Legislation authored by Fred Edward Knetsch

Includes legislation with Fred Edward Knetsch as the primary author for the 44th through 45th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.
Please note author information is not complete for the 43rd through 45th Legislatures or for sessions prior to the 30th.

45th Regular Session
HB 11 Caption: Relating to defining public utilities and providing for their regulation; creating the Public Utilities Commission of Texas, and fixing the qualifications, duties, powers and compensation of the members thereof; providing penalties for the violation of this Act.
HB 67 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Section of the General Laws of the 41st Legislature (R.S.); providing that motor carriers and motor vehicles subject to jurisdiction of the Railroad Commission shall be those operating for compensation and hire and providing that the term," compensation and hire" shall not include vehicles transporting goods owned by the owner of such vehicle.
HB 364 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1935 Revised Civil Statutes; providing for suits to be brought in certain counties based upon crime, offenses and trespasses negligently committed.
HB 457 Caption: Relating to prohibiting the taking, trapping, or killing of raccoons and mink in the Counties of Guadalupe for a period of three (3) years; providing a penalty therefor.
HB 612 Caption: Relating to creating the office of State Inspector of Aeronautics, providing for his appointment, prescribing his qualifications and duties, making provision for his compensation and equipment, prescribing certain duties of persons owning aircraft, prohibiting unlicensed pilots from flying unlicensed aircraft, making the violation of any provision of this Act a misdemeanor and imposing a penalty.
HB 664 Caption: Relating to conferring and relinquishing to the Supreme Court full rule-making power in Civil Judicial proceedings.
HB 747 Caption: Relating to fixing the amount of maximum fees that may be retained by Justices of the Peace and Constables in counties containing not less than eleven thousand nine hundred eighty (11,980) inhabitants, and not more than twelve thousand one hundred (12,100) inhabitants, according to the last preceding Federal Census.
HB 748 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Chapter of the Acts of the 44th Legislature (2nd C.S.); providing that in counties containing a population of less than one hundred and ninety thousand (190,000) inhabitants, according to the last preceding Federal Census, wherein the precinct officers are placed on a salary basis, shall receive as compensation in addition to the salary fixed, certain commissions and payments for certain services performed.
HB 749 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; fixing the fees for Sheriffs and Constables in serving processes in all civil matters.
HB 924 Caption: Relating to providing for confinement in the penitentiary for a period of one (1) to five (5) years of any person who steals an automobile or motor vehicle regardless of its value.
HB 964 Caption: Relating to creating and establishing Comal County Water Recreational District No. 1 in Comal County, Texas for the purpose of protecting and preserving the purity and sanitary condition of the waters of a portion of the Comal River in Comal County by keeping the same free and clear of weeds and other growths, and of other obstructions to the free flow thereof, and thereby protect the health of those residing in such District, and keep such waters in good condition for the recreational purposes of swimming and fishing therein and boating thereon by those entitled to do so.
HB 989 Caption: Relating to granting to private corporations chartered in Texas the right to extend their charter by amendment.
HB 993 Caption: Relating to providing for the trial and commitment to State hospitals for the insanity of persons found upon trial to have been insane at the time of the commission of the act, as well as at the time of the trial of such person.
HB 1017 Caption: Relating to empowering and authorizing the Railroad Commission of the State of Texas to investigate the use of malodorants by persons, firms, or corporations engaged in the business of handling, storing, selling or distributing natural gas and liquefied petroleum gases including butane and other odorless gases for private and commercial use, or supplying the same by pipe lines or otherwise to any public building or buildings or the general public, and empowering the Commission to require such gases to be malodorized so that they will indicate by distinctive odor their presence.
HB 1144 Caption: Relating to authorizing the appointment of County Highway Patrolmen by the Commissioners Courts of certain counties.
HB 1165 Caption: Relating to amending a certain House Bill of the Acts of the 45th Legislature (R.S.); the conditions under which a Private Commercial Carrier may lawfully operate.
