Legislation authored by Terry Townsend

Includes legislation with Terry Townsend as the primary author for the 56th through 59th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.

59th Regular Session
HB 30 Caption: Relating to amending certain sections of the Penal Code relative to the length of vehicles, motor vehicles and combinations thereof.
HB 157 Caption: Relating to amending certain acts of the Texas Municipal Retirement System; permitting participating municipalities at their election to make additional contributions from the municipality's account in the Municipality Current Service Accumulation Fund to provide for increased Current Service Annuities of its employee members.
HB 158 Caption: Relating to providing a 25 cent fee for the issuance of exemption hunting licenses.
HB 159 Caption: Relating to amending certain acts by providing that all incorporated cities, towns, and villages of the State of Texas may transfer to the general fund thereof revenues of any municipally owned utility system in the amount and to the extent authorized or permitted in the indenture, deed of trust, or ordinance providing for and securing payment of revenue bonds issued.
HB 431 Caption: Relating to the construction and maintenance of private roads in certain counties.
HB 470 Caption: Relating to authorizing all counties and all incorporated cities, towns, and villages of this State to operate and maintain parks, and to acquire or improve, or both, land for park purposes, and to issue negotiable tax bonds for such park purposes.
HB 471 Caption: Relating to making certain adjustments in the regulation and operation of statewide mutual assessment corporations, local mutual aid associations and local mutual burial associations subject to the provisions of the Insurance Code.
HB 660 Caption: Relating to amending certain acts relating to the regulatory authority of the Parks and Wildlife Commission in certain counties.
HB 804 Caption: Relating to creating and establishing a conservation and reclamation district known as "Lakeside Beach Improvement District."
HB 814 Caption: Relating to providing for purchase of retirement credit for teaching service in a private school or parochial school in Texas.
HB 856 Caption: Relating to amending the Texas Business Corporation Act to provide for deposit of costs in a suit by a shareholder or shareholders on behalf of corporation where the ownership interest of the complainants is less than a minimum 5% percentage.
HB 998 Caption: Relating to prohibiting hotels and motels from conditioning rental of lodging upon agreement to pay for or occupy it for more than 24 consecutive hours.
HB 1014 Caption: Relating to hunting wild buck deer, wild antlerless deer, wild bear, wild turkey gobblers,and javelina with bows and arrows in certain counties.
HB 1113 Caption: Relating to authorizing the governing bodies of certain cities to provide that elections be held on the place system.
HCR 47 Caption: Providing for imprinting "Has Everything" on all automobile license plates after the 1965 plates are issued.
HCR 101 Caption: Suspending the Joint Rules to provide for consideration of H. J. R. No. 22.
HCR 130 Caption: Expressing appreciation to the University of Texas Department of Intramural Sports for Men for making its faculty and staff recreation program available to the Texas Legislature.
HCR 165 Caption: Suspending the Joint Rules to consider H. J. R. No. 22.
HCR 181 Caption: Directing the enrolling clerk to correct the Conference Committee Report on S. B. No. 405.
HCR 183 Caption: Directing the engrossing and enrolling clerk to make certain corrections to Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 to H. B. No. 114.
HJR 22 Caption: Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Texas to provide for four-year terms of office for Representatives.
HR 78 Caption: In memory of G. Rollie White of Brady.
HR 151 Caption:
HR 152 Caption: In memory of W. N. "Willie" White of Brady.
HR 310 Caption: Congratulating Mr. Wilson Southwell on his successful and varied accomplishments.
HR 311 Caption: In memory of James Franklin Roddie, Sr., of Brady.
HR 340 Caption: Commending Mrs. Kate Shuford Craddock on her service.
HR 468 Caption: Commending Andrew Jackson Dragoo, old trail driver, on his service to this state.
HR 532 Caption: IN memory of B. L. Hughes of Brady.
HR 582 Caption: Commending Representative Nugent of Kerr County for his dedicated service.
HR 612 Caption: Commending Jack Ray and Al Ohlenbusch on their friendship and generosity.
59th 1st Called Session
HCR 12 Caption: Congratulating Jan Brown on being named "Miss National Rural Electrification" at the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association meeting.
HR 69 Caption: Congratulating Maud Isaacks on her retirement from the House of Representatives.
