and report on the qualitative and quantitative impacts resulting from the environmental provisions of SB 7, 76th R.S., relating to electric utility restructuring and to the powers and duties of the Public Utility Commission of Texas, Office of Public Utility Counsel, and Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission.
Committee: Senate Economic Development, Interim
Title: Interim report - Telecommunications and insurance
Library Catalog Title: Report on telecommunications and insurance.
Subjects: Homeowners insurance | Insurance industry | Insurance, Texas Department of | Liability | Long distance telephone service | Managed care | Open records requests and decisions | Patients' rights | Public Information Act, Texas | Public Utility Commission of Texas | Public Utility Regulatory Act | Racial discrimination | Telecommunications infrastructure | Telecommunications Infrastructure Fund | Telephone deregulation | Telephone service |
Library Call Number: L1836.75 ec74t
Session: 75th R.S. (1997)
Online version: View report [308 pages  File size: 12,707 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Study the effect of property insurance form deregulation, as addressed in SB 1499, 75th R.S., passed by the Legislature during the 1997 regular session, on the affordability and availability of homeowners insurance.
2. Monitor the implementation of SB 386, 75th R.S., passed by the Legislature during the 1997 regular session, regarding managed care liability, including the development of the rules and standards governing the certification, selection, and operation of independent review organizations.
3. Study and assess the effectiveness of HB 2128, 74th R.S., passed by the Legislature during the 1995 regular session, including but not limited to: the deployment of an advanced telecommunications infrastructure in Texas; the development of competition in the local telecommunications market in Texas; and the use of the Telecommunications Infrastructure Fund in improving the capabilities of Texas schools, libraries and public hospitals. In its evaluation, the Committee should identify any remaining barriers to the development of full competition in the telecommunications market in Texas and make recommendations, if necessary, for any legislative or regulatory action.
4. Review the process used by the Texas Department of Insurance and the Attorney General in making determinations regarding public disclosure of insurance data and, if necessary, make recommendations to streamline and standardize the process.
5. Review and make recommendations, if needed, to clarify what insurance market-related data should be in the public domain and what information should be considered proprietary data to preserve competition. This review should consider both statistical data and underwriting guidelines.
Committee: House State Affairs
Title: Interim report
Library Catalog Title: House Committee on State Affairs, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1998 : a report to the House of Representatives, 76th Texas Legislature.
Subjects: Alternative energy | Biotechnology industry | Business taxes | Campaign contributions | Campaign contributors | Campaign finance reform | Cloning | Councils of government | Electric utility deregulation | Ethics | Genetic research and testing | Long distance telephone service | Privacy | Public Utility Commission of Texas | Public Utility Regulatory Act | Soft money | State agencies | State taxes | Telephone deregulation | Telephone service | Vehicles |
Library Call Number: L1836.75 st29h
Session: 75th R.S. (1997)
Online version: View report [119 pages  File size: 6,856 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Examine and evaluate the role of financial contributions in campaigns for election to state offices. Identify practices or trends that may be detrimental to the public good and study ways to eliminate or reverse those trends. (Joint with the House Committee on Elections)
2. Study the threats to personal privacy due to technological advances in the capacity to store data and the increasing use of electronic transaction in government, business, and everyday life. Examine the uses made of such information by governments and commercial enterprises, and the potential for abuse. Assess legislative options.
3. Review conditions in the telecommunications industry. Examine changes that have occurred since the passage of HB 2128, 74th R.S., and compare current conditions to expectations at the time of passage. Assess the need for revisions to keep the transition to competition on track.
4. Inventory the kinds of public-private arrangements that currently exist in Texas government, and examine any new ethical or accountability issues that arise when the state relies on private entities in non-traditional ways.
5. Study the legal, social, and economic issues likely to arise because of developments in the fields of genetics and bioethics. Such issues may include those related to altered foodstuffs, cloning, reproduction, eugenics, and genetic testing.
6. Examine whether Regional Planning Commissions (COG's) have fulfilled the purposes for which they were established originally, and whether their functions or enabling legislation requires change.
7. Examine the feasibility of combining agency automobile fleets into a pooled fleet that could be centrally administered to obtain efficiencies of operation.
8. Assess the state and local tax impacts of possible changes in the structure of the electric power industry.
Committee: Senate Economic Development
Title: Interim report - Telecommunications
Library Catalog Title: Interim report on telecommunications.
Subjects: Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996 | Public Utility Commission of Texas | Public Utility Regulatory Act | Telecommunications infrastructure | Telecommunications Infrastructure Fund | Telephone service |
Library Call Number: L1836.74 t235
Session: 74th R.S. (1995)
Online version: View report [487 pages  File size: 17,803 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. Monitor the implementation of the provisions of HB 2128, 74th R.S., the telecommunications bill, including: assessing its effectiveness in increasing competition in the local exchange market; determining the extent to which local exchange companies have increased their investment in the telecommunications infrastructure in Texas and identify which areas of the state, if any, have not fully benefited from such investments; and assessing the effectiveness of the use of the telecommunications infrastructure fund in improving the capabilities of Texas schools, libraries and hospitals.
