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12 Document(s) [ Subject: Teacher health insurance ]

Committee: House Pensions, Investments, and Financial Services
Title: Interim Report
Subjects: Attorney General of Texas | Consumer credit and debt | Consumer Credit Commissioner, Office of | Consumer protection | Employees Retirement System of Texas | Investment of public funds | Pension liabilities | Private retirement systems | Public retirement systems | Small businesses | Teacher health insurance | Teacher Retirement System of Texas |
Library Call Number: L1836.86 P387
Session: 86th R.S. (2019)
Online version: View report [42 pages  File size: 2,254 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Monitor the agencies and programs under the Committee's jurisdiction and oversee the implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 86th Legislature. Conduct active oversight of all associated rulemaking and other governmental actions taken to ensure intended legislative outcome of all legislation, including the following:
  • HB 1442, which is the sunset bill for the Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner (OCCC). The legislation contains provisions relating to the regulation of online lenders. Monitor the OCCC's rules regulating the online lending industry.
  • HB 2945, which relates to consumer protection against credit card skimmers. Monitor the Office of the Attorney General’s (OAG) rules, polices, and procedures regulating the payment terminals on motor fuel dispensers and credit card skimmer violations. Examine the process by which the OAG creates, manages, and utilizes the payment fraud fusion center.
  • SB 322, which relates to the evaluation and reporting of investment practices and performances of certain public retirement systems. Examine the process by which state agencies and public retirement systems collaborate on, plan, and implement the structure necessary to perform these evaluations.
  • SB 2224, which relates to requiring a public retirement system to adopt a written funding policy. Examine the process by which state agencies and public retirement systems collaborate on, plan, and implement the structure necessary to create sound and practical funding policies.
2. Monitor the Teacher Retirement System's (TRS) actions in implementing high deductible regional plans for certain school districts interested in providing alternatives to the current TRS Active Care options.
3. Study pension plan and personal retirement savings options for small businesses in order to be competitive with state and larger employers.
4. Review and evaluate the actuarial soundness of the Employees Retirement System and TRSpension funds. Examine the cost of and potential strategies for achieving and maintaining the actuarial soundness of the funds. Examine the effect the unfunded liabilities could have on the state's credit. Examine the state's investment policies and practices, including investment objectives, targets, disclosure policies, and transparency. (Joint charge with the House Committee on Appropriations)
5. Monitor the State Auditor's review of agencies and programs under the Committee's jurisdiction. The Chair shall seek input and periodic briefings on completed audits for the 2019 and 2020 fiscal years and bring forth pertinent issues for full committee consideration.
Committee: Joint TRS Health Benefit Plans
Title: Interim Report
Subjects: Teacher health insurance | Teacher retirement | Teacher Retirement System of Texas |
Library Call Number: L1836.84 T22
Session: 84th R.S. (2015)
Online version: View report [200 pages]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. Review the health benefit plans administered by the Teacher Retirement System of Texas and propose reforms to address the financial soundness of the plans, cost and affordability of plan coverage, and sufficiency of access to physicians and health care providers.
Supporting documents
Committee: Joint TRS Health Benefit Plans
Title: Committee Rules
Library Catalog Title: Minutes
Library Call Number: L1836.84 T22M
Session: 84th R.S. (2015)
Online version: View document [2 pages  File size: 110 kb]
Committee: Senate State Affairs
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: Interim report to the 79th Legislature
Subjects: Border health | Damage award caps | Election administration | Election laws | Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 | Employees Retirement System of Texas | Health insurance | Liability insurance | Managed care | Medical liability insurance | Medically uninsured | Nursing homes | Patients' rights | Quality of care | Rural health care | State employee benefits | State mandated health insurance | Teacher health insurance | Teacher Retirement System of Texas | Tort reform | Voter registration | Voting systems |
Library Call Number: L1836.78 St29a
Session: 78th R.S. (2003)
Online version: View report [0 pages]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Study the implementation of changes made to the state group health insurance plans and identify additional cost-saving measures. Study the feasibility and practicality of offering health reimbursement accounts as an alternate health insurance plan for those insured in ERS, TRS, and university plans. Provide recommendations regarding whether the current method of administering these programs is in the best interest of the State of Texas and the various insured populations, or whether such programs might be more efficiently administered in another fashion.
2. Monitor the implementation of HB 1549, 78th R.S., the Federal Help America Vote Act of 2002, to assure that Texas meets the criteria to secure the proposed federal funding. Make recommendations for statutory changes required to implement federal legislation and improve the efficiency of the process.
