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Committee: Senate Criminal Justice
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: Interim report to the 82nd Legislature / Senate Committee on Criminal Justice
Subjects: Alcohol-related deaths | Alternatives to incarceration | Blood alcohol concentration | Child abuse | Child sexual abuse | Community notification of sex offenders | Concealed weapons | Crime laboratories | Criminal Justice, Texas Department of | DNA testing | Driving while intoxicated | Forensics | Indigent criminal defense | Jail Standards, Texas Commission on | Juvenile detention facilities | Juvenile justice system | Juvenile Probation Commission, Texas | Mental health services | Mentally ill inmates | Municipal jails | Prison security | Public Safety, Texas Department of | Recidivism | School discipline | Sex offender registration | State Health Services, Texas Department of | Texas Fair Defense Act | Witnesses | Youth Commission, Texas |
Library Call Number: L1836.81 C868
Session: 81st R.S. (2009)
Online version: View report [115 pages  File size: 3,355 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Study the efficiency and fairness of the current sexual offender registry system and make recommendations to improve the system, if necessary. Study the issue of compliance with the Adam Walsh Act, focusing on the associated costs to the state and the punishment of juveniles. Examine the risk assessment tools used to measure the likelihood of recidivism of sexual predators.
2. Review statistics regarding the crime of driving while intoxicated, including accident statistics, alcohol-related deaths and injury, and other impacts on the community. Examine enforcement options used nationwide to deter driving under the influence and make recommendations to reduce the number of alcohol-related traffic fatalities and accidents in Texas.
3. Review the performance of the Fair Defense Act and the Task Force on Indigent Defense. Study key outcomes of the law, including: appointment rates in felony and misdemeanor cases; state and county indigent defense expenditures; attorney caseloads; attorney compensation; access to investigators and experts; and overall quality of counsel for the indigent. Examine the Task Force on Indigent Defense's effectiveness in monitoring and enforcing standards and design strategies to improve the delivery of services for indigent defense, including timing of the appointment of counsel, the use of the appointment wheel and the monitoring of workloads and performance of attorneys.
4. Study and make recommendations related to municipal jails and other detention facilities that operate without state agency oversight. Identify the number of such facilities and the population detained, as well as best practices for municipal jails. Make recommendations to improve services and consider options for oversight of facilities by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards.
5. Review the detention of juvenile offenders in local jails, state jails, and Texas Department of Criminal Justice prison units by examining conditions of confinement, including quality of education, mental health treatment and medical services, rehabilitative treatment, and equality of access to services for young female inmates. Review access to administrative and inspector general grievances in TDCJ facilities. Make recommendations for improving the system and reduce recidivism of juvenile offenders.
6. Study and make recommendations to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of testing done in Texas forensic laboratories, including DNA and blood/alcohol testing. Assess and make recommendations for improving the capacity of Texas criminal laboratories to process evidence, identify ways to reduce the backlog of DNA evidence processing, identify ways to encourage qualified applicants for crime lab jobs, ensure adequate training for new crime lab technicians, ensure the availability of efficient crime lab processing to all regions of the state, and determine the impact of additional collection requirements on the capacity of Texas crime labs to process evidence. Consider the costs and benefits of creating a statewide crime lab.
7. Assess how the Commission on Jail Standards, the Department of Public Safety, the Department of Criminal Justice, and Department of State Health Services are working together to identify defendants with mental health issues, notify magistrates when defendants have been identified and, where appropriate, provide crisis stabilization services to defendants. Monitor legislation passed by the 81st Legislature for mental illness and make recommendations for any needed improvements to improve mental health services and reduce recidivism.
8. Study and evaluate the success of juvenile probation pilot programs aimed at community-based diversion of youth from Texas Youth Commission facilities. Make recommendations for needed legislative action and additional programs to increase the number of delinquent youth successfully rehabilitated in their home communities.
9. Consider the impact that secondary education school disciplinary laws and policies have on the juvenile justice system and the adult prison system. Recommend changes, if needed, to current law.
10. Evaluate the usage of current Texas practices for facilitating the fair and accurate courtroom testimony of children and reducing the trauma associated with testifying, particularly for children who are victims of sexual abuse. Specifically consider recent efforts and trends across the nation to develop best practices, including "court orientation" programs, and ensure that courtrooms are more child friendly and accommodating for young victims to reduce the trauma associated with testifying in court while ensuring that fair and accurate information is solicited from the child as a witness.