58th Regular Session
HB 96 Caption: Relating to enacting "The Vocational Rehabilitation Act of Texas"; providing for vocational rehabilitation of the mentally and physically handicapped, except the legally blind; setting an effective date.
HB 141 Caption: Relating to regulating the operation of disposal plants or rendering plants and all equipment used therewith; providing penalties for violations.
HB 142 Caption: Relating to prohibiting hunting on railroad rights-of-way; providing a penalty for violations.
HB 401 Caption: Relating to adopting rules and regulations governing the transportation of migrant agricultural workers within this State; providing for enforcement and penalties.
HB 435 Caption: Relating to limiting the liability of laborers, mechanics, materialmen, contractors, builders, architects, and engineers for injuries done to the person of another or for trespass for injury to the estate or the property of another as a result of conditions existing on lands or of buildings, machinery or other work or improvements constructed, installed or performed thereon where such injury or trespass occurs after possession of the premises was delivered to the owner upon completion; and providing a defense to any such action.
HB 517 Caption: Relating to minnows in Llano, San Saba, Lampasas and Burnet Counties.
HB 586 Caption: Relating to extending the open season during which the pelts of fur-bearing animals may be taken for sale; requiring the sale of a pelt within three (3) days after the pelt is taken.
HB 587 Caption: Relating to refusal to allow reportedly diseased livestock to be examined by the Texas Animal Health Commission; relating to the eradication of diseases among livestock and domestic fowls.
HB 661 Caption: Relating to the Texas Municipal Retirement System to authorize use of interest in fund, endowment fund, and other investments.
HB 662 Caption: Relating to the inspection of motor vehicles.
HB 772 Caption: Relating to amending the Texas Business Corporation Act to provide for deposit of costs in a suit by a shareholder or shareholders on behalf of corporation where the ownership interest of the complainants is less than a minimum one per cent (1%) percentage.
HB 912 Caption: Relating to amending the Texas Workmen's Compensation Insurance Laws of this State relating to the right of actions of subscribers.
HB 1076 Caption: Relating to deer in San Saba County; imposing regulatory duties upon the Parks and Wildlife Commission; providing penalties for violation of this Act.
HCR 23 Caption: Granting Sam McCollum, III, permission to sue the State of Texas and the Veteran's Land Board
HCR 97 Caption: Suspending the Joint Rules to consider Senate Bill No. 100 at any time.
HCR 100 Caption: Recalling Senate Bill No. 223 from the Governor for corrections.
HCR 119 Caption: Suspending the Joint Rules to consider House Bill No. 772.
HJR 2 Caption: Relating to proposing a constitutional amendment to provide for the election of a Speaker during the last week of any regular session to serve as Speaker whose terms of office shall commence after the next general election; providing additional election in the event the Speaker is unable to serve.
HR 45 Caption: In memory of former State Representative H. E. Faubion.
HR 149 Caption: In memory of Dudley Snyder Pumphrey.
HR 150 Caption: In memory of Jim "Pop" Schafer of Brady.
HR 155 Caption: In memory of J. D. Murrow of Melvin.
HR 251 Caption: In memory of Marshall J. Bean of San Saba.
HR 267 Caption: Directing the creation of a Committee to investigate the alleged overpayment of certain State employees.
HR 306 Caption: In memory of Alvis R. "Bunze" Meuth of Fredericksburg.
HR 307 Caption: In memory of W. E. "Billy" Fricke of Fredericksburg.
HR 458 Caption: Congratulating T. O. Petty of Levelland on his retirement.
HR 574 Caption: In memory of Oma Blanche Branscum of Brady.
HR 579 Caption: In memory of George Marshall Northington of Lampasas.
57th Regular Session
HB 282 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Act providing that the owner of land shall not be required to have a hunting license to hunt thereon if such land be within the county of his residence.
HB 283 Caption: Relating to limiting the provisions of this Act to the County of McCulloch; making it unlawful for any person to hunt, take, kill or possess, or attempt to hunt or kill, any antlerless deer, wild turkey, quail, or fish in said County after May 1, 1961; providing a penalty for the violation of any of the provisions of this Act.
HB 284 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Statute authorizing the governing body of an incorporated city or town, upon petition of abutting property owners, to vacate, abandon and close streets and alleys within such city or town.
HB 364 Caption: Relating to making it unlawful to hunt, take, kill or attempt to kill, or possess, any game bird, game animal, fur-bearing animal, or to take any fish or other aquatic or marine animal; providing a penalty; providing for the effective date of this Act.