Committee: House Energy Resources
Title: Interim report
Library Catalog Title: Energy Resources Committee, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1996 : a report to the House of Represenatives, 75th Texas Legislature.
Subjects: Air pollution | Alternative energy | Energy conservation | Environmental permits | Environmental protection | Natural gas industry | Natural Resource Conservation Commission, Texas | Oil industry | Oil production | Public Utility Commission of Texas | Railroad Commission of Texas | Severance taxes | Tax incentives |
Library Call Number: L1836.75 en27
Session: 74th R.S. (1995)
Online version: View report [23 pages  File size: 858 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Conduct active oversight of agencies under the committee's jurisdiction.
2. Study ways to increase energy production in Texas.
3. Study the issue of "environmental externalities" when granting permits.
4. Study the effectiveness of severance tax incentives to promote oil and gas production activities.
Committee: Senate State Affairs
Title: Interim report - Electric utility regulation SB 373
Library Catalog Title: Interim report to the 75th Legislature on the implementation of SB 373.
Subjects: Electric cooperatives | Electric utility deregulation | Public Utility Commission of Texas |
Library Call Number: L1836.74 el25
Session: 74th R.S. (1995)
Online version: View report [286 pages  File size: 12,714 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. Monitor the implementation of the provisions of SB 373, 74th R.S., regarding electric utility regulation including: assessing the effectiveness of the integrated resource planning process as implemented by the Public Utility Commission; assessing the effectiveness of the rate deregulation of electric cooperatives; assessing the impact on the electric utility wholesale market and on the development of competition in the electric utility industry.
Committee: Joint Public Utility Commission, Interim
Title: Interim report
Library Catalog Title: Texas alternatives: Competitive and regulatory options in telecommunications and electric power : a roadmap for meeting new challenges : a report to the 74th Legislature.
Subjects: Electric utilities | Public Utility Commission of Texas | Public Utility Counsel, Office of | State taxes |
Library Call Number: L1836.73 t235
Session: 73rd R.S. (1993)
Online version: View report [100 pages  File size: 8,945 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Study and make recommendation regarding tax issues, including tax credits, consolidated returns, affiliates, and disallowances for all utilities except for gas utilities.
2. Study and make recommendations regarding the structure and organization of the Public Utility Commission and the Office of Public Utility Counsel.
3. Study and make recommendations regarding proceedings before the Public Utility Commission.
4. Study and make recommendations regarding any other changes to the PUC Act that the committee determines are needed.
Committee: House State Affairs
Title: Interim report
Library Catalog Title: Committee on State Affairs, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1994 : a report to the House of Representatives, 74th Texas Legislature.
Subjects: Consumer credit and debt | Consumer protection | Databases | Internet | Open government | Open records requests and decisions | Public information | Public Information Act, Texas | Public Utility Commission of Texas | Public Utility Regulatory Act | Rental companies | Sale-leaseback agreements | State agency mandated reports | Websites |
Library Call Number: L1836.73 st29
Session: 73rd R.S. (1993)
Online version: View report [103 pages  File size: 3,584 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Conduct active oversight of agencies under the committee's jurisdiction, including a study of mandated reports to the legislature and legislative agencies. The study should consist of a review of the legislative reporting requirements of all agencies to identify areas where reporting obligations could be streamlined and agency accountability improved. The committee shall make specific recommendations about the continuation, modification or elimination of required legislative reports.
2. Consider revisions to the Open Records Act to clarify its meaning and utility in light of the number of information files now maintained on computers.
3. Study the feasibility of a consolidated Texas state government database to improve electronic access to legislative information, information maintained by state agencies, the Texas Register and other information of public interest and importance.
4. Examine the laws related to consumer finance and installment purchases to determine whether changes in the laws, their interpretation or enforcement are necessary to protect the public interest.
5. Evaluate the public benefits of requiring the Public Utilities Commission to grant incentive rates of return to electric and telecommunications utilities that exceed certain efficiency thresholds, and to levy a rate of return penalty on utilities that fail to achieve established efficiency standards.
Committee: Joint Telecommunications, Interim
Title: Interim report
Library Catalog Title: Texas alternatives : competitive and regulatory options in telecommunications and electric power : a roadmap for meeting new challenges : a report to the 74th Legislature.
Subjects: Electric utility deregulation | Energy policy | Public Utility Commission of Texas | Public Utility Counsel, Office of | Public Utility Regulatory Act | Telephone deregulation | Telephone service |
Library Call Number: L1836.73 t235
Session: 73rd R.S. (1993)
Online version: View report [100 pages  File size: 8,945 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Study and develop a long term telecommunications policy that promotes technological innovation, economic competitiveness, customer service and universal service while protecting consumers of monopoly services.
2. Study and make recommendations for the appropriate regulatory framework to promote the state's telecommunications policy, including any necessary statutory changes to achieve that framework.
