Rick Perry

Rick Perry

Rick Perry

Full name: James Richard Perry
Biography: Portraits of Modern Governors
Party: Republican
Term as Governor*: December 21, 2000 - January 20, 2015
Legislative sessions as Governor:
76 R.S. (January 12, 1999 - May 31, 1999)
77 R.S. (January 9, 2001 - May 28, 2001)
78 R.S. (January 14, 2003 - June 2, 2003)
79 R.S. (January 11, 2005 - May 30, 2005)
80 R.S. (January 9, 2007 - May 28, 2007)
81 R.S. (January 13, 2009 - June 1, 2009)
82 R.S. (January 11, 2011 - May 30, 2011)
83 R.S. (January 8, 2013 - May 27, 2013)
83 1st C.S. (May 27, 2013 - June 25, 2013)
83 2nd C.S. (July 1, 2013 - July 30, 2013)
83 3rd C.S. (July 30, 2013 - August 5, 2013)
84 R.S. (January 13, 2015 - June 1, 2015)
Legislative offices:
Member, Texas House of Representatives (1985 - 1991)
Lt. Governor (January 19, 1999 - December 21, 2000)
Elected state or federal offices:
Commissioner of Agriculture (1991- 1999)
108 biographical clips about: Rick Perry
*Sworn in after Bush resignation.
Executive Orders (80)
Messages (154)
Proclamations (287)
Speeches (386)
Vetoes  (379)
Other  (204)