Legislation authored by Robert John Long

Includes legislation with Robert John Long as the primary author for the 41st through 43rd Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.
Please note author information is not complete for the 43rd through 45th Legislatures or for sessions prior to the 30th.

43rd Regular Session
HB 40 Caption: Relating to amending certain statute so as to change the name of the "Industrial Accident Board" to the "Industrial Accident Commission."
HB 41 Caption: Relating to providing for the sale of excess in surveys of land heretofore patented by the State and Republic of Texas.
HB 108 Caption: Relating to providing for the conservation and orderly development of crude oil and natural gas in the State of Texas.
HB 242 Caption: Relating to transferring the jurisdiction of all matters, civil and criminal, original and appellate, from the Wichita County Court at Law to the Wichita County Court.
HB 659 Caption: Relating to amending certain statute relating to the Workmen's Compensation Commission by adding a provision that said Commission is empowered to s make, establish, and promulgate all classifications of hazards and rates of premium applicable to Workmen's Compensation policies so as to permit subscribers to contract with their compensation insurance carriers to indemnify said carrier as to all or any part of the carrier's liability for medical, hospital, ans surgical benefits to an employee, and authorizing said Commission to make, establish and promulgate rates of premium applicable to said contracts of indemnity.
HB 778 Caption: Relating to making it unlawful for any railroad, or pipeline common carrier, or truck line common carrier to accept for shipment any crude petroleum, without requiring the furnishing by the shipper of evidence, as defined in this Act, that such crude petroleum was not produced in excess of the amount allowed to be produced under any rule, regulation, or order of the Railroad Commission of Texas; prescribing penalties for the violation of this Act, and authorizing suit to be brought for recovery of same; authorizing suits for injunction to restrain threatened violations of this Act.
HB 849 Caption: Relating to declaring the validity of certain indebtedness arising out of the construction of State Highway No. 41, in the County of Real; providing for the payment of such indebtedness to Real County in trust for Capt. Charles Schreiner, his heirs and legatees; repealing all laws or parts of laws in conflict herewith.
HB 931 Caption: Relating to abolishing the Eighty--ninth Judicial District of Wichita County, Texas, and the transfer of causes on the dockets of this court to other district courts now established in said County, so as to expedite the trial of causes; and fixing the terms of court in the Thirtieth Judicial District, and fixing the effective date of this Act.
HB 933 Caption: Relating to providing in counties having more than seventy-four thousand four hundred (74,400) inhabitants and less than seventy-four thousand four hundred and twenty-five (74,425) inhabitants, according to the last or any subsequent Federal Census, providing for the election, oath, and bond of the office of assessor and collector of taxes, as combined by the recent amendment to the Constitution.
HCR 69 Caption: Approving the suspension of Joint Rule No. 8 so that the House might consider HB 154.
HR 10 Caption: Inviting Mike S. Connor, Governor of Mississippi, to address the House.
HR 189 Caption: Requesting that the Travis County Grand Jury investigate lobbying activities of the Railroad Commission of Texas.
43rd 1st Called Session
HR 14 Caption: Requesting that the Governor submit the subject of judicial redistricting.
43rd 2nd Called Session
HB 13 Caption: Relating to providing for the issuance of State relief bonds, to be designated "Texas Relief Bonds-Second Series," in the sum of Four Million Dollars ($4,000,000), under Section 51a, Article III of the constitution of the State of Texas; providing for penalties for misappropriation of funds and/or for making false statements or misrepresentations in order to secure money for relief.
HB 43 Caption: Relating to appropriating the proceeds of the tax derived under the provisions hereof authorizing the Railroad Commission to employ such help and to incur such other expenses as are necessary to enforce the conservation laws of this State relating to oil and gas and the orders of the Railroad Commission promulgated pursuant thereto.
HB 96 Caption: Relating to changing penalty for violation of rules of the Railroad Commission concerning oil and gas laws by providing for punishment by fine not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500), and making it a felony by punishment in the State Penitentiary for not less than two nor more than four years, for any person to violate any of the other provisions of this Act, or who shall fail to comply with the terms of any rule, regulation or order adopted and promulgated by the Government Agency under the provisions of said Act.
HB 99 Caption: Relating to providing for the control of refineries, requiring reports of same, authorizing the Railroad Commission agents to inspect refinery properties; requiring such refineries to equip their pipelines with meters and report measurements of same.
