Party affiliation - 44th Legislature

  Totals based on membership as of first day of the regular session, January 8, 1935

House of Representatives

Democrats in the House of Representatives [147 of 148 = 99%]

Jacob Walter Adamson
Wickliffe Herbert Adkins
A.M. Aikin, Jr.
Robert H. Alexander
Lon E. Alsup
John Vernard Ash
John Arthur Atchison
E. Harold Beck
Carl Bergman
Charles Dudley Bourne
Bryan Bradbury
Clyde Bradford
Wallace Reid Broyles
Grover Cleveland Burton
George Byron Butler
Verner Monroe Butler
Alvah Penn Cagle
Joseph W. Caldwell
Robert Wilburn Calvert
Charles Carter Canon
William Edwin Clayton
James Joseph Collins
Rawlins Murrell Colquitt
Nall Colson
Thomas Peyton Cooper
Dero Demumber Cowley
W.M. Craddock
Andrew A. Crossley
Albert King Daniel
Julius Caesar Davis
Howard C. Davison
George Allen Davisson
Prentis Edward Dickison
Otis Theodore Dunagan
Edwin Donald Dunlap
Thomas Jefferson Dunlap
Jesse Caldwell Duvall
Patrick Anthony Dwyer
Byron England
John Wythe Fain
Clarence Edwin Farmer
Ovie Clark Fisher
William Walker Fitzwater
Bert Ford
Wilson Harold Fox
Hollis Frazer
Robert A. Fuchs
Merritt Hamilton Gibson
Webster Winifred Glass
Robert Hubert Good
Harry Newton Graves
Courtney Gray
Joseph Felix Greathouse
Harold Monroe Hankamer
Ross Hardin
David Mimms Harris
Fred R. Harris
Howard Gallemore Hartzog
James Manley Head
Gus Herzik
Emmett Carroll Hill
William Elias Hodges
Roy Mark Hofheinz
Robert H. Holland
Conde Raguet Hoskins
George Francis Howard
William Earl Huddleston
Sarah Tilghman Hughes
John William Hunt
Edgar Emmett Hunter
Tom Bullock Hyder
Harvey Paul Jackson
Jesse James
Pat Curtis Jefferson
Hugh Jones
Harvey Oscar Jones
Herman Jones
Raglin H. Jones
Walter Edwin Jones
Edgar S. Keefe
Washington Woodruff King
Fred Edward Knetsch
Edward Henry Lange
Royston Conrad Lanning
Richard Sidney Latham
Robert Milner Leath
Vernon Lemens
James Franklin Lindsey
Cecil Azar Lotief
Jap Lucas
Robert Andrew Luker
Fred Mauritz
Kenneth McCalla
Joseph Carroll McConnell
Charles Melford McFarland
Harry Lee McKee
George Clarence Moffett
Helen Moore
George Carroll Morris
Harlee Morrison
Robert Emmett Morse
George Mayo Newton
Carl Edmund Nicholson
Joseph J. Olsen
Jackson Perry Padgett
Gaston Palmer
John Bicknell Patterson
Stanford Samuel Payne
Alfred P.C. Petsch
Walter Elmer Pope
Benjamin Edmund Quinn
Robert Lee Reader
Jasper Newton Reed
William Otey Reed
Arthur Columbus Riddle
James Thomas Roach
Jesse Elbert Roach
George Grant Roane
Alfred Weldon Roark
Morris Roberts
Bird Louis Rogers
Traylor Russell
Charles Dominic Rutta
Amos Percy Scarborough
John Doyle Settle
William Algee Shofner
Lonnie Hodges Smith
J. Franklin Spears
Halmond Kinsland Stanfield
Coke Robert Stevenson
Hugh Birt Steward
Jefferson Davis Stinson
Hezekiah Richard Stovall
Arthur Bosworth Tarwater
Charles Higgens Tennyson
Eli Henry Thornton
Edwin Tillery
Oscar Cleveland Venable
James H. Waggoner
Albert Green Walker
Joe Kelton Wells
Leonard D. Westfall
Franklin Andrew Wood
Robert Hugo Wood
Eugene Worley
James Davis Young
Joseph William Youngblood

Other parties in the House of Representatives [1 of 148 = 1%]


Democrats in the Senate [31 of 31 = 100%]

Districts represented by more than one person
H District 3 E. Harold Beck Democrat 01/08/1935 - 03/25/1936  
H District 3 George Henry Harper Democrat 09/28/1936 - 01/12/1937   Not included in the statistics above.
H District 41 William Walker Fitzwater Democrat 01/08/1935 - 12/05/1935  
H District 41 Albert Sidney Broadfoot Democrat 09/28/1936 - 01/12/1937   Not included in the statistics above.
H District 50-3 Sarah Tilghman Hughes Democrat 01/08/1935 - 02/11/1935  
H District 50-3 Sam C. Hanna Democrat 03/19/1935 - 01/12/1937   Not included in the statistics above.
H District 89-2 William Edwin Clayton Democrat 01/08/1935 - 11/14/1935  
H District 89-2 William Wade Bridgers Democrat 09/29/1936 - 01/12/1937   Not included in the statistics above.
H District 92 Harvey Oscar Jones Democrat 01/08/1935 - 07/14/1935  
H District 92 Horace Bishop Sessions Democrat 10/04/1935 - 01/12/1937   Not included in the statistics above.
S District 1 John W.E.H. Beck Democrat 01/10/1933 - 03/24/1936  
S District 1 E. Harold Beck Democrat 09/28/1936 - 01/12/1937   Not included in the statistics above.
S District 10 Wallace Hughston Democrat 01/08/1935 - 03/20/1935  
S District 10 Claude M. Isbell Democrat 04/18/1935 - 01/10/1939   Not included in the statistics above.
S District 19 Welly Kennon Hopkins Democrat 01/08/1935 - 11/15/1935  
S District 19 Rudolph Adolph Weinert Democrat 09/28/1936 - 01/10/1939   Not included in the statistics above.
S District 30 Arthur Pope Duggan Democrat 01/10/1933 - 09/06/1935  
S District 30 G. Hobert Nelson Democrat 10/02/1935 - 01/12/1937   Not included in the statistics above.

Members not listed above
H District 72 Augustine Celaya Democrat 01/16/1935 - 01/12/1937   Not included in the statistics above.
H District 29 Andrew Todd McKinney, Jr. Democrat 01/30/1935 - 01/12/1937   Not included in the statistics above.