HB 1172 Caption: Relating to amending a the Motor Carrier Act; providing that said Act shall not include and shall not apply to a "Private Commercial Carrier", declaring that a Private Commercial Carrier is not transporting property for compensation or hire within the meaning and contemplation of said Motor Carrier Act and shall not be governed by any of the provisions of said Act applicable to a "Motor Carrier" or "Contract Carrier"; making it unlawful to operate in violation of the provisions of this Act.
HCR 14 Caption: Requesting the Governor to issue a proclamation urging the citizens of Texas who are able to donate to the American Red Cross to provide assistance for those affected in the floods in the Midwestern States.
HCR 61 Caption: Directing the creation of the Interim Finance Committee.
HCR 77 Caption: Recalling S. B. No. 1 from the Governor in order to make certain corrections.
HR 7 Caption: Extending regrets at the resignation of State Rep. Stanford Payne.
HR 164 Caption: Inviting J. R. Fuchs and delegation to address the House.
HR 183 Caption: Providing additional funds to the Members of the House from the Committee on Contingent Expenses.
45th 1st Called Session
HCR 10 Caption: Requesting the Governor to add certain legislation to the list of items on the Governor's Call for the special session.
HCR 11 Caption: Directing the creation of a Joint Committee to investigate the actual monetary needs of certain State Departments.
45th 2nd Called Session
HB 36 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; providing that whenever the last day for filing any notice with the Industrial Accident Board of for the filing of a suit upon appeal from the ruling of said Board shall fall on a holiday or on Sunday, that the time for the filing of such notice or such appeal, shall be extended so as to include the next succeeding business day, and making such provision applicable to all cases in which final judgment had not been rendered and to those cases pending upon appeal as well as to those pending in trial Courts.
HCR 3 Caption: Directing the creation of a Joint Committee to investigate the efficacy of eliminating certain unnecessary departments or institutions.
HCR 5 Caption: Granting Walter Strickland permission to sue the State of Texas.
HCR 39 Caption: Instructing the enrolling clerk to make certain corrections in H. B. No. 36.
HR 15 Caption: Extending good wishes to Mrs. Harry Lee McKee as she recovers from surgery.
44th Regular Session
HB 307 Caption: Relating to prohibiting the State Highway Commission from abandoning certain highways designated and constructed as a part of the State Highway System; providing penalties for violation of the provisions of this Act.
HB 388 Caption: Relating to adding an Article to the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; providing a method of holding elections to determine whether turkeys shall be permitted to run at large in political subdivisions of Guadalupe, Hardeman, Gonzales, and Wise Counties.
HB 457 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the Texas Penal Code; changing the penalties for violations of the liquor laws and providing that all fines collected under the provisions of the Title providing said penalties shall be deposited to the credit of the General Fund in the State Treasury.
HB 585 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; the issuing and manufacturing of license number plates so as to provide for the issuing of license number stickers, for attaching same, to authorize and require the State Highway Commission to design, have printed and/or manufacture such stickers; providing further that no stickers shall be issued until forty-five (45) days from the effective date of this Act.
HB 669 Caption: Relating to creating a State Police Department, to be administered by a State Police Board in the selection and organization of a State Police Force.
HB 790 Caption: Relating to advocating the overthrow of government by force, violence or other unlawful means, and fixing the punishment therefor.
HB 791 Caption: Relating to prohibiting the taking of fish from the fresh waters of Comal County by any means or device other than by ordinary pole and line, or throw line, or trot line with hooks not less than six (6) feet apart, except by the use of artificial bait; fixing a penalty.
HB 805 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Section of the Acts of the 42nd Legislature (R.S.); providing that provisions of said Section shall not apply to the issuance of warrants for building, construction, reconstruction, and/or repair of a courthouse and/or jail in any county where the courthouse has been torn down or demolished, and where there is no county courthouse at the time of the taking effect of this Act.
HB 845 Caption: Relating to prohibiting the sale or offering for sale, or the buying of any bass, crappie, perch or catfish, or any other fish taken from the fresh waters of Guadalupe County, and to prohibit the use of net or seine, except a net not exceeding ten (10) feet in length for the purpose of catching minnows for bait, in said County; prescribing a penalty.