3. Study the implementation of SB 10, 78th R.S., and SB 541, 78th R.S., and make recommendations, as needed, to make health insurance more accessible, and affordable for all Texans.
4. Study the April 2003 United States Supreme Court decision in Kentucky Association of Health Plans v. Miller to determine its impact on Texas laws regulating health insurance plans under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) and make recommendations to changes in state law to conform with recent federal court decisions.
5. Study the reimbursement methodology of health care plans operating in Texas for out-of-network claims, specifically focusing upon the reimbursement of usual and customary charges, and make recommendations on how to improve their effectiveness. The study and recommendations should encompass all plans, including those participating in Texas Medicaid managed care program and should consider federal and state laws as well as Health & Human Services Commission rules relating to the reimbursement of out-of-network claims.
6. Study the implementation of HB 4, 78th R.S., and Proposition 12 in achieving lower medical malpractice rates and providing more access to affordable health care. Monitor and report on trends in medical malpractice insurance rates and the effect of tort reform on access to health care and provider shortages in certain regions, particularly along the Border.
7. Study and report on the affordability, reasonableness, and impact of mandatory liability insurance on the nursing home industry. Assess and report on the effects of the admissibility of quality reports.
Committee: House State Health Care Expenditures, Select
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: House Select Committee on State Health Care Expenditures, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 2004 : a report to the House of Representatives, 79th Texas Legislature
Subjects: Children's Health Insurance Program | Driver Responsibility Program | Emergency medical services | Employees Retirement System of Texas | Health care | Medicaid | Medicaid Disproportionate Share Hospital Program, Texas | State employee benefits | Teacher health insurance | Teacher Retirement System of Texas | Traffic violations |
Library Call Number: L1836.78 H35
Session: 78th R.S. (2003)
Online version: View report [73 pages  File size: 919 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Monitor the implementation of the Driver Responsibility Act in respect to the collection of associated surcharges for trauma care. Specifically evaluate the funding and distribution of funds to trauma care facilities.
2. Study the effects of "crowd out" in the Children's Health Insurance Program and Medicaid Program to determine accurate data and to ascertain if additional policy changes are needed to prevent "crowd out" of private insurance and escalating public insurance costs.
3. Evaluate the funding source of the Medicaid Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) Program and the criteria that a hospital must meet to participate in the DSH program in comparison to the balance and fairness of other state and federal funding streams.
4. Study the current consumer-directed care models that are in use by the state and look at other states' consumer-directed care models that may benefit Texas in areas such as long-term health care and chronic health care. Place emphasis on the Program of All-Inclusive Care For the Elderly model to ascertain its true potential for both cost-effectiveness and improved health outcomes. Identify barriers to the model's expansion in Texas.
5. Continue to identify and seek new models for the provision of health care benefits within the Employee Retirement System and the Teacher Retirement System.
Committee: Senate Education
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: Report to the 78th Legislature / Senate Committee on Education.
Subjects: Automatic admissions | Higher education | Public schools | Teacher certification | Teacher health insurance | University enrollment | University graduation rates |
Library Call Number: L1836.77 ed83
Session: 77th R.S. (2001)
Online version: View report [183 pages  File size: 1,591 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Study accountability in public schools, including the performance and accountability of charter schools, alternative education programs, and juvenile justice alternative education programs.
2. Monitor the implementation of HB 3343, 77th R.S., relating to the operations and funding of certain group coverage programs for school and educational employees and their dependents.
3. Evaluate traditional and alternative certification programs and their effect on the recruitment and retention of teachers. The Committee shall look at the use and re-employment of retirees in public schools, the use and re-employment of retirees in teaching future educators in the state's colleges of education, pre- and post- graduation incentives to enter the teaching profession, and the impact of advanced professional development and certification programs on retaining experienced teachers in the classroom.
4. Study programs designed to increase the accessibility of higher education for Texas students. The Committee shall examine the effect of residency status laws and guidelines on enrollment in Texas colleges and universities, evaluate the impact of the top ten percent rule on enrollment of educationally disadvantaged students, assess strategies to increase recruitment and retention rates of educationally and economically disadvantages students, and monitor the implementation of HB 400, 77th R.S., relating to assisting prospective students in enrolling in institutions of higher education.
Committee: House Teacher Health Insurance, Select
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: House Select Committee on Teacher Health Insurance, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 2000 : a report to the House of Representatives, 77th Texas Legislature.
