Party affiliation - 38th Legislature

  Totals based on membership as of first day of the regular session, January 9, 1923

House of Representatives

Democrats in the House of Representatives [148 of 149 = 99%]

Cary McClure Abney
John Maurice Adams
John Charles Amsler
Virgil Edward Arnold
Gustavus Adolphus Atkinson
James David Avis
Oscar Dudley Baker
Oscar Lindsey Baker
Roy Alvin Baldwin
Charles A. Barker
Eli Brown Barrett
Clifton Earle Beasley
Holland Edwards Bell
John Logan Bird
Eugene H. Blount
Robert Lee Bobbitt
Herbert Spencer Bonham
Leo Cornelius Brady
Samuel Anthony Bryant
Frank Herman Frederic Burmeister
Robert Lee Cable
Lewis Thomas Carpenter
William C. Carpenter
William J. Carson
Claude Edward Carter
Lindsey L. Carter
Richard Mortimer Chitwood
Roy Clarence Coffee
Thomas Garland Collins
Elmer Lee Covey
Frank Marion Cowen
William Scott Crawford
Isaac William Culp
Douglas Samuel Davenport
John Napoleon Davis
Thomas Arthur DeBerry
Henry Benedict Dielmann
Clifford Eugene Dinkle
Joseph Abner Dodd
Edward Dennis Downs
William Howard Driggers
Marcus Monroe Duffey
Edwin Donald Dunlap
Andrew Connolly Dunn
Abel James Durham
William Cunningham Edwards
Herbert Elmo Faubion
William Abner Fields
James Finlay
Joseph Vinc Frnka
Virgil Dewey Fugler
Ennis Hubert Gipson
Waldo Patterson Green
Julian Preston Greer
Carl Clara Hardin
J. Roy Hardin
John Frank Harrington
Peter Gunter Henderson
Robert Lawson Henderson
Homer Roberts Hendricks
Samuel Vaughan Houston
Sidney John Howeth
John Arthur Hughes
Thomas Phillip Hull
Thomas Kirk Irwin
Nathaniel Green Jacks
Jesse Lee Jennings
Samuel Ealy Johnson
Walter Francis Jones
George Clark Kemble
Samuel Cabell Lackey
John Wesley Laird
DeWitt Lamb
James Patton Lane
Daniel Ralph LeMaster
Edward Guy LeStourgeon
Abner Luther Lewis
Ruben Loftin
Isaac Looney
William Lusk
Charles Love Martin
Burke William Mathes
Homer Robert Maxwell
Thomas John McBride
A. Lonzo McDaniel
William Thomas McDonald
William Doddridge McFarlane
Andrew Jackson McKean
Hubert S. McNatt
John McCullough Melson
James Otho Merriman
Joseph Andrew Merritt
Eugene Miller
William Rogers Montgomery
Joseph M. Moore
Cecil Anderson Morgan
William Crittenden Morgan
Oscar Lee Pate
Wright Patman
Burette Winston Patterson
James Madison Perdue
Atticus Lafayette Pinkston
Adrian C. Pool
Walter Elmer Pope
Frank Bell Potter
Lloyd Edwin Price
George Clark Purl
John Erskell Quaid
Benjamin Edmund Quinn
Charles Culberson Rice
Roger Finelle Robinson
James Preston Rogers
Lee J. Rountree
Charles Hardy Rowland
Benjamin Lee Russell
Forace Bass Russell
Henry H. Sackett
Gary Bonner Sanford
Lee Satterwhite
Richard Ernest Seagler
Amon Robert Shearer
Tom Shires
Gordon Simpson
John Thomas Smith
Robert Ervin Sparkman
James William Stell
Richard B. Stevens
Brittie J. Stewart
Lisbon Conder Stewart
Windsor Wilson Stewart
Lloyd Elseworth Stiernberg
Cecil Storey
William Benjamin Strickland
James Thomas Stroder
Orlando Lorenzo Sweet
Claude Duval Teer
Charles Hilliard Thompson
Robert Benjamin Thrasher
Fred Walter Turner
Glenn Daniel Vaughan
John Forsythe Wallace
Howard Walling Wells
Joseph Robert Westbrook
W. Albert Williamson
Edith Eunice Wilmans
James Charles Wilson
Joseph Edwin Winfree
William Dewey Young

Republicans in the House of Representatives [1 of 149 = 1%]


Democrats in the Senate [30 of 30 = 100%]

Districts represented by more than one person
H District 18 Leo Cornelius Brady Democrat 01/09/1923 - 03/26/1923  
H District 18 Maco Stewart Democrat 05/10/1923 - 01/13/1925   Not included in the statistics above.
H District 59 George Washington Garrett Democrat Elected but never sworn   Not included in the statistics above.
H District 59 Ludd William Harris Democrat 01/11/1923 - 01/13/1925   Not included in the statistics above.

Members not listed above
S District 21 Alvin Jacob Wirtz Democrat 01/15/1923 - 01/13/1925   Not included in the statistics above.