11. Monitor the implementation of legislation addressed by the Senate Committee on Criminal Justice, 81st Legislature, Regular and Called Sessions, and make recommendations for any legislation needed to improve, enhance, and/or complete implementation.
  • Study the impact of certain provisions in the 2009 DPS Sunset bill on the timely processing of concealed handgun license applications and the issuance of licenses.
  • Monitor and make recommendations, if needed, on actions by TDCJ to improve security and reduce contraband.
Committee: Senate Criminal Justice
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: Interim report to the 81st Legislature
Subjects: Capital murder trials | Child abuse | Correctional officers | Criminal justice | Criminal Justice, Texas Department of | Deferred adjudication | Drug trafficking | Homicide | Juvenile justice system | Mental health services | Mentally ill inmates | Methamphetamine | Occupational licenses | Ombudsmen | Pardons and Paroles, Texas Board of | Penalties and sentences (Criminal justice) | Police officers | Prison population | Prison security | Prisoner re-entry | Privately-operated prisons | Pseudoephedrine | Recidivism | Searches and seizures | Sex offenders | Substance abuse | Texas Code of Criminal Procedure | Theft | Youth Commission, Texas | Youthful offenders |
Library Call Number: L1836.80 C868
Session: 80th R.S. (2007)
Online version: View report [113 pages  File size: 13,967 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Determine how private prisons are complying with state laws and how cost, safety, living conditions and rehabilitative services at private prisons compare with state-run facilities. Include an assessment of the staff turnover rates and compensation of private contractors when compared with state-operated facilities, and of the contract bidding processes used by the Texas Youth Commission and the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.
2. Monitor the implementation of SB 103, 80th R.S., and the continuing reforms to the Texas Youth Commission and the juvenile criminal justice system. Identify barriers to effective implementation and provide recommendations to ensure that the goals of this legislation are achieved. Provide recommendations relating to best practices and identify needed additional treatment programs for juvenile sex offenders.
3. Study the impact of laws designed to reduce illegal drug use and make recommendations for reducing access to illegal drugs and for developing best practices for preventative programs, focusing on drugs targeted for the younger population, such as cheese heroin. Assess the impact of limiting access to pseudoephedrine, including the impact restrictions have had on illegal manufacturers' methods for producing methamphetamine.
4. Monitor the implementation of the new and expanded programs provided to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) within the Fiscal Year 2008 and 2009 budget, and identify their impact on the criminal justice populations. Study security issues within TDCJ, including staffing issues, use of lock down procedures, the control and containment of infectious diseases and the introduction and control of contraband within the institutions. Review the use of career ladders for employees of TDCJ and issues surrounding the retention of professional corrections staff. Study the issues of independent oversight of TDCJ, including the use and effectiveness of the TDCJ ombudsman system. Provide recommendations for the reduction or elimination of barriers to an effective corrections system.
5. Study and make recommendations for reducing the number of law enforcement officer deaths in the line of duty. This study should include:
  • an assessment of the types of calls and assignments that put law enforcement officers most at risk;
  • the geographic regions of the state that suffer the most deaths;
  • the agencies experiencing the highest rate of deaths in the line of duty;
  • the time in an officer's career, and the officer's age that he or she is most susceptible to death in the line of duty; and
  • the times of year, month, and day that are most dangerous.
6. Study the issue of criminal asset seizure and the use of seized and forfeiture funds by district attorneys and law enforcement agencies. Review the oversight of these matters by the Texas Attorney General and provide recommendations to improve the dissemination of information concerning these funds. Ensure that these funds have the appropriate accountability and fiscal controls required for public funds.
7. Study the system of deferred adjudication in Texas courts and make recommendations for resolving any problems and reducing the potential for release of dangerous criminals.
8. Study and recommend best practices for reducing re-victimization of child abuse victims associated with delay in resolution of criminal cases. Recommend options for reducing the time lapse between child victimization and criminal hearings.
9. Review the processes for re-entry of criminal offenders into communities. Identify barriers to the successful return to law-abiding behavior, including the absence of employment opportunities created by restriction on obtaining certain state occupational licenses. Provide recommendations for improvements to our current statutes governing this matter.