HCR 8 Caption: Providing for a joint session to hear the address of Jack Reed and Lawrence Westbrook regarding relief work in Texas.
43rd 3rd Called Session
HB 1 Caption: Relating to providing for the issuance of State Relief Bonds to be designated as Texas Relief Bonds, Third Series, in the sum of Nine Million Five Hundred Thousand ($9,500,000.00) Dollars under Section 51-a, Article III, of the Constitution of the State of Texas; providing for penalties for misapplication of funds and/or for making false statements or misrepresentations in order to secure money for relief.
HB 74 Caption: Relating to further prescribing the powers and duties of the Railroad Commission of Texas in respect to the conservation of oil and gas and the regulation of the production, storage, transportation, sale and handling thereof.
HCR 3 Caption: Inviting William McCraw, Democratic nominee for Attorney General of Texas, to address a joint session of the Legislature.
HCR 4 Caption: Inviting Adam Johnson, Bill Strauss, and Lee Heger to address a joint session of the Legislature regarding relief conditions in Texas.
HCR 5 Caption: Inviting Adam Johnson, Bill Strauss, and Lee Heger to address a joint session of the Legislature regarding relief conditions in Texas.
HCR 16 Caption: Memorializing the President to direct the Federal Relief Agency to cooperate with the Texas Relief Agency.
HR 5 Caption: Requesting that the Relief Commission, the Governor, and the Relief Director provide the Senate with their opinion regarding the cost of the State Relief Program.
HR 13 Caption: Inviting the committee of the whole Senate to sit with the committee of the whole House during a hearing regarding the status of relief in Texas.
43rd 4th Called Session
HB 61 Caption: Relating to providing for the issuance of Three Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($3,500,000) of Texas Relief Bonds, Fourth Series, under Section 51-a, Article III, of the Constitution of the State of Texas; prohibiting borrowing in anticipation of future issuance of bonds and defining such act as high crime and misdemeanor.
42nd Regular Session
HB 302 Caption: Relating to amending certain statutes so as to remove conflicts from the conservation statutes and more adequately provide for the conservation statutes and more adequately provide for the conservation of oil and gas in the State of Texas.
HB 303 Caption: Relating to amending certain statutes relating to the requisites, issuance, service and return of citations.
HB 304 Caption: Relating to granting appeals in appellate courts on account of defective citations.
HB 573 Caption: Relating to providing that a distributor of gasoline may claim refund of tax where such distributor sells same.
HB 783 Caption: Relating to conferring upon the Board of Regents of the University of Texas exclusive authority to grant right of way deeds and easements in upon and across lands set aside for the University of Texas.
HB 1005 Caption: Relating to amending certain Statutes by levying and imposing a tax upon every individual, company, corporation or association conducting a magnetic or wireless telegraph business.
HR 31 Caption: Concerning the department of petroleum engineering.
42nd 1st Called Session
HB 36 Caption: Relating to amending certain Statutes to provide for the employment by the Railroad Commission of Texas of a chief supervisor, a chief deputy supervisor and other necessary supervisors of its Oil and Gas Division.
42nd 3rd Called Session
HR 21 Caption: Appointing a committee to investigate the enforcement of conservation laws throughout the State of Texas.
41st Regular Session
HB 388 Caption: Relating to removing conflicts from the conservation Statutes, restoring the penalties and more adequately providing for the conservation of oil and gas in the State of Texas.
HB 618 Caption: Relating to providing for the nomination of directors of Water Improvement Districts.
HB 619 Caption: Relating to delinquent tax rolls.
41st 1st Called Session
HB 130 Caption: Relating to permitting counties having a certain population to employ dairying specialists; providing payment.
41st 4th Called Session
HB 6 Caption: Relating to the conservation of oil and gas; authorizing agreements for the co-operative or unit development and operation of an oil and gas pool.
HB 7 Caption: Relating to repealing Chapter 95, Acts of the First Called Session of the 41st Legislature, relating to tax collectors.
HR 44 Caption: Directing the creation of a committee to visit State Rep. Paul Finn as he recovers from illness.
41st 5th Called Session
HB 110 Caption: Relating to fixing the salary of the district attorney of the 30th Judicial district and prescribing the manner of its payment.
HR 51 Caption: Directing the creation of a committee to investigate the issuance of certain oil and gas leases.