Party affiliation - 41st Legislature

  Totals based on membership as of first day of the regular session, January 8, 1929

House of Representatives

Democrats in the House of Representatives [149 of 150 = 99%]

Walter P. Acker
John McCarty Ackerman
Thurman Walter Adkins
James Crawford Albritton
Preston Louis Anderson
James David Avis
Josiah Hamilton Baker
Frank Baldwin
Selby Evans Barnett
Wingate Stuart Barron
Samuel Edwin Bateman
Walter Hartwell Beck
Thomas R. Bond
W.R. Bounds
Rolland Barr Bradley
Alexander Brice
Benjamin Franklin Brooks
William C. Carpenter
Oscar Fitzallen Chastain
George Whitfield Coltrin
Virgil E. Conway
Ernest Calvin Cox
George Joshua Cox
John Thomas Cox
John E. Davis
Homer Clyde DeWolfe
Edwin Donald Dunlap
Jesse Caldwell Duvall
David John Enderby
Robert Brown Ewing
James Finlay
John Paul Finn
Benjamin Johnson Forbes
Robert A. Fuchs
Sam Gates
Orion Elwin Gerron
Victor Byron Gilbert
Eugene Victor Giles
Harry Newton Graves
William Thomas Graves
Alfred Elmer Harding
Bailey Whitson Hardy
William Murdock Harman
James Wright Harper
Julian Pryor Harrison
James Elbert Heaton
Samuel Swain Hefley
Charles C. Hines
Mike Hogg
Ray Wesley Holder
Welly Kennon Hopkins
Emery Polk Hornaday
Robert Moss Hubbard
Charles Harraway Jenkins
Albert Sid Johnson
Andrew Percy Johnson
William Riley Johnson
Walter Edwin Jones
Archie Norris Justiss
Harold Kayton
William Fount Keeton
Howard Jack Keller
George Clark Kemble
Joseph Charles Kennedy
Lee Miller Kenyon
Robert Lee Kincaid
Arthur Howard King
James William Kinnear
Cornelius Land
Green Young Lee
Vernon Lemens
John Andrew Long
Robert John Long
Jacob Jackson Loy
Luke Mankin
Frank White Martin
Theophilus Nils Mauritz
Copenitus Bannister Maynard
Charles S. McCombs
James Eric McDonald
Joseph McGill
Andrew Jackson McKean
Michael Edward Mehl
Penrose Blakely Metcalfe
Fred Hawthorne Minor
William Rogers Montgomery
Helen Moore
Robert Emmett Morse
Harvey Clifton Moseley
Edward Alexander Mullally
Edward Thad Murphy
Laura Burleson Negley
Carl Edmund Nicholson
Matthew Emmett O'Neill
Joseph J. Olsen
Edwin Pinkney Palmer
Frank Patterson
James Pavlica
Alfred P.C. Petsch
Adrian C. Pool
Bowen Pope
Walter Elmer Pope
Finis Homer Prendergast
George Clark Purl
Benjamin Edmund Quinn
Homer Harris Ray
Robert Lee Reader
Welza Elijah Reid
John Faulkner Renfro
Daniel D. Richardson
John Carlton Rogers
Carl Rountree
Phillip Luther Sanders
William Thomas Savage
Charles Norton Shaver
Edgar Poe Shelton
Clarence Junius Sherrill
Jesse Cleveland Shipman
William Judson Simmons
Ed R. Sinks
Travis Ewing Smith
John Buckner Snelgrove
Carlos Dale Speck
George C. Stephens
Coke Robert Stevenson
Cecil Storey
Nelson R. Strong
Arthur Bosworth Tarwater
J. Lewis Thompson
Roger Harold Thurmond, Sr.
Leonard E. Tillotson
Henry Albert Turner
Olan Rogers Van Zandt
John Holland Veatch
Charles Harvey Waddell
John Forsythe Wallace
John Thomas Walters
George W. Ware
Clyde Willmore Warwick
Henry E. Webb
Lawrence Westbrook
John Herron White
Wilburn Haywood Wiggs
Simeon Rufus Williams
William Owen Williams
William Thomas Williams
Benjamin Troy Woodall
Henry Grady Woodruff
William Dewey Young

Republicans in the House of Representatives [1 of 150 = 1%]


Democrats in the Senate [30 of 30 = 100%]

Districts represented by more than one person
H District 5 Benjamin Troy Woodall Democrat 01/08/1929 - 07/05/1929  
H District 5 Joseph Andrew Riley Unknown 01/20/1930 - 01/13/1931   Not included in the statistics above.
H District 33 Travis Ewing Smith Democrat 01/08/1929 - 06/10/1929  
H District 33 John Sier Magee Democrat 07/09/1929 - 01/13/1931   Not included in the statistics above.
H District 60 Ernest Calvin Cox Democrat 01/08/1929 - 08/26/1929  
H District 60 Samuel Houston Allred Unknown 01/20/1930 - 01/13/1931   Not included in the statistics above.
H District 87 Roger Harold Thurmond, Sr. Democrat 01/08/1929 - 07/20/1929  
H District 87 J. Turney Terrell Democrat 02/08/1930 - 01/13/1931   Not included in the statistics above.
H District 94 Jesse Cleveland Shipman Democrat 01/08/1929 - 07/20/1929  
H District 94 Frank Thomas West Democrat 01/20/1930 - 01/13/1931   Not included in the statistics above.
H District 100-1 Orion Elwin Gerron Democrat 01/08/1929 - 07/20/1929  
H District 100-1 Bowd Farrar Democrat 01/20/1930 - 01/13/1931   Not included in the statistics above.
H District 109 George W. Ware Democrat 01/08/1929 - 02/13/1929  
H District 109 Frank Harvie Marks Unknown 04/22/1929 - 01/13/1931   Not included in the statistics above.
H District 124 John Herron White Democrat 01/08/1929 - 10/16/1929  
H District 124 Arthur Creston Johnson Democrat 01/20/1930 - 01/13/1931   Not included in the statistics above.

Members not listed above
S District 4 William Roy Cousins, Sr. Democrat 01/28/1929 - 01/13/1931   Not included in the statistics above.