10. Study whether Articles 36.09 (relating to trying multiple defendants from the same transaction either separately or jointly) and 36.10 (relating to severing defendants that show prejudice from a joint trial) of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure provide sufficient safeguards to ensure fair and reliable trial results in capital cases with multiple defendants. Determine whether the articles provide trial judges with sufficient instruction regarding joinder or severance of defendants and, if not, make recommendations to improve procedures.
11. Study the relationship between the public mental health system and the criminal justice and civil courts systems, including the identification and sharing of information regarding mentally ill offenders, including minors, among criminal justice and mental health agencies, the courts, state hospitals, and the Veterans Administration. Study how current confidentiality laws impact the exchange of information among groups described above. Study the sentencing of mentally ill offenders compared to non-mentally ill offenders, including minors, and the affect that has on statewide prison capacity and on the health care provided to mentally ill offenders. (Joint Charge with Senate State Affairs Committee)
12. Monitor the implementation of legislation addressed by the Criminal Justice Committee, 80th R.S., and make recommendations for any legislation needed to improve, enhance, and/or complete implementation. Specifically, report on the implementation of SB 909, 80th R.S., the Texas Department of Criminal Justice Sunset legislation, including provisions relating to the Board of Pardons and Paroles, and monitor implementation of the new laws relating to copper theft (SB 1154, 80th R.S., HB 1766, 80th R.S., and HB 1767, 80th R.S.).
Committee: Senate Criminal Justice
Title: Interim Report - Correctional personnel
Library Catalog Title: Interim report, 77th Legislature : charge eight.
Subjects: Correctional officers | Criminal Justice, Texas Department of | Jail Standards, Texas Commission on | Juvenile Probation Commission, Texas | Prison security | Prison violence | Youth Commission, Texas |
Library Call Number: L1836.76 c868 8
Session: 76th R.S. (1999)
Online version: View report [32 pages  File size: 1,086 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. The Committee shall review efforts by the Commission on Jail Standards, the Juvenile Probation Commission, and the Youth Commission to monitor compliance with statutes and regulations designed to ensure the safety of security personnel and offenders. The Committee shall determine if current compliance measures and monitoring are adequate. Also a review of employment standards and adequate background checks shall be conducted to ensure safe operations of facilities and programs. The Committee also may consider methods used to employ and retain effective security personnel in adult and juvenile facilities operated by the Department of Criminal Justice and the Youth Commission.
Committee: House Corrections
Title: Interim report
Library Catalog Title: To the speaker and members of the Texas House of Representatives, 72nd Legislature : report of the Committee on Corrections, Texas House of Representatives, 71st Legislature.
Subjects: Criminal Justice, Texas Department of | Drug trafficking | Electronic monitoring of offenders | Parole | Penalties and sentences (Criminal justice) | Prison security | Substance abuse |
Library Call Number: L1836.71 c868
Session: 71st R.S. (1989)
Online version: View report [17 pages  File size: 701 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. To study the implementation of electronic monitoring as a sentencing alternative.
2. To study the use, sale and distribution of drugs within the Texas Department of Corrections.
Committee: Joint Penitentiaries, Subcommittee on
Title: Huntsville and Rusk
Library Catalog Title: [Report].
Subjects: Prison security | Prisons |
Library Call Number: H.J of Tex., 17th Leg., R.S. 132 (1881)
Session: 17th R.S. (1881)
Online version: View report [12 pages  File size: 8,586 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. Visit the State penitentiaries at Huntsville and at Rusk and examine carefully and thouroughly into the character, condition, management and capacity of each of said institutions. Inquire into and investigate all cases of alleged harsh or cruel treatment of convicts.
Committee: Joint Penitentiaries, Subcommittee on
Title: State Penitentiaries
Library Catalog Title: [Report].
Subjects: Convict lease system | Prison escapes | Prison security | Prisons |
Library Call Number:
Session: 16th R.S. (1879)
Online version: View report [16 pages  File size: 933 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. Visit the state penitentiary at Huntsville, and carefully examine into the condition and management of the same, and to visit the penitentiary at Rusk and carefuly examine into the character and capacity of the buildings just completed at that place and make recommendations touching both of said penitentiaries as they may deem expedient.
Committee: Joint Penitentiary, Select
Title: Report
Library Catalog Title: [Report].
Subjects: Prison construction | Prison security |
Library Call Number: LRL
Session: 3rd R.S. (1849)
Online version: View report [8 pages]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. To examine the penitentiary and report upon the qualities, kinds, quantities, and fitness etc.

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