Subjects: Teacher health insurance | Teacher Retirement System of Texas | TRS-Care |
Library Call Number: L1836.76 t22
Session: 76th R.S. (1999)
Online version: View report [32 pages  File size: 68 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. Develop options for teacher health insurance plans. Options should be scalable to take account of available resources, and any proposals should address the actuarial problems of TRS-Care.
Committee: House Pensions and Investments
Title: Interim report
Library Catalog Title: Committee on Pensions and Investments, Texas House of Representatives, interim report, 1996 : a report to the House of Representatives, 75th Texas Legislature.
Subjects: Career and technical education | Employees Retirement System of Texas | Public retirement systems | Teacher health insurance | Teacher retirement | Teacher Retirement System of Texas | University faculty |
Library Call Number: L1836.74 p387
Session: 74th R.S. (1995)
Online version: View report [32 pages  File size: 1,323 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Study the Optional Retirement Program for certain personnel in higher education.
2. Assess the advantages and disadvantages of allowing vocational education teachers to receive limited service credit in the Teacher Retirement System for vocational work experience.
3. Monitor the implementation and assess the effectiveness of the health insurance program for active members of the Teacher Retirement System as mandated by SB 9, 74th R.S..
Committee: Joint Employee Benefits, Select
Title: Interim report
Library Catalog Title: Report of the Joint Select Committee on Employee Benefits to the 72nd Legislature.
Subjects: Employees Retirement System of Texas | Health care costs | Health insurance | Teacher health insurance | Teacher Retirement System of Texas |
Library Call Number: L1836.71 em73
Session: 71st R.S. (1989)
Online version: View report [162 pages  File size: 6,142 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. Study the administration of employee health insurance programs, including those programs administered by institutions of higher education; issues related to the state contribution to health insurance premiums; and issues relating to the structure, administration, and financing of employee retirement systems. The study shall include, but not be limited to, a review of the competitive process for the selection of health care providers, cost containment measures and their implementation, administrative or legislative actions that may have contributed to increased costs or reduced benefits in health care coverage, the interpretation and implementation of statutorily mandated uniformity of benefits, changes in the administrative structure of health insurance programs, and, in regard to retirement systems, the methodology and accuracy of actuarial analysis, the transferability of retirement benefits among systems, and the method of calculation of the state contribution to the employees' pension funds.
Supporting documents
Committee: Joint Employee Benefits, Select
Title: Proclamation
Library Catalog Title: Proclamation
Library Call Number: L1800.1 p926
Session: 71st R.S. (1989)
Online version: View document [1 pages  File size: 120 kb]
Committee: House Insurance
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: Interim report, Sixty Sixth Legislative session / the Committee on Insurance, Texas House of Representatives.
Subjects: Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 | Health care | Health insurance | Health maintenance organizations | Insurance industry | Insurance, Texas State Board of | Teacher health insurance | Vehicle insurance |
Library Call Number: L1836.65 in7
Session: 65th R.S. (1977)
Online version: View report [132 pages  File size: 5,870 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. A study of the assigned risk plan with its effects on insurance rates and availability as well as other impact it may have, including research and recommendations on special rating categories.
2. A study of health insurance, to include health insurance at the state level, mandatory health insurance, minimum standards for health insurance policies, conversion of policies, standard provisions, and group insurance for public school employees.
3. Oversight responsibility of agency expenditures and related transactions. This function shall encompass a review and monitoring of all appropriations-related actions of those agencies assigned to this committee for appropriative purposes during the 65th Regular Session of the Legislature, to wit: Board of Insurance
4. A study of the current definition of Texas securities as they affect insurance companies in the state; include the drafting of such a definition to regulate investments in securities by insurance companies more effectively; and make recommendations to achieve a more equitable method of premium taxation on insurance companies doing business in the state of Texas.
5. A study of the services an insurance administrator performs, the methodology of regulating this growing profession, and the degree of necessity thereof, and a further study of the licensing and education requirements for insurance agents in general.
Committee: Senate State Affairs Subcommittee on Uniform Group Insurance for Public School Teachers and Employees
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: Sixty-fifth Legislature, uniform group insurance.
Subjects: Teacher health insurance |
Library Call Number: L1836.65 un3
Session: 65th R.S. (1977)
Online version: View report [123 pages  File size: 4,743 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. Study the desirability and feasibility of authorizing a uniform group life and health insurance plan for public school teachers and employees, and if considered advisable, prepare legislation to implement the plan.

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