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2 Document(s) [ Subject: Medical privacy ]

Committee: House Insurance
Title: Interim Report
Subjects: Artificial intelligence | Consumer protection | Health care | Health care costs | Health care provider networks | Health insurance | Health insurance exchanges | Hospitals | Insurance industry | Medical privacy | Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act | Pharmacy benefit managers | Property insurance | Texas Windstorm Insurance Association |
Library Call Number: L1836.88 IN 7
Session: 88th R.S. (2023)
Online version: View report [105 pages  File size: 1,738 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Examine the appraisal process within property and casualty insurance policies. *
2. Review current funding mechanism for the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA). Examine the role of reinsurance in relation to TWIA. Examine catastrophe funding in relation to TWIA. *
3. Study how Artificial Intelligence (AI) has impacted the insurance industry. Examine what functions AI serves in enhancing efficiency and risk assessment, and examine potential concerns. *
4. Examine the growth of the Texas surplus lines market. *
5. Study current factors affecting the property and casualty insurance market in Texas. Compare the Texas insurance market to other states with respect to affordability in homeowners' insurance. *
6. Examine and evaluate the effects of current regulations on the contractual relationships between pharmacists, pharmacies, health benefit plan issuers, and pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs). Assess the effectiveness of existing laws in promoting transparency and fairness in drug pricing and out-of-pocket expenses for consumers. Study how PBM rebates function within the prescription drug market. Study programs which aim to increase transparency, improve quality of care for patients, and support public policy decisions. Analyze the effects of prohibiting certain contractual provisions that limit the ability of insurers to guide patients toward specific healthcare providers. *
7. Examine the impact of current economic challenges on the escalating cost of health insurance premiums and options available to Texans in the small business and individual health insurance markets. Investigate solutions including the availability of a small business health options program and ways Texas can better manage and control administration of and the rising costs in our health insurance market. *
8. Review the current practices and impacts of prior authorization in the healthcare system in Texas. *
9. Review the impact of healthcare mandates on healthcare providers, insurers, and patients. *
10. Review the current state of network adequacy in Texas, focusing on the availability and accessibility of healthcare providers within health insurance networks. *
11. Review the use of current practices and policies regarding the imposition of hospital facility fees. *
12. Review the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the healthcare and health insurance industry. Assess current applications of AI in clinical settings and for tasks such as claims processing, fraud detection, and for personalized insurance plans. Study how AI could improve existing practices relating to risk assessment, underwriting, and customer service. Study ethical and legal concerns associated with AI, including data privacy, algorithmic bias, and transparency. Review the regulatory and oversight mechanisms needed to ensure responsible use of AI in the healthcare and health insurance industry. *
Committee: Senate Health Services
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: Report to the 77th Legislature / Texas Senate Health Committee.
Subjects: Biological weapons | Biotechnology industry | Children's Health Insurance Program | Cloning | Dentists | Ethics | Genetic research and testing | Health care providers | Immunizations | Managed care | Medicaid | Medical privacy | Medical records | Nurses | Nursing shortages | Pharmaceutical industry | Pharmacists | Physicians | Privacy | State employee turnover | Telemedicine |
Library Call Number: L1836.76 h35
Session: 76th R.S. (1999)
Online version: View report [356 pages  File size: 6,500 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Evaluate the changes in the Medicaid system since the beginning of Medicaid reform. The Committee shall assess reform efforts in light of the original goals for implementation of Medicaid managed care, as well as the impact of Medicaid managed care on patient outcomes, cost implications to the state, and the impact on traditional providers of indigent care. The Committee shall also specifically evaluate the ability of Medicaid managed care organizations and the state to manage chronic illnesses and develop specific strategies for disease management for certain populations.
2. Inventory and analyze the amount and type of research related to pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and genetics currently occurring in Texas to maximize the benefits to Texans in these fields. The Committee shall also examine the ethical implications associated with pharmaceuticals, genetic and biotechnology research.
3. Review the type, amount, availability, and use of patient-specific medical information, including prescription data, and current statutory and regulatory provisions governing its availability. The report shall explore if statutory and regulatory provisions are consistent and adequately enforced.
4. Study impacts of the degree of choice granted physicians to administer immunizations to children under the Vaccinations For Children (VFC) Program. The Committee shall focus on the health and fiscal implications to the public and private sectors of granting choices to physicians where more than one manufacturer produces the same vaccine at an equivalent price.
5. Assess the preparedness of the Texas health care workforce to meet the health care needs of Texans beyond the year 2000, including methods to retain Texas-trained medical personnel. The Committee shall evaluate the availability of health care providers in rural and urban areas. The Committee shall also review the oversight of medical procedures performed by medical residents and disclosure provided to patients prior to treatment.
6. Monitor the implementation of SB 445, 76th R.S. relating to the Children's Health Insurance Program.

* This represents an abstract of the report contents. Charge text is incomplete or unavailable.

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