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[ clip 'We're treating them like animals': Lawmakers debate bill to lower heat in Texas prisons ]

3 document(s) related     Texas Bills & Amendments: 2     Misc. items: 1

Texas Bills / Amendments Caption Clips
86th Regular Session
HB 936 Relating to the temperature at which a facility operated by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice is maintained. 7
SB 321 Relating to the temperature at which a facility operated by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice is maintained. 5
Legal Documents
Keith Cole, et al. v. Bryan Collier, et al., Amended memorandum and order. (Case no. 4:14-cv-01698. Extreme heat in Wallace Unit prison). (Link Type: Federal Court Case)
View report
By U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas, Houston Division
Publication Date: May 8, 2018
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