HB 407 Caption: Relating to amending Sections 9, 10, 11 and 13 of Article 1525b, Vernon's Annotated Penal Code, so as to regulate the movement of livestock and domestic fowl into the State of Texas.
HB 424 Caption: Relating to making it unlawful, with certain exceptions, for any person to hunt, take, kill or attempt to kill, or possess, any game bird, game animal, fur-bearing animal, fish, aquatic or other marine animal in Burnet County at any time; providing a penalty.
HB 454 Caption: Relating to changing the name of the Burnet County Water Control and Improvement District, No. 1, to the Bertram Water Control and Improvement District, No. 1; changing the number and terms of the Directors thereof and of the San Gabriel River Water Control and Improvement District, No. 1.
HB 455 Caption: Relating to making it illegal for certain dogs to run at large outside the limits of incorporated cities, towns, and villages without an identification tag; imposing a penalty.
HB 510 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Act relating to an open archery season on certain wild game including Dimmit, Freestone, and Medina Counties in the list of counties to which provisions for an open archery season are not applicable and removing Burnet County from such list of counties.
HB 921 Caption: Relating to amending the Penal Code of Texas providing for the inclusion of electrical transmission lines in addition to others specified therein.
HB 999 Caption: Relating to limiting the provisions of this Act to the County of Lampasas; making it unlawful to hunt, take, kill or possess any antlerless deer, wild turkey, quail, or fish in Lampasas County after May 1, 1961; making it unlawful to purchase a new license and providing a penalty therefor; providing for the effective date of this Act.
HB 1054 Caption: Relating to authorizing the County Commissioners Court of any count having a population of not less than nine thousand, one hundred (9,100) and nor more than nine thousand, three hundred (9,300) inhabitants to fix the salaries of the deputies, clerks, and assistants of any district, county or precinct officer at a sum not to exceed Four Thousand, Two Hundred Dollars ($4,200) per year.
HB 1055 Caption: Relating to prohibiting the shooting or discharging of guns and firearms in, on, along or across any railroad right-of-way.
HCR 77 Caption: Granting George T. Odom permission to sue the State of Texas.
HJR 47 Caption: Relating to proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Texas to increase the county, city or town tax rate maximum to One Dollar ($1) on the One Hundred Dollars ($100) valuation.
HR 311 Caption: Congratulating Kay Kroeger of Burnet on being named Queen of Highland Lake Area Yacht Club.
HR 483 Caption: Commending the Mr. L. B. "Smitty" Smith of Brady on his many years of service to the realm newspaper publishing.
HR 484 Caption: In memory of Richard Claude Moore of Lampasas.
HR 505 Caption: Congratulating Miss Carlene Brown of Brady on being named "Miss Mohair of 1962"
HR 506 Caption: Congratulating Mrs. Marge Lawler on being awarded the Distinguished Service Award by the Brady Chamber of Commerce.
HR 514 Caption: Congratulating Arthur Stehling on being name Fredericksburg's "1960 Boss of the Year".
HR 521 Caption: Congratulating Jerrilyn Lohn of Brady for her success in 4-H Club.
HR 527 Caption: Commending Mayor Rucker L. Northington on his service to the city of Lampasas.
HR 611 Caption: Proposing an amendment to the House Rules.
HR 618 Caption: Memorializing Congress to award the Congressional Medal of Honor to Naval Commander and Astronaut Alan B. Shepard, Jr.
HR 648 Caption: Congratulating the Fredericksburg Junior Chamber of Commerce on its designation of the top organization in its division at the State convention in San Angelo.
HR 700 Caption: Congratulating W. C. Alexander of Hill County on being named the Outstanding Farmer-Rancher in his District contest.
HR 769 Caption: Congratulating C. M. Nalls of Llano on his election to the President of the local Lions Club.
57th 1st Called Session
HB 37 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Act relating to the Fish and Game Commission by excepting Llano County from certain provisions of the Section.
HB 144 Caption: Relating to providing a fine for certain sales, releases, diversions and deliveries of diseased cattle; defining diseased cattle.
HCR 40 Caption: Suspending the Joint Rules of the Legislature to allow either house to consider H. B. No. 144 at any time.
HCR 44 Caption: Suspending the Joint Rules of the Legislature to allow either house to consider H. B. No. 37 at any time.