3. Study and make recommendations for changes to the Public Utility Regulatory Act to implement the state's telecommunications policy.
4. Study and make recommendations for any other legislative changes needed to achieve the state's telecommunications goals.
Committee: House State Affairs
Title: Interim report
Library Catalog Title: Interim report to the 72nd Texas Legislature / Committee on State Affairs.
Subjects: Bribery | Campaign contributors | Conflicts of interest | Ethics | Financial disclosures | Lobbyists | Public Utility Commission of Texas |
Library Call Number: L1836.71 st29
Session: 71st R.S. (1989)
Online version: View report [71 pages  File size: 2,032 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. To monitor all activities and to have budget oversight responsibilities for those agencies, boards and commissions as listed in Rule 3, Section 32.
2. To study the organization and management of the Public Utility Commission of Texas (coordinate with Governor's Task Force on PUC).
3. To study financial disclosure laws, including benefits for public officials and Chapter 305 of the Government Code.
Committee: House Statewide Energy Plan, Select
Title: Interim report
Library Catalog Title: Report of the House Select Committee on Statewide Energy Plan, 70th Legislature : to the speaker and members of the Texas House of Representatives, 71st Legislature.
Subjects: Electric power plants | Electric utilities | Electricity transmission and distribution | Energy policy | Public Utility Commission of Texas | Public Utility Regulatory Act |
Library Call Number: L1836.70 en27p
Session: 70th R.S. (1987)
Online version: View report [25 pages  File size: 878 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. Study the current status of the state's electrical power industry, as well as its potential role in promoting the revitalization of Texas through the development of a statewide energy plan. In addition to making recommendations concerning the legislative implementation of such a plan, the committee shall examine alternatives to methods currently used to generate and transmit electricity and evaluate rate-setting policies to ensure that all consumers receive electricity at the lowest possible cost.
Committee: Senate Human Resources Subcommittee on Consumer Affairs
Title: Interim Report - Public Utility Regulation
Library Catalog Title: Public Utility Regulation Final Report
Subjects: Public Utility Commission of Texas | Public Utility Regulatory Act |
Library Call Number: L1836.67 c765p
Session: 67th R.S. (1981)
Online version: View report [14 pages  File size: 496 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. Study the continuing operation of the Public Utility Commission.
Supporting documents
Committee: Senate Human Resources Subcommittee on Consumer Affairs
Title: SR 773
Library Call Number: SR 773
Session: 67th R.S. (1981)
Online version: View document [3 pages  File size: 742 kb]
Committee: Senate Human Resources Subcommittee on Consumer Affairs
Title: Interim Report - Public utility regulation
Library Catalog Title: Final staff recommendations on the Public Utility Commission and the Public Utility Regulatory Act.
Subjects: Electric utilities | Public Utility Commission of Texas | Public Utility Regulatory Act |
Library Call Number: L1836.66 c765rp
Session: 66th R.S. (1979)
Online version: View report [37 pages  File size: 1,479 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. Monitor the operation of the Public Utility Commission, examine utility rate case decisions, and investigate public concerns regarding state regulation of utilities. *
Supporting documents
Committee: Senate Human Resources Subcommittee on Consumer Affairs
Title: Press Releases
Library Catalog Title: Minutes
Library Call Number: L1836.66 C765PR
Session: 66th R.S. (1979)
Online version: View document [155 pages]
Committee: Senate Human Resources Subcommittee on Consumer Affairs
Title: Interim Report - Public Utility Commission of Texas
Library Catalog Title: Report on the Public Utility Commission of Texas : final report / Senate Subcommittee on Consumer Affairs.
Subjects: Public Utility Commission of Texas |
Library Call Number: L1836.65 c765rp
Session: 65th R.S. (1977)
Online version: View report [12 pages  File size: 388 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. Oversee the operations of the Public Utility Commission. *
Committee: Senate Human Resources Subcommittee on Consumer Affairs
Title: Interim Report - Public Utility Commission of Texas
Library Catalog Title: Final Report, Senate Subcommittee on Consumer Affairs : the Public Utility Commission of Texas.
Subjects: Public Utility Commission of Texas | Public Utility Regulatory Act |
Library Call Number: L1836.64 c765rp
Session: 64th R.S. (1975)
Online version: View report [14 pages  File size: 412 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. Monitor and oversee the activities and actions of the Public Utility Commission of Texas. *
Committee: Senate Public Utility Commission
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: A consumer viewpoint on Texas telephone utilities; report of the chairman, Interim Committee on Public Utility Commissions
Subjects: Public Utility Commission of Texas |
Library Call Number: L1836.61 P96 c.5
Session: 61st R.S. (1969)
Online version: View report [67 pages  File size: 12,060 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. Study the makeup and procedures of public utility commissions in other states, looking toward the feasibility of establishing a public utility regulatory agency in Texas.

* This represents an abstract of the report contents. Charge text is incomplete or unavailable.

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