HB 945 Caption: Relating to granting John W. Goodrum of Guadalupe County, Texas, the right or permission to bring suit against the State of Texas and the State Highway Department to the District Court of Travis County, Texas.
HCR 50 Caption: Providing for a joint committee to investigate the situation of cotton exports from Texas.
HCR 97 Caption: Suspending Joint Rule Nos. 23, 24, and 32 for the final consideration of H.B. No. 585.
HR 30 Caption: In memory of former State Representative Adolph P. Stautzenberger of Seguin, Texas.
HR 131 Caption: In memory of Ida Petsch of Luckenbach, Texas.
44th 1st Called Session
HB 24 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; providing that the election order shall designate the time and place of holding the election.
HB 25 Caption: Relating to providing all bonds, notes or warrants heretofore issued or which have been authorized but not yet issued or which may be hereafter issued, to aid in financing any undertaking for which a loan or grant has been made by the United States through the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works, shall be negotiable instruments.
HB 26 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Section of the Acts of the 43rd Legislature (1st C.S.); providing that certain county warrants payable to the Federal Emergency Administration shall be made negotiable instruments.
HB 27 Caption: Relating to validating, ratifying, approving and confirming bonds and other instruments or obligations heretofore issued by water control and improvement district, water improvement district, irrigation district, conservation and reclamation district, navigation district, road district, school district, county, city or incorporated town of this State for public works projects.
HB 28 Caption: Relating to validating and approving all proceedings had by cities and towns in the issuance and sale of revenue obligations, to aid in financing any undertaking for which a loan or grant has been made by the United States through the Federal Emergency Administrator of Public Works, or any other governmental agency, declaring that such bonds, notes or warrants shall be valid and binding special obligations of such cities and towns, and validating the pledge of revenues to the payment of said bonds.
HB 29 Caption: Relating to validating and approving all acts of the governing bodies of cities and towns of the State of Texas in the issuance and sale of bonds, to aid in financing any undertaking for which a loan or grant has been made by the United States through the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works or other agency of the United States Government.
HB 30 Caption: Relating to validating all school districts heretofore established, validating all elections and the levy of taxes by school districts, validating all proceeding had in the issuance of bonds and the levying of taxes therefor, validating bonds heretofore authorized or voted but not yet issued, when such bonds are to be used in financing any undertaking for which a loan or grant has been made through the Federal Emergency Administrator of Public Works.
HB 54 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Section of the Acts of the 43rd Legislature (R.S.); the issuance and manufacturing of license number plates so as to provide for the issuing of a late license number plate, seal, sticker, or device, as the State Highway Commission may direct, for attaching same.
HB 98 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; providing that notices of election shall be posted for ten days.
HB 116 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; permitting the State Highway Department to expend upon roads not a part of the System of State Highways, funds specifically appropriated for expenditure upon such roads under the National Recovery Act.
HB 117 Caption: Relating to authorizing the State Highway Department, in conjunction with the Bureau of Public Roads, to expend, for a period of two years from and after the effective date of this Act, upon roads not a part of the system of State Highways, funds specifically appropriated for expenditure on such roads under the National Industrial Recovery Act, passed by the 73rd Congress June 16, 1933, Act of Congress June 18, 1934 (H.R. 8781), and Emergency Relief Appropriation Act, passed by 74th Congress on April 8, 1935.
44th 2nd Called Session
HB 15 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; providing that notices of election shall be posted for ten (10) days.
HB 52 Caption: Relating to the compensation of district and designated county officers, and providing the method and means by which such officers shall be compensated for their services.
HB 80 Caption: Relating to defining the term "open saloon"; creating a Board of Liquor Control; prescribing rules and regulations, the right of local option; prescribing punishments.
HR 42 Caption: Concerning the hearing of charges against J.E. McDonald.
44th 3rd Called Session
HB 21 Caption: Relating to levying and imposing an additional production tax in addition to that now levied by law on all oil products in this State in the amount of one-half of one cent per barrel of forty-two standard gallons.
HR 11 Caption: Expressing appreciation toward D.C. Reed.
HR 15 Caption: Expressing sympathy for Representative Harry Lee McKee on his accident.