HR 61 Caption: Congratulating Virgil I Grissom on being the second American to complete a suborbital spaceflight.
HR 73 Caption: Proposing an amendment to the Temporary Rules of the House.
57th 2nd Called Session
HR 30 Caption: Commending Jessie Laurie Barfoot for her career as a schoolteacher.
HR 36 Caption: Commending U. S. Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn for his assistance in passing S. B. No. 3.
57th 3rd Called Session
HB 91 Caption: Relating to limiting the provisions of this Act to the County of Mills making it unlawful, except under the provisions of this Act, for any person to hunt, take, kill or attempt to kill, or possess any game bird or game animal in said County at any time; to take, kill or trap or attempt to take, kill or trap any fur-bearing animal in said County or to take or attempt to take any fish or other aquatic or marine animal from said County by any means or method; providing the powers, duties and authority of the Game and Fish Commission; providing a penalty; providing for the effective date of this Act.
HCR 12 Caption: Granting Sam McCollum III permission to sue the State of Texas.
56th Regular Session
HB 414 Caption: Relating to amending certain acts allowing the use of more than one trotline, each of which shall not be equipped with more than thirty (30) hooks, and allowing the use of minnow seines not in excess of fifty (50) feet in Buchanan Lake only.
HB 677 Caption: Relating to amending the Insurance Code, relative to investments for domestic life insurance companies.
HB 704 Caption: Relating to amending certain acts so as to authorize the supervisors of Soil Conservation Districts to execute notes on the faith and credit of the District payable from certain funds of the District and to secure said notes by a lien on certain properties of the District.
HB 705 Caption: Relating to the extension of the area covered by the Lower Colorado River Authority so as to include Concho and McCullough Counties.
HB 848 Caption: Relating to reorganizing the 27th and 33rd Judicial Districts.
HB 926 Caption: Relating to limiting the provisions of this Act to the county of Gillespie, making it unlawful, except under the provisions of this Act, for any person to hunt, take, kill or possess any antlerless deer, wild turkey or quail in said county from and after May 1, 1959 and until May 1, 1961.
HB 958 Caption: Relating to permitting withdrawal of territory from one Soil Conservation District and the annexing of such territory so withdrawn to adjoining Soil Conservation District.
HB 979 Caption: Relating to the obstruction by threats or violence of the exercise of the right to travel over, maintain or repair, common roads over which others have an easement; providing a penalty for violations.
HCR 35 Caption: Granting George T. Odom permission to sue the State of Texas.
HR 166 Caption: Congratulating Charles Wesley Lewis on the occasion of his 103rd birthday.
HR 192 Caption: In memory of Arnold H. Kneese.
HR 238 Caption: In memory of Susie Goodwin Stipp of Burnet.
HR 330 Caption: Congratulating Virginia Knowles on her selection as State Sweetheart for the Future Farmers of America.
HR 517 Caption: Welcoming the members of the Future Farmers and 4-H clubs to the State Capitol.
56th 1st Called Session
HR 3 Caption: Directing the allocation of parking spaces on the Capitol Grounds for Members of the Legislature.
HR 42 Caption: Proposing certain amendments to the House Rules.
HR 123 Caption: Honoring Marge Lawler for her perseverance and faith.
56th 2nd Called Session
HB 52 Caption: Relating to amending certain acts so as to require each person aboard a motorboat or vessel to wear a life preserver, buoyant vest, ring buoy, or buoyant cushion at all times when said motorboat or vessel is in operation.
HB 78 Caption: Relating to amending the Code of Criminal Procedure to provide that the defendant in a criminal prosecution for any non-capital felony offense, shall have the right upon entering a plea of guilty or upon entering a plea of nolo contendere, to waive the right of trial by a Jury.
HR 10 Caption: Proposing an amendment to the House Rules.
HR 104 Caption: Inviting Earl K. Long, Governor of Louisiana to address the House.
HR 106 Caption: Recognizing the members of the Future Farmers of America during their Texas State Convention.
56th 3rd Called Session
HB 25 Caption: Relating to providing that the defendant in a criminal prosecution for any non-capital felony offense, shall have the right upon entering a plea of guilty or upon entering a plea of nolo contendere, to waive the right of trial by a Jury.
HR 3 Caption: Directing the allocation of parking spaces on the Capitol Grounds for Members